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    From A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue
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    1. Philosophour n. Philosophour , n. Also: -sophur , -er ; -sephoure ; -suphur ; phylosophyre , -syphere the philosophour jugit him tobe subtile of engyne 1490 Irland Mir. II. 91/14. All clerkis than to bere corne 1540 Lynd. Sat. 2629. Diogenes That great famous philosophour and my philosophouris 1562-3 Winȝet II. 48/35. Quhat philosophour worschipit him [Origen . Philosophour naturall , a physicist. — 1456 Hay I. 67/21. The gretest clerkis philosophouris naturale that ever wais 1513 Doug. vi . Prol. 38. He writis lyke a philosophour naturall c/12, et passim . Here declaris the philosophour ane other poynt of medicyne 1483 Acta Aud philosophour sais that the cause of ane thing is of mair efficacite nor is the thyng that procedis fra the 
    2. Philosoph n. or OE. philosophe , L. philosophus , Gk. φιλόσοφος .] = Philosophour n. — 1494 Loutfut MS. 26 a. And the philosophe [ sc . Aristotle: cf. Philosophour n. c] sais Quha [etc 
    3. Escharmousch n. Compl. 14/30. Thy philosophour sau neuyr the iunyng of ane battel, vitht cruel escharmouschis in the 
    4. Fat v.. Here declaris the philosophour … quhat thingis fattis or lenys men maist Ib. 133/25. The 
    5. Philosophre n..] = Philosophour n. — a1561 Norvell Meroure 56 a. Slew he not when he was dronckin at his table 
    6. Juning vbl. n. vbl. n .). — 1549 Compl. 14/29, 35. Thy philosophour … sau neuyr the iunyng of ane battel; … he 
    7. Calde n., adj. a1500 Bk. Chess 95. A philosophour orientale, That with the Caldes is callit Perses 1552 Lynd 
    8. Scientive adj. philosophour Dois put in writ as scientiue doctour In goldin style and verie poeticall Id. Seven S 
    9. Findar n. sorcery a1500 Bk. Chess 93. The fyndar of this ches sport but faile Was a philosophour 
    10. Profoundly adv. (Asl.). Heirfor this posike profoundlie wnderstand 1549 Compl. 13/18. This philosophour 
    11. Oriental adj. 94. The fyndar of this chess sport … was a philosophour orientale a1538 Abell 107 b 
    12. Inquir v. hed of his philosophour 1562-3 Winȝet II. 20/7. To inquire and serce the sentences of our 
    13. Foly n. ony man [etc.] 1549 Compl. 14/3. Thy philosophour … maye be callit the mirrour of folye 
    14. Discord v. discorde In tyll oure date 1456 Hay II. 116/17. I fand never ȝit philosophour that discordit to 
    15. Faill n.1 but faile Was a philosophour orientale 1513 Doug. i . Prol. 118. Amang Latynys a gret 
    16. Engine n. … sle and dowtus off engyne 1456 Hay II. 150/31. The philosophour jugit him to be subtile of 
    17. Lufar n. vertu & dyspysare Of the warld a1500 Bk. Chess 98. Ane philosophour … [which] all was one to 
    18. Mirror n.. Thy philosophour … maye be callit the mirrour of folye 1560 Rolland Seven S. 4068 
    19. As adv., conj. … as is thy philosophour a1605 Birrel Diary 42. He being as abill a lyke man as wes living 
    20. Theolog n. sentencyus And maste profound philosophour 1490 Irland Mir. III 106/12. For Dauid Salamon and 
    21. Serpent n.. 275/3. A philosophour comperith thaim vnto ane serpent hyd vnder flouris a1578 Pitsc. II 94 
    22. Sport n.1 Bk. Chess 93. The fyndar of this chesis sport … Was a philosophour orientale a1500 Bk 
    23. Solitar adj. philosophour quhilk hes been neurest al his dais in ane solitar achademya of Greice 1549 Compl. 15/30 
    24. Juge v. philosophour jugit him to be subtile of engyne 1562-3 Winȝet I. 16/6. Quhow can ȝe … iuge ȝoure 
    25. Caus n.. 149/30. The philosophour sais that the cause of ane thing is of mair efficacite nor is the thyng that 
    26. Nuris v.. Thy vane philosophour quhilk hes been neurest al his dais in ane solitar achademya Ib. 33/10 
    27. Lern v. to leyrne Annibal the prettik of the veyris Ib. 15/29. It is grit folye to thy philosophour 
    28. Wyn n., 9, 10, 12, 13. Here spekis the noble philosophour of the syndry kyndis of wynis and of thair 
    29. Her v. vald pas to the sculis, to heir the lecture of ane philosophour 1558-66 Knox II. 215. But 
    30. Son n.1 II 74/10. Within a temple callit the Temple of the Soune, the quhilk the noble philosophour 
    31. Mesur n. philosophour … [which] all was one to saye … The luffer of mesour and of iustis c1515 Asl. MS. I. 176 
    32. Remain v..] … are sufficient … personis to ramayne within this burgh 1549 Compl. 13/9. Ane philosophour 
    33. Tym n.1 132/11. Here declaris the … philosophour the … nature of the wynter sesone. Wynter begynnis … the 
    34. Sentence n. this tobe veray suthe, for I fand never ȝit philosophour that discordit to thir conclusionis and 
    35. Se v. aluterlie seyne with the eyne of faith 1549 Compl. 15/7. Thy philosophour suld teche … the thing neuyr sa grite ane fule 1549 Compl. 14/29, 31. Thy philosophour … sau neuyr the iunyng of ane 
    36. Wit v.1 prefet wit And sad [etc.] 1456 Hay II 147/12. Here declaris the … philosophour how a man suld 
    37. Scule n.1 lecture of ane philosphour callit Phormion 1549 Compl. 15/7. Thy philosophour suld teche the 
    38. Shaw v. tharin ane hie philosophour hym schew 1531 Bell. Boece I 16. Schaw you thairfor oure 
