A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XII).
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Wil(l, Wyl(l, n. Also: wil(l)e, vil(l, uill, wylle, vyl(l, woll. [ME and e.m.E. wil(le (both c1175), wylle (a1250), will (Cursor M.), wyl (Manning), wyll (c1420), OE willa, wil(l, MDu. wille, ON vili, vil.]
1. a. The will as a human faculty, directed towards choice or determination of ends or outcomes; a person's disposition, inclination or drive towards the achievement of his ends. Freq. in contrast with wit or resoun. Also personified.a. 1375 Barb. iv 732.
Quhethir-sa men inclynyt be To vertu or to mawyte He may rycht weill refreynȝe his will [C. vill] Othir throw nurtur or throw skill c1420 Ratis R. 1684.
The sevynt eild … has appeyt and wyll As fallis wantone childyr tyll c1420 Wynt. i Prol. 12.
Story for to wryte … To rays hartis in plesance, And the heraris tyll excyte Be wyt, or wyll, tyll thaire delyte c1409-1436 Kingis Q. § 45.
My hert, my will, my nature, and my mynd, Was changit 1456 Hay I 19/31, 32, 33.
He schewe in Him twa willis, quhen He said Thy will be done, that is to say the will of the Fader that is in me salbe maister and nocht the will of the humanitee that is in me c1460 Consail Vys Man 166.
Set thi wyt thi will to dant a1500 Seven S. 1909.
Scho … welcummit him with hert & will c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 321.
Bot ay my will wes the war of womanly natur: The mair he loutit for my luf the les of him I rakit 1535 Stewart 17468.
Lat nocht ȝour will no moir exceid ȝour wit a1538 Abell 122a.
Ane man desiris ane thing … Lu thare is arbitratioun or wil. Bot he will nocht tak that fra his nychtbur for it wer aganis God and his conscience. Than his will is fre … Tharfore to the man … is imput merit gife he dois gude [etc.] … of his fre will c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus iii 327.
Not pretendant to argune throw ȝour will Bot to ressoun that ȝour sermone resound a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 140/17.
They … var nocht ane in substance, bot be concord of mynd and vyll a1568 Scott xxx 9.
Ȝowth and will ar so consors Withowt that wisdome mak devors Thay rin lyk wyld vndantit hors c1600 Montg. Suppl. viii 4.
The hairt consultis with the thocht So thocht and mynd consultis inwart To will, and quhen that thay haue wrocht Directis the handis [etc.] c1616 Hume Orthog. 10 (see Wyle n. 2 a).personified a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 459.
Ire is thair gid … Will is thair law, inwy thai mak schirray c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 175.
Will, Wantonnes, Renoun
b. A particular sort of disposition or inclination, chiefly with a qualifying adjective expressing a personal quality or feature of a person's nature or an attitude exhibited on a particular occasion. Also applied to the attitudes or point of view of a group of people. Also pl. and proverb. See also Gud(e) will n. and Ill-will n.1375 Barb. xi 259, 260.
He … thoucht that men of sa gret will Giff thai wald set thar will thar-till Suld be full hard to wyn 1375 Barb. xvii 857.
Mar inclynyt he To the folk of the south countre Na to the northyn mennys will a1400 Leg. S. xxiv 472.
Quhene ony mys did thé til, Thu tholyt with debonare wil 14.. Acts I 29/2.
Gif the ayr be absent for ivil wyl or malyce 1456 Hay I 199/23.
A monk has na self will, bot anerly the will of his abbot a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 100.
Schir Kay wes haisty and hate, and of ane hie will a1500 Henr. Fab. 2830 (Bann.).
A frawart will, a thrawin phisnomy a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 399.
With better will thairfoir they tuik hir in c1475 Wall. v 34.
Schyr Jhon Butler … With thre hundre quhilk war of hardy will 1562-3 Winȝet II 63/15, 16.
To hef maid … the natuir of men of sik sort quha … be impulsioun of a certane wil led be necessitie may do na wther thing may wil na wthir thing bot sin, be ressoun that this wil cariit about and inflammit with a certane furious raige [etc.] 1571–2 Reg. Privy C. II 121.
Thair indurit and disperat evill will 1629 Justiciary Cases I 97.
The said Issobell Ȝoung … haifing consauet ane evill will aganis George Sandieproverb. a1598 Ferg. Prov. MS No. 443.
Good wil should be taken in pairt of paymentpl. 1513 Doug. ix xi 28.
Thai war … sa egyr of thar willis At thai the port quhilk … Was commandyt to kepe stekit … Has warpyt oppyn … Sa gret confidens in thar fors had thai 1581 Sat. P. xliv 356.
Quhom ȝe blasphemit hail, vith villis bent 1596 Dalr. II 391/30.
That tha suld signifie to the Scotis how weil inclynet war the Dolphine and his father to the quene [etc.] … Quhilkes wilis of the Scotis towards thame and thair kingis vttirlie to be sincere but fraud or gyle tha knew perfytlie
c. Fre (liberale) will, free will, freedom, the ability to choose freely, freq. of (at, etc.) one's (awyn) fre will, without compulsion, willingly.1375 Barb. i 247.
He that thryll is … has he nocht sa mekill fre As fre wyll to leyve or do That at hys hart hym drawis to 1420 Reg. Episc. Morav. 475.
Resyngnande of his awyn fre wil purly and symply 1456 Hay I 75/6.
To prove a … caus … be gage of armes in clos bataill of a mannis free will 1456 Hay I 103/24.
We suld nocht force na constrenȝe na mistrowaris Sarraȝenis … to trowe in oure faith … bot … lat thame be in thair free will and mak thame exhortaciounis [etc.] 1456 Hay II 111/8.
That … God has nathing maid … bot … resoun and liberale will of the makare 1477 Stewart Mem. 74.
It sal be leuefull to the said Neill to dispone apon his sonis mariage at his awin fre will 1496 Acta Conc. II 40.
Scho sall haf … fre will and lyberte to pas to the consistory 1499 Glasgow Dioc. Reg. II 18.
Of his fre vill and mynd, and hiris 1515 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 34.
Peter Portuus of his fre woll offerit to … paye … all that he is awand a1538 Abell 122a (see c below). 1537 Lynd. Depl. Magd. 9.
Adam! Allace that thow abusit Thy fre wyll, being inobedient 1581 Burne Disput. 2.
The frie vil being cooperant to the Halie Spreit, obeyis Goddis commandementis 1582 Donaldson Cramondiana 57.
Walter Innes, … of his awin frie moteiff will becam in the will of Patrick Lesly
2. What a person wants, (one's) desire, wish or inclination in some regard, freq. contrasted with intellect (Wit n.) or reason and viewed as a base or unworthy impulse out of rational control. Freq. distinguishable from senses 3 or 5 in that the achievement of the desired outcome is outside the control of the experiences of the desire. Also pl.Some examples may belong in 3 below.1375 Barb. i 213.
Gyff that ony man … Had ony thing … That war plesand to thar liking, … it have wald thai … For thai dempt thaim efter thar will Takand na kep to rycht na skill 1375 Barb. xix 91.
Graunt me … that ȝe off all my land … Wald giff me leve to do my will a1400 Leg. S. i 686.
It is myn [sc. St. Peter's] will On the croice to be festnyt swa a1400 Leg. S. xii 163.
Pylat tald to Judas How his ȝarning hale set was Of thai fare happlis … & bot he of thame mycht get Hyme worthyt de—syk wes his wil a1400 Leg. S. xxxvi 479.
Quhare-fore he wes put to dede, Nocht of resone, bot of wil A wyfis ȝarnyng til fulfil c1420 Wynt. iii 172.
To this than assentyde thai And bade that he suld say thaim tyll Quhat ewyr war lykand tyll his wylle a1500 Henr. Fab. 579.
I wes vnwyse that winkit at thy will, Quhairthrow almaist I loissit had my heid c1475 Wall. xi 477.
‘Be thi desyr resonable I sall it grant … ' The Butler said … 'ȝeild thé to me.' Than Wallace said; ‘Thi will wnskillfull is; Thow wald I did quhilk is our hye a mys’ a1500 Seven S. 612.
Salf the child ellis do ȝour will 1490 Irland Mir. I 7/14.
That the powere is nocht gevin to thame [sc. rulers] to gouerne the Cristin pepil eftir thar will and plesaunce a1500 K. Hart 445.
‘Quhat folk ar ȝe thairout?' ‘My name is Age’ … 'Quhat war ȝour will?' ‘I will cum in, but dout’ c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 336.
Ȝit tuk I nevir the wosp clene out of my wyde throte Quhill I oucht wantit of my will or quhat I wald desir 1563 St. A. Kirk S. 185.
Ordenis … hyr father to compeir … to schaw his wyl in the sayd cawspl. 1513 Doug. v Prol. 38.
Virgile … altyrris hys style sa mony way … To satyfy ilk wightis fantasy; Lyke as he … the willys of euery wight dyd feill 1653 Inverness Rec. II 207.
The said Donald uttered that … they wold tuggle him, which unbeseiming carriage I desyrit micht be forborne by theis men and suffer the course of justice to have place rather than thair pernitious wills
b. The outcome of desire or longing, the thing desired or chosen; pleasure, satisfaction or some gain supplying these. Freq. to have, get one's will, also to have na will of. Also pl.c1420 Ratis R. 713.
With wyll and ȝouthed duellis hee, Quhill eild and dises cumyne bee. Than ar thai all had in disspyt That ere ware maisteris of delyt c1420 Wynt. viii 1040.
He hyr grawntyd hyr askyng … Scho … gat hyr wyll and hyr yharnyng 1460 Hay Alex. 1366.
Thai com out … Thinkand for till oureryde the first battall And of the laif to tak baith will and wale 1560 Rolland Seven S. 9157.
Sa nichtlie quhen Lodwik takis delite, He hes his will of that fair ladie quhite 1565 St. A. Kirk S. 235.
Sua fearing the … thretinyng of his father, rather compellit nor myndit wyth his hart to perform, he consentit, albeid the sayd Joanna apperit to hym to have als lytell wyll of hym as he had of hyr 1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 127.
Gif this first apprehension of Christ like us weill … we begin to cast the affection of our hearts on Him, we have good will of Him; for all our affection proceeds fra our will … But gif sa be that we have na will of Him, that we have na love nor liking of Him … Then we reject Him 1591 Crim. Trials I ii 250.
Skilfull wemene … that will owthir caus your husband love yow, or ellis gett your will of him c1610 Jok Uplandis Newis 6a.
Quhat is your will with me? c1624 Wodrow's Life of Bruce 9.
I liked better to go to St. Andrews, for I had no will of the court 1626 Sel. Biog. I 353.
I have na will of strangers 1638 J. Row Sermon 3 (see Dichells n. pl.). a1681 Cargill Lecture and Sermon 15 (see Out adv. 20).pl. 1560 Rolland Seven S. 1280.
Fra time he saw his willis he culd not get At his plesure, he maid him me deforce Contrair my will
3. Intention, purpose, freq. of an action about to be undertaken, or already underway (though not necessarily successfully), by someone in a position to carry it out, or of an action already performed.Some examples may belong in 2 above.1375 Barb. iii 134.
Hyme that behynd him [sc. Bruce] was All magre his will him [sc. Bruce] gan he ras [etc.] a1400 Leg. S. ii 905.
That nothir stekis fra Godis mercy Of the fel syne the quantite Na ȝet the gret ennormyte [etc.] … Ellis that till Our Saweour The will of the man k[n]awyn be a1400 Leg. S. xviii 21.
Sa that to the Saweoure Be knawyne the changinge of vil ?1438 Alex. ii 2298.
I me repent That I sa largely myne intent Hes said bot he that luffis weill … His will he may nocht hele c1420 Ratis R. 73.
Thai thre termes ar ay present Intyll His rychtwys jugment And haffis caus wil & qualite Of thai tymis sa demys He c1420 Wynt. v 5277.
Goddys will Wes nevyr to mak hys werkys ill c1450-2 Howlat 874 (A).
It nedis nocht … to renewe oucht Of ȝour entent … I wait ȝour will, & quhat way ȝe wald that I wrocht 1456 Hay I 134/30 (see Willfullnes n.). c1460 Consail Vys Man 294.
Fra al desyr of vrangvys wynne For as belangand payne and meid The wyll is reput for the deid a1585 Maitl. Q. 281/47.
My will is guid my lerning is bot small 1580-92 James VI Lusus Reg. 4.
O Volumna, prent a uill into thaire couplit hairtis; Quhiche may retaine that union ay 1638 Johnston Diary I 339.
I praysed God … that he had keiped me in this toune by my wil
b. Last will, a person's declaration or testament as to the disposal, upon his death, of his property. Also a further example of Latter-will n., q.v.(1) 14.. Reg. Maj. c. 63.
A woman alsua … may mak testament … alsua in hyr last wil of the gudis of hir husband scho may dispon 1622-6 Bisset II 86/6.
Be the law of this realme … ane mannis last will and desyre suld be frank and frie anent the dispositioun of his guidis(2) 1545 Old Dundee II 67.
Conform to her latter will
c. With greater force, expressing determination, courage or ferocity. d. With a will, with one will, of a single determination or purpose. e. In(to), of, will to do (something), determined, fully intending to do (it).c. 1375 Barb. ix 70.
Thai a lord had thaim to leid That dar put him in awentur … for quhen that he Off sic will [is] & sic bounte … His folk sall tak ensample ?1438 Alex. ii 8894.
He lansit furth with hart and will … And thocht his vow for to fulfill … And hynt the king richt by the hand c1420 Wynt. i Prol. 26.
To wryte as Dares … Wrate of the Trojanys … Allsua set I myne intent, My wit, my wyll, and myne talent a1500 Henr. Fab. 2180.
He … hit him with sic will vpon the heid Quhill neir he swonit 1568 Lyndesay Pref. (STS) 401.
Sa cruell and feirs aduersaries, of equall will, rage, and furie, indifferentlie aganis alld. 1375 Barb. iii 112.
Thai abaid till that he was Entryt in ane narow place … That he mycht nocht weill turn his sted Then with a will till him thai ȝede 1513 Doug. iii i 112.
Thai war al of a will and a desyr To pas furth of … Tracee. 1375 Barb. xi 238.
The erle off Murreff … come … In-to … gret will for to manteym thar mycht a1400 Leg. S. xxxiv 8.
Of his mysdide hafand hert sare, In wil to mysdo nomare ?1438 Alex. i 1485.
In grete will vengeance for to tak, Ane schot on Pirrus can he mak ?1438 Alex. i 1899.
Thai that war in will to do His will 1513 Doug. ii ii 91.
The Grekis oft in purpos war and will To fle from Troy 1513 Doug. ix xii 27.
Pandarus than hym self furth schew That wonder fervent in hys furour grew; Hys broderis slauchter to revenge in will
4. Variously const. in senses 2 and 3 above. a. To be, have, etc. (one's, na, etc.) will to do (something), that (something should be done).(1) 1375 Barb. i 11.
I wald fayne set my will Giff my wyt mycht suffice thartill To put in wryt a suthfast story 1375 Barb. vii 171.
He had to slep sa mekill will That [etc.] 1375 Barb. xi 629.
Thai … set bath will & strenth & mycht To rusch thar fayis 1375 Barb. xv 17.
Our men … haf will To do mar than thai may fulfill 1375 Barb. xv 79.
I trow that he Sall haf na gud will for to fycht a1400 Leg. S. xxxviii 253.
My wil wes neuir … To do sa as thu has thocht c1400 Troy-bk. i 47.
For hys entent is and hys will In pece to kepe hys kynryk still c1420 Wynt. ii 729.
It wes thare wylle … that ile … be conquest to thame wyn c1420 Wynt. v 4845.
Off it scho had na nede … Noucht for-thi it wes hyr wille, The lauch at all poynt to fulfille a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 57.
Sen thy will is to wend, wy, now in weir [etc.] a1500 Henr. Fab. 240.
This burges mous had littill will to sing 1560 Rolland Seven S. 4576.
I haue na will for to be lattin blude 1584 Sempill in Sat. P. xlv 771.
Downe … To Lambeth … Vpon his feit but not be ferrie … He had no will to fie a bote 1647 S. Leith Rec. 79/1.
His lordship said he had no will to have a seat in any place … that wold give any discontent to the neighbours(2) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 178 (D).
The goddes wote my wyll That [etc.] c1552 Lynd. Mon. 5238.
Tharefor, my wyll is that [etc.] 1584 Sempill in Sat. P. xlv 351.
Lowrie lowsit them long or day, And had no will they were corrected 1600 Facs. Nat. MSS III lxxvi.
I haw na vill that … my brother … knaw ony thing of the matter
b. Of (one's) will, in ful gud vyl, willingly. Also (to be) of will to do (something), (to be) willing, keen, eager.(1) a1400 Leg. S. iii 685.
His clathis … To the tormentoris of will He gafe thame a1400 Leg. S. v 281.
Thai went furth in ful gud vyl, And al his bydynge can fulfill a1400 Leg. S. xxviii 183.
Of his wil set ded he tuk, To wyne ws a1500 Rauf C. 541.
For that I hecht of my will, And na man threit me thair till, That I am haldin to fulfill And sall do quhill I may(2) c1420 Wynt. v 1898.
Wemen in sic perylle … Offtsys … Hechtys … mare, Than efft to qwyt off wyll thai are 1487 Acts II 176/1.
[Justices to be created] that is of will … to execut justice
c. Agayne, but, contrar, etc. a person's will, against someone's will, without a person's agreement or support. Also with one's will, with one's consent.(1) 1375 Barb. xiii 298.
Schir Aymer … led away the king Agayne his will a1400 Leg. S. xi 349.
He agane hir will Hyre difforsit 1392 Lennox Mun. 48.
But the wyl and the lewe of the forsayde eryll c1460 Thewis Gud Women 201.
Men bindis oft folk agane thar will … Quhilk war nocht fors thai wald nocht dod 1460–70 Innes Sketches 506.
In contrary owr predecessoris wyllis c1475 Wall. vi 595.
The Sotheron folk … Horssit thair king and off the feild couth ride Agaynis his will, for he was laith to fle 1513 Doug. xiii viii 23.
Quhen … weit or rayn … Haldis the husbandis ydill aganys thar will 1562 Digest Justiciary Proc. D 41.
That he … wald speik the Queine outher with hir will or againes hir will 1562-3 Winȝet I 114/25.
Dispositioun of the saidis guidis to hef bene contrare ȝour will 1581 Bk. Univ. Kirk II 492.
That na persoun be intrusit in ony of the offices of the kirk, contrarie the will of the congregatioun a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 904 (L).
Incist nocht, we wyst nocht, We want aganis oure will a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xx 30.
Had I offendit oght Or wroght aganst thair will [etc.](b) 1511 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 13.
The said hors … wrangusly tane fra thaim and … halding againes thair woll(2) ?1438 Alex. ii 1367.
Sic ane thing That neuer sall failȝe with my will
d. Genitive singular willis, in adverbial use: Gif (and, as, sen, quhair, quhat, etc.) ȝour etc., also God's willis is (be, were, wald, etc.), if (as, since, etc.) it is your, God's, etc. will, if it pleases you, etc., also efter ȝour willis, according to your will, as you pleased.(1) 1375 Barb. i 618.
Giff that ȝour willis wer Ic ask ȝow respyt for to se This letter … Till to-morn 1375 Barb. xiii 519.
On the morn … The king rais as his willis [C. wille] was 1375 Barb. xix 158.
Schir, … sen ȝour willis is [etc.] ?1438 Alex. i 440.
Gud shir, gif it ȝour willis be, [etc.] ?1438 Alex. i 584.
God sawe thé, gif His willis be c1420 Wynt. iii 88.
He askyt drynk off wattyr … To gyff hym, gyve hyr wyllis were c1420 Wynt. iii 346 (C).
Sa fast than mycht he haldyn be At mycht at his fais willis [R. lykyng] be c1450-2 Howlat 312 (B).
Ȝe sall here in schort space Quhat worthy lordis thair was, Giff ȝour willis ware 1460 Hay Alex. 1910.
Alexander … was nocht hurt Bot that his scheild was taistit … For the intentioun was of Nicolas And he haid hit him quhair his willis was a1500 Rauf C. 502.
I wait not quhat his willis be a1500 K. Hart 644.
All thing ȝe haue wrocht With help of Wisdome and his willis wald I sall reforme ȝow it blythlie(2) ?1438 Alex. ii 3644.
Had I wrocht efter ȝour willis And done ȝour counsall
5. What a person in authority determines, ordains or commands, an ordinance, decision, judgment or command; also, to do (obey) a person's will; also, the will of God, etc. (once, the goddis). b. In legal documents or authoritative statements. Also transf., used as a description of the clause of the document containing the word will. c. What a person can command, his authority, power or might.(1) 1375 Barb. xii 170.
Syne on this wys he said his will ‘Lordingis [etc.] … Fecht we sall' ?14.. Ship Laws c. 21 (B).
He aw to do it in gude kepyng qwhil he wyt the wyl of his maystyrys 1442 Raine N. Durham App. 21.
Quharefor straitly we forbide that [etc.] … vnder al payne & charge may effter folow thir our [sc. James II] lettres for owr wil til endure 1460 Hay Alex. 2939.
King Dare is rychteous lord of Tyre … but his will and his consent To ȝeld the toun the duke is nocht content 1494 Loutfut MS 4b.
The counstable … sal tak bath the parteis & led thaim befor the iuge and the said iuge til say his wil to thaim 1589 Warrender P. (SHS) II 111.
[He [sc. the king] has made a declaration of his] will and mynd [for the government of the country] 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 158b.
He … sall be imprisoned vntill the King declare his will anent him(2) 1375 Barb. iv 392.
That durst nane warne to do his will a1400 Leg. S. xxvii 688.
Sewine mene thane he taucht hyme til, To serwe hyme & to do his wyl a1500 Seven S. 1244.
Scho … said schir I sall do ȝour will Bot God I tak witnes me till That I had lever be far de … Bot I sall followe neuertheless Ȝour will with alkyn sobirnes a1500 Bk. Chess 579.
And so on fors this princis will was done c1500 Makc. MS vii 4.
Done be Thi wil in erd as in hewyne ay 15.. Clar. ii 934.
Ȝour willis I sall obey everilk deill(3) a1500 Colk. Sow ii 33.
Throuch the will of God so as it was Thay war weseit with suddane soir seiknes 1490 Irland Mir. I 7/7.
The will and ordinaunce of the hevinly King Jhesu 1490 Irland Mir. I 7/27 (see 6 (3) below). 1494 Acta Conc. I 372/2.
His wiff wes liand in cheld bed lare abidand the will of God 1549 Compl. 83/4.
The vil of God hes permittit … that sic propheseis cum til affect 1571 Ferg. Serm. iii Malachi Sig. C ii.
For my part I wald ȝe had angelis to ȝour ministeris gif … it wer the will of God; bot seing that God willis not so [etc.] 1595 Brechin Test. I 131b.
Abyding the will and mercie of Father Sone & Halie Gaist —1566-70 Buch. Comm. on Virgil Æn. vi 669.
Vates, deorum interpres (declarer of the will of the goddis)b. 1417 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 215.
Robert Duyc of Albany … to the schirefs of Aberden and of Banf … our will is 1448 Reg. Episc. Brechin. I 114.
Our will is that … ȝe inquyr tharupoun with … diligence 1490 Paisley B. Rec. 40.
We charg you that ye … declare … to all our liegis that it is our will [etc.] 1514 Misc. Spald. C. IV 19.
It is our will … that [etc.]transf. 1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. (1694) iv i 236.
The king in his summons says, Our will is, &c. that [etc.] … which is called the will of the summons, and which will of the summons does comprehend a command to the messengers to cite the defendersc. a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 288.
The wy that wendis for to were quhen he wenys best All his will in this warld with welthis, I wys, Yit sall be licht as leif of the lynd … Your mycht and your maieste mesure but mys
6. Variously const. in sense 5 above. a. At, to, eftir (the) will (of a person in authority, once, his pleasure), under the control, at the command or according to the judgment (of a person, etc.). Also pl.a. (1) 1375 Barb. iii 746.
Thai … Become his men … And has him trewly wndertane That thai … Suld be in all thing at his will 1375 Barb. xiii 364.
The castell schyr is at ȝour will a1400 Leg. S. iii 1029.
Lady, sene ȝe Of sle spekine has sutelte, With wisdome thare-to at ȝore wil [etc.] 1400 Yester Wr. 41.
I obliste me … in fourty pvnd … to be vpleftyt at the wil of any man … that happynys to duele with the said land c1420 Ratis R. 1597.
Al thing changis at the wyll … Of mekile God 1425–6 Acts II 11/1.
Gif ony man attemptis in the contrary of this, his gudis salbe eschete to the king ande his body at the kingis will 1451 Acts II 40/1.
That na Inglis penny haf cours bot at the wil of the ressauour 1456 Hay I 61/17.
Schir Pompee … fled nocht … for he … had folk ynewe at will 1473 Reg. Cupar A. I 191.
Our landis of Morton … ar set to Thome Sowtar … and his thre sonys … tha standand at the wil and ordynans of thar fadir in disponyng … of the tak to thame c1475 Wall. vi 901.
I had leuir at myn awn will haiff thé With out cundyt that I mycht wrokyne be 1497 Acta Conc. II 82.
The panys … to be mitigat be the kingis hienes and at his will and emplesure 1500 Acta Conc. II 446.
Referris him … til the Kingis grace and at the wil of his emplesore 1545–6 Prot. Bk. Sir Wm. Corbet 6.
A hundreth merkis to be weill payit all at anys … and all the laiff to rest at wyll a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 131/10.
The body of our Lord … in the sacrament, … invisible and insensible at the vill of the Lord c1575 Balfour Pract. 592.
It sall be at the will and discretioun of the judge(b) 1487 Fraser P. 106.
Quhilk mariage he sale fulfile … at the wile of the said Archibaldpl. a1500 Henr. Fab. 42.
Of this poete, my maisteris, … I wald preif To mak ane maner of translatioun … Correct it at ȝour willis gratious(2) a1400 Leg. S. xix 444.
Sene he mycht nocht be mycht Oure-cum Christofore … be slycht He thocht thane that he wald Til his wil gere hyme fald c1420 Wynt. ii 711.
That yle thai … sawe thai mycht, … Wyn it hally to thare wylle c1460 Consail Vys Man 114.
Euir conforme thé to his vyll 1526 Reg. Privy S. I 532/2.
Reservand his fee and leveray claithis to our soverane lordis will 1533 Gau 91/4.
Keip vs fra … inobedience to Thy wil c1540 Aberd. B. Rec. MS XVI (Jam. s.v. Gofe n.).
Hir crag selbe put in the gowffis wnto the townis will 1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 141.
I remit me altogidder to ȝour will(3) 1490 Irland Mir. I 7/25.
To submyt ȝou humylly to Jhesu … that eftir His will and plesaunce ȝe gouerne ȝou … for and ȝe be neclegent, nocht knawand His will nore his law and doctrine [etc.] c1508 Ch. & M. Prints vi b 40.
Be it to me eftir thy word and will 1529 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 279.
Eftir the wil, mynd, entent and special command of the saidis Johne and Jonet his spous 1533 Gau 22/19.
We suld dant the body onder the spreit that it sal noth lewe as it desiris bot efter the wil of God
b. (En)during, (als lang as, etc.), for an authority's will, while, for a period of time during which a judgment or authoritative decision of some sort is in effect.(1) 1464–5 Acts XII 31/1.
Thai … sall … entire the kingis ward … and thare abide enduring the kingis will 1510–11 Reg. Privy S. I 337/2.
To endure als lang as he haldis the comptrollary … and forther the kingis willpl. 1523–4 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 217.
The provest [etc.] … banissis hir this towne induring thair willis 1599 Murray Lyon Hist. Lodge Edinb. 26.
Ordanis na maister … to gaif the said Alexander … wark within this said burcht during thair haill willis(2) 1498 Reg. Privy S. I 26/1.
Licence … to endur for the kingis will and quhill he … revok the sammyn 1508 Reg. Privy S. I 266/1.
He … to bruke the samyn for the kingis will
c. At(one's (awin)) will, under one's own authority or control, at one's command; as one pleases; freely, without hindrance. Also transf., of wind, etc., favourable.(1) 1375 Barb. v 314.
The folk … Assemblyt … As folk that had na dreid off ill For thai thocht all was at thar will 1388 Douglas Chart. 33.
S[ch]o sal haf fre issov and leif to pas at his wil ?1438 Alex. ii 1377.
And gif that sho on ony wyse With-haldis me of hir franchis Than haue I lemman at my will [F. J'aurai adont amie et amourz a mon chois] And lufe I will baith loud and still c1420 Wynt. v 157.
Swa at hyr wyll Datys scho pullyd and ete hyr fyll 1456 Hay I 120/25.
Fra a man be tane in bataille, he is bonde … that man that takis him may do with him at his will c1475 Wall. ii 15.
Bathe meite and drynk at his wille he had thar 1490 Lennox Mun. 136.
Sa that scho may frely occupy … the sade … lande at hir wyll and plaseyr 1491 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 328.
To dispone apone the said bell and the profites tharof at his awin vil 1513 Doug. i ii 14.
Eolus … Temperis thar ire les thai suld at thar will Beir with thar byr the skyis [etc.](2) c1420 Wynt. iv 489.
Wyne and flesche thai had at wylle 1456 Hay I 147/18 (see Wale n. 1 b (2)). a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 253.
Thai … Micht nocht warne thame at wil to ische nor entre a1500 Henr. Fab. 2111.
Thow art ane berne full bald, And wyse at will c1475 Wall. vi 54.
He at will may lap hyr in his armystransf. c1420 Wynt. ii 714.
Thai tuk wpe sayle and passyd in hy Wytht wynd at wyll to Brygancy 1535 Stewart 584.
The wynd wes fair, the wedder wes at will
d. Of (be) a person's will, by, due to his command, or authority.a1400 Leg. S. xxi 641.
Clement … wald nocht … consent … That Jhesu Cristis patronag Succed suld be harytage, Na ony pape suld of his wil Mak ony man succed hyme til c1405 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 59.
My men be my wille & assent has byrnde the toun of Berwike 1598 Edinb. B. Rec. in Hist. Fam. Seton 966.
Upon report made to them … of his majesty's will … they … ordained that [etc.] 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 130.
Arbitrare crimes … are punished be the Kings will and mercie
7. a. To be, cum, etc. in(to) (another's, esp. an authority's) will, to be, etc. under (his or its) authority, at (his) command, or subject to (his) control; to submit to (an authority), chiefly of a criminal or fugitive from justice.(1) 1375 Barb. iv 173.
Thai … thaim ȝauld To be in-till the kingis will a1400 Leg. S. xi 199.
Fra … Ind sal cum to thé Messyngeris, & put tham in thi will 14.. Burgh Laws c. 37 (B).
Al the gudis of hym sal be in the wyl of the kyng 1451 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 13.
Henryk Rafe is adiugeit be dome in the townis will xx li. for wrangous vsing the fredome as is fundin be ane assyse c1475 Wall. vi 352.
To charge Wallace that he sulde cum him till … and put him in his will 1532 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 122.
This inquest deliveris that George Michelhyll is in ane amerchiament and in wyll of our alderman and bailȝes vyll … quhat thai vyll do with hyme c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus iv 325, 326, 327.
This man suld be put to the ordinance Of me and in my will the syse him maid And fra my will he may na way ewaid And throw my will he man stand to his chance The iuge grantit 1554 Crim. Trials I i 368.
Andro Layng … in ane court of justiciare … become in will to oure souerane lady and hir justice 1566-70 Buch. Comm. on Virgil Æn. vi 502.
Cui tantum de te licuit, quha had ye sa far in his will 1600 Sc. Hist. Rev. XXXVI 20.
[Alexander … snatching the dagger … presented it to the King's breast declaring that the King] behooved to be in his will, and used as he list 1627 Justiciary Cases I 66.
Conforme to his judiciall confessioun and becuming in his maiesteis will as culpable thairof a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 292.
If the partie accused … come in the king's will and mercie [etc.] 1653 Argyll Rentals II 27 May.
Fra McNachtan ane take of Borgadill-beg, and he came in his will for ane hundreth merkis of entares(2) a1400 Leg. S. xliii 476.
Almacius thane wes besy To get the gudis … Of … Valaryane … For-thi hir gert he bryng hyme til, To grype the gudis in-to wil 1473 Prestwick B. Rec. 22.
Willi Jurdane come in will for the distrubillans of the toun 1503 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 127.
Will Lambert in vill for strublin of Duncan Dovne and put him in vill tharof a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 330.
Pas to my commissare, and be confest, Cour before him on kneis, and cum in will 1531 Bell. Boece II 310.
He commandit ane gard to wait on this Angus sa lang, quhill he come in will 1533 Boece 626a.
Duke Robert pursuit the said Donald so sharply that he come in wyl 1548 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 142.
Patrick Loch become in will for his falt 1548–9 Treas. Acc. IX 287.
New letteris of hornyng upoun thame that become in willis in the justice courttis 1557–8 Ayr B. Acc. 129.
Johne Blaris gild unlaw cuming in wil, [11 s.] 1566 Reg. Privy S. V ii 96/1.
Robert Leirmonth … fugitive fra the law, becum in will, or at the horne 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 215.
Some are come in will, whilk will is declaired to be this—to renunce the kingis auctoritie 1652 Peebles B. Rec. II 4.
John Hoipe … comes in will for ryot 1690 Lanark B. Rec. 237.
All quhich Nathaneell acknowledged and came in will
b. To have in one's own will, to have under one's own control or subject to one's own decision.1496–7 Acta Conc. II 69.
He had in his chose and will to pay the soume … at … Candilmes or than til pay [etc.]
c. A fine or charge levied as a result of a person's being in will (see a above) for a crime or misdemeanour. Also const. of the levying authority. Chiefly pl.pl. 1508–9 Reg. Privy S. I 275/2.
Forsamekle as he [etc.] … war adjugit in the last justice-ayre … in soumes of money, unlawis [etc.] … for his … service done to his hienes … he remittis … to him the remanent of al the soumes, unlawis, compositiouns, willis and fynance abone exprimyt 1540–1 Ayr B. Acc. 85.
[Receipts for 11] willis [and 8 unlaws] 1548 Treas. Acc. IX 264.
To David Spens, messinger, send to Glasgow witht the extract of the willis of the Justice Courttis 1548 Treas. Acc. IX 265.
To Mongo Stratherne, messinger, letteris direct to Lanark to help to gather in the willis and to him to ane compte 1548–9 Treas. Acc. IX 287.
To Mungo Stratherne … send to … Cliddisdaill to poind for the willis of the last Justice courttis 1548–9 Treas. Acc. IX 294.
To inbring certane willis restand awand be certaine personis quhilkis come in will for [etc.] 1549 Treas. Acc. IX 321.
To Petir Thomsoun, send to the west countre to gadder in the willis and uther dettis restis awand thair 1553–4 Edinb. B. Rec. II 190.
To the saidis Maister Johne William and Dauid thair cousingis awin and particulare willis and proffettissing. 1556–7 Ayr B. Acc. 126.
[Dean of Guild … Charge … 3 entries at 5 s., 15 s.] The will of twa gild unlawis, [£1, 2 s.] 1557 Edinb. Old Acc. I 232.
The said compter chargis him with the will quhairintill William Byrnie in Leyth wes adjugit for not entering of ane pakald, xxx li. 1566–7 Craven Ch. in Orkney II 55.
With the thrid of the vill of the said bischoprik, extending the yeir comptit to 1 last iiij brs. 3 pt. brs.
8. The Fates.1513 Doug. vii v 25.
Och, kynd of pepill haitfull and onworthy! For all the willis [L. fatis contraria nostris fata Phrygum] and the fatis Troiane Bene to our mynd and destaneis