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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1971 (DOST Vol. IV).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Mak, Make, v.1 Also: mac, mack(e, (mok), mak(k)-; maik(e, mayk, mea(c)k(e, meakke; mek. P.t. and p.p. mad(e, maad, madde; maid(e, mayd(e, mayed, maed, mead(e, meadde, med(e, meid, meyd, meed. P.t. also makyt, maked. P.p. also makit, -yd, makin, -yn; mak. [ME. makie(n, make(n, later (14–16th c.) mak, mack, also (13th c.) imper. mac, p.t. maked, -et, maad(e, mad(e, p.p. y-), i)maked, -ma(a)d, -mad(e, OE. macian, p.t. macode, p.p. ᵹemacod: cf. also Ma v.The pres. t. form with the lengthened vowel appears as make, maik, mea(c)k. The greater prevalence of the type with the unlengthened vowel is however indicated by the more frequent occurrence of the spellings mak, mack, makk-. The latter form has been explained as arising from an early uninflected imper. form perh. like Lat v.1, but it appears that following -k may have tended in any case to inhibit this lengthening or cause shortening as also in tak (= take), brek (= break), dik Dyke, etc.]The spellings maik, mea(c)k, appear to be common only in texts localised to Fife and the south, ? especially the southeast, which agrees with the modern regional distribution of the form with the original lengthened vowel.

A. The simple verb.

1. tr. To make with or as with the hands, to manufacture.As, to fashion or construct (a material object), produce or concoct (something) from ingredients, prepare (food), build and kindle (a fire).Also, to make (something) to (= for) one, or const. dative pron.And, to make (one thing) of (the raw material) and, in passive, (to be) made of = (to be) manufactured from, to consist of (a certain material or substance).(a) 1387 Edinb. Chart. 35.
Tha ylk men sal mak in ylk chapel … a wyndow
1434 Liber Coll. Glasg. 249.
To mac the half of the calse
c1450 Cr. Deyng (S.T.S.) 173.
As ane hamyr is ane instrument to mak a knyf wyth
1466 Reg. Dunferm. 356.
Leiffe … to mak land stell and dame forganis my said landis
1544 Treas. Acc. VIII. 328.
To tuenty pyonaris … to mak gait before the culvering bastard
1567 G. Ball. 2.
Thow sall not mak to thy self ony grauin image
1571 Sat. P. xxix. 13.
The gray freir moks [sic] the shone
1632 Cullen B. Ct. 27 April.
[Stallangers not to] mak moss at thair awin hand
1657 Glasg. B. Rec. II. 358.
1672 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 278.
To macke … ane knock
1690 Peebles B. Rec. II. 133.(b) 1489 Acts II. 221/1.
Gold-smythis, quhilkis layis and makkis fals mixtouris of ewill metale
1513 Doug. ii. viii. 76.
Syne … throu the yet ane large wyndo [he] makkis
1547 Stirling B. Rec. I. 45.
Mackand all maner of graitht thairof new forgit
(c) c1450-2 Howlat 780.
He couth of a hennis hed Make a mane mes
1596 Dalr. I. 95/12.
Frahand thay make breid
(d) 14.. Acts I. 33/2.
Gif scho makis ivil ale
1508 Reg. Privy S. I. 239/1.
Thai calceand and makand the sade strete agane
1576 Edinb. Test. IV. 350 b.
Of malt maid & makand foure chalder
(e) 1532 E. Loth. Antiq. Soc. II. 99.
At the smyths sall pass onder the tounes banner quhill thai maik ane of thair awn
(f) 1657 Wemyss Corr. 102.
I haue … bein intending to meack a boulin-grin
(b, c), (1) a1400 Leg. S. xvi. 232.
Of ydolis … That war na makaris bot war mad
c1420 Wynt. v. 1749.
And thare he mad … A wall
1488 Treas. Acc. I. 85.
A cassit collere of gold made like suannis
a1500 Lanc. 2147.
To Sir Gawane thei haith o lytter maad
1511 Treas. Acc. IV. 278. 1583 Sc. Ant. I. 77.
vi bandes new mad of holland
(b) 1375 Barb. x. 363.
A cruk thai maid … Of irn
1456 Hay II. 143/21.
Syk thing sulde be maid in a hate place
a1500 Seven S. 1802. 1503 Treas. Acc. II. 203. c1552 Lynd. Mon. 985.
Thay … maid thame breikis of leuis grene
15.. Clar. iii. 928.
Scho … maid the fyre, syne set the pote thairon
1584 Edinb. Test. XIII. 335 b.
Tua quhyt wobbis maid & ane quhyt wob in ȝarne
1585–6 Waus Corr. 346.
Luik that grottis be maid aganis our hame ganging
(c) 1583 Sempill Sat. P. xlv. 564.
How that his packmantie was maed
(d) 1664 Lamont Diary 169.
After the brithall clothes were meade
(e) 1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. iii. 190.
Ane fair mirrour … Quhairof it makit was I haue na feill
(f) 1513 Doug. viii. x. 92.
Within the lystis for the triumphe mak [: slak]
(2) a1400 Leg. S. xx. 337.
Fals godis … That are mad of stok ore stane
1461 Liber Plusc. I. 384 (B).
Of lawest lyme of erd al maid are we
c1475 Wall. vii. 1148.
The bryg … Off gud playne burd was weill and junctly maid
c1500-c1512 Dunb. xxi. 47.
Hairtis ar maid of hard flynt stone
1531 Bell. Boece I. viii.
Of thaim [sc. the elements] ar maid all levand creature
c1590 J. Stewart 209. § 39.
The foirsaid bruuage meed of Christis bluid
1598 Crim. Trials II. 75.

b. Said of God the Creator, of Nature, and also (in passive) without specification of the maker.Weill made, (of a person) well-built, well-fashioned, sturdy, good-looking.(1) a1400 Leg. S. x. 35.
Thame [the Ethiopians] kynde blak had made
c1420 Wynt. v. 5278.
Goddys will Wes nevyr to mak hys werkys ill
Ib. 5291.
Quhare wes Eve mad?
1456 Hay I. 24/16.
God maid twa grete lichtis in hevin
a1500 Henr. III. 99/92. 1490 Irland Mir. I. 24/7, 59/11. c1500-c1512 Dunb. xlvi. 108. 1562-3 Winȝet II. 44/21.(2) c1420 Ratis R. 232.
For [hands] ar instrumentis wys And maid to serf of gud seruice
c1450-2 Howlat 902.
He thocht him maid on the mold makles of mycht
a1500 Henr. III. 118/18.
This ȝung man … mervellit mekle of his makdome maid
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 799.
Nakit as thay wer maid
(3) 1375 Barb. i. 385.
Off lymmys he wes weill maid, With banys gret & schuldrys braid
1560 Rolland Seven S. 8378.
He … was of bodie the liklyest … weill maid at all fassoun

2. To compose, compile, make up (a literary work, etc.); also, to devise, invent (a game). b. absol. a1400 Leg. S. xiv. 29.
[St. Luke] gestis … put in wryt & syne of thame al mad a buke
1456 Hay I. 210/19.
Off the quhilkis twa digniteis thare is grete langage maid in haly writt
a1500 Peblis to Play 256.
Had thair bein mair made of this sang
a1500 Bk. Chess 194.
Perses … the sport of ches he maid
Ib. 70. c1500-c1512 Dunb. iv. 66.
Clerk of Tranent … That maid the anteris of Gawane
Id. xlviii. 28. 1560 Rolland Seven S. Prol. 21.
To mak meter, richt cunning and expart
1562-3 Winȝet I. 25/12.
Ane form of ditement maid for caus of exercise and priuat studie
a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. cv. 6.
Off thame quhome of that thai thair ballattis maik
b. c1450-2 Howlat 632.
I will to my first mater as I eir maid
c1500-c1512 Dunb. lxxviii. 2.
My heid did ȝak ȝesternicht This day to mak that I na micht
Id. Maitl. F. clxviii. 1.
Lang heff I maed of ladyes quhytt, Nou of an blak I will indytt
1560 Rolland Seven S. Prol. 25.
Maister Williame Stewart, To mak in Scottis, richt weill he knew that art

3. a. To devise, also, to arrange, organise (an entertainment). 1494 Treas. Acc. I. 233.
To mak a dans again Vphaly day
1518 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 176.
That … your nichtbour is chosin to be Litiljohn for to mak sportis … in the toun

b. To give (a feast, dinner). 1375 Barb. xvii. 5.
And he resauit thame richt gladly, And maid a fest and gladsum cher
Ib. 908.
He … maid thame fest with … gle
c1490 Irland Asl. MS. I. 41/9. 1548 Edinb. Hammermen 176 b.
The tyme Dauid Freland [etc.] … maid the daner
c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 1558.
Ilk ȝeir … Ane banket royall wald he maik [: saik]

4. To draw up (a formal document).Cf. 30 g, h, i. a1500 Henr. Fab. 2691.
Ane summondis mak Aganis that day
1498 Acta Conc. II. 194.
To mak sele and deliver to hir ane letter of tak in dew forme
1507–8 Reg. Privy S. I. 238/1.
He dredis that the stelaris [of his seal] … hes … maid fals lettrez and endentouris on his behalff
1550 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 277.
That tha may caus mak inuintour thairof to be keipit
1551 Prot. Bk. W. Corbet 15.
Thai haiff gart me maik ane new testament
c1575 Balfour Pract. 273.
Ane clerk to mak and write the rollis
Ib. 313.
Ane libel is ane petitioun maid in writ be the persewar
1583 Sc. Ant. I. 77.
The juste note mad of the goodes … in a new cheste
1605 Laing MSS. I. 103.
Ane submission mead and subscrybed be my Lord of Skoon

5. To produce by some action, cause to exist (a material thing or physical phenomenon).As a mark, wound, hole, picture, sound, etc. 1375 Barb. x. 401.
Thair ledderis … maid a clap quhen [etc.]
Ib. xiii. 202.
Quhar thai com, thai maid thaim gat
a1400 Leg. S. ii. 920. c1420 Wynt. v. 3267.
Thaire fayis … Sloppys in syndry placis mad
?1438 Alex. i. 1638.
Alexanderis baner braid Quhairin his awin figure was maid
14.. Acts I. 323/2.
Gif the forster be him allan, he aw till mak a cors in till the erde
c1500-c1512 Dunb. Flyt. 56; Id. ix. 157.
1513 Doug. viii. vi. 98.
The watry clowdis that makis thundris beir
1531 Bell. Boece I. xliv.
1566-70 Buch. Comm. on Virgil Æn. i. 164.
Ane covertour of the tries … quhilk makis ane glansing shaddow on the watter
1672 Stirling Common Good 76 b.
Ane holl in the milne flour mead be the hors
1672 M. Bruce Rattling Dry Bones 17.
O that God would let louse the law to make din in your bosoms

6. To bring about, effect (a state of affairs, etc.).To mak na stede, to effect nothing, prove useless: see Stede n.Cf. 30.(1) 1375 Barb. ii. 167.
Thus gat maid thai thar acquentance
c1400 Troy-bk. ii. 2187.
To mak on thaim fell martyre
1416 Liber Melros 539.
We think … to make finable accorde betwix thaim in this mater
1456 Hay I. 231/16.
To … mak pes … with the King of Fraunce
c1460 Alex. (Taym.) 902.
At … [these] lordis he wald his counsell tak And all his ordinance be thame mak
c1475 Wall. iii. 381.
On thair enemys gret martirdome thai maik
Ib. x. 141.
This makis it, thow art cled with our men
a1500 Seven S. 2645.
Gar mak scilens that all may heire
a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 449.
Into the Katryne thou maid a foull cahute
c1500-c1512 Dunb. xxvi. 18.
Pryd … Lyk to mak vaistie wanis
1531 Mill Mediæv. Plays 124.
Thame … that makkis trubill or perturbatioun
c1540 Lynd. Kitteis Conf. 18.
His wyfe that sall I tell, To mak hir acquentance with my sell
a1568 Scott i. 75.
It maid na mis quhat madinnis thai miscareit
1577 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. 36.
To maike the Kingis keyes
1584 Sempill Sat. P. xlv. 291.
Sic ane seiknes hes he tane … leitches mycht mak no remeid
1584 Misc. Bann. C. I. 87.
1628 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 292.
To make opin doores and use his maiesties keyes
1654 Laing MSS. I. 292.
Maiking humiliations and commotions in the countrey
(2) c1475 Wall. viii. 1734.
The fals nacioun … thai mak ws ay ado
Ib. x. 650.
Till all his folk a gret conford he maid
1535 Stewart 39931.
All the laif … [that] To Scotland dalie that tyme maid grit cummer
a1578 Pitsc. I. 62/33.
Quhair throw he suddenlie thocht to mak ane bar to the King him self

b. To mak liklynes, to give the impression: see Liklynes n. 1 c.

7. To give rise to, be the cause of, result in. ?1438 Alex. ii. 2448.
Quhat tua thingis makes ȝow maist lyking … into leill lufing
Ib. 2964.
Outtragius hardement made his dede
c1400 Troy-bk. ii. 2359.
Of Pirrus … The story ȝit maid no memore
1456 Hay II. 86/32.
Rebellioun engenderis inymitee, inymitee makis weris and slauchteris
Ib. 122/20.
Reubarbe … makis suete aynd
a1500 Henr. Robene & M. 28.
Bot I haif mervell … Quhat makis thé this wanrufe
a1568 Bann. MS. 255 a/29.
Misgovernit ȝowth makis gowsty age
a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1407.
Oft the hand in the almerie maks litle breid

8. To institute, establish, found. c1420 Wynt. ii. 624.
Dynys Bachus … Argos mad in Grece thareft
1456 Hay I. 21/11.
Quhen the Emperour Constantyn … be his treaty maid a generalé counsaile
1549 Compl. 148/17, 18.
As … the Kyng of France makkis the ordour of the cokkil, the Kyng of Ingland makkis the ordour of … the gartan
1580 Hay in Cath. Tr. (S.T.S.) 59/24.
Your reformation … is lykar to the reformation of Turkes … nor to ane reformation maid be Christian men

9. To appoint, ordain or enact (a date, term, regulation, law, etc.).To make the terme to (an employee). to give notice to. a1400 Leg. S. xxxi. 441.
Til Cesar gert mak Set day quhen he … Suld ger al wrangis mendyt be
c1420 Wynt. ix. 1089.
Nane end that tyme makyd wes … off lang trew
1465 Crawford Mun. Invent. I. 29.
We have noucht maid na condicion … of the landis of Carncorse
1557 Inverness Rec. I. 8.
Quhilk ac wes mad tha xx day of Januar
1587 (16..) Orkney & Sh. Rec. I. 209.
Respecting the … lawis … mead anent the setting of fewes
1653 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 135.
To mack ordinances for the paiss … of bread
1661 Rothesay B. Rec. 69.
To tak tuo honest townesmen who know best the valeritie of the landis to mak a just yeirly rent thairto
1685 Glamis Bk. Record 87.
My wyfe having made this present time the terme to on Isobell Atkinson her wardroper upon an offence … which shall be nameless

10. To fix (a price). 1423 Edinb. Chart. 56.
The price made to the common profite
1567 G. Ball. 191.
Bot preistis will tak and his [sc. Christ's] price mak For les be mony fauld [sc. than Judas']
1637 Rutherford Lett. (1671) 186.
We would all buy Christ, so being we might make price our selves
1673 Rothesay B. Rec. 319.
James Stewart cordinar to taste ther aile and make the pryce therof

11. To get together, assemble, collect (something consisting of a group of units). 1375 Barb. i. 146.
That thai suld mak ane assemble
1497–8 Acta Conc. II. 101.
That na … persone mak convocacione of the Kingis legis
1567 Acts III. 40/2.
To mak ane body of the ciuile and municipale lawis
1622-6 Bisset II. 199/7.

12. To appoint or create (holders of offices, tenancies, or the like); also, to produce, create, cause persons to become (scholars, whores, etc.).(1) 1375 Barb. i. 190.
Schyrreffys and bailȝheys maid he then
c1420 Wynt. v. 1682.
Scho … sawe this abbot [was] new maid
1476 Peebles B. Rec. I. 177.
Fwll power to mak rasonabyll tenandis
1509 Prestwick B. Rec. 41.
Mak ane hird to the ingers
a1578 Pitsc. I. 25/23.
He thocht bot ane small matter to mak knichtis
1587 Acts III. 459/1. c1630 Scot Narr. 146.
The leets were made
(2) 1524 Holyrood Chart. 257.
The said maistir Hary … has mede under him gude and perite scolaris
1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 1063.
Quhow ȝe haif maid a hundreth thousand huris
a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1035.
Lang or drinking mak a laird

b. To make (a certain kind of person) of (one). 1375 Barb. i. 284.
Off him thai makyt a martyr
1456 Hay II. 21/23.
Quhen he makis … sereffis … of othir lawlyar men na knychtis
Ib. 153/5.
Thou may mak of thy frend thy fa for [etc.]
c1460 Alex. (Taym.) 3486.
In faith ȝe mak na messingere of me Quhill I haue first [etc.]
a1538 Abell 92 a.
Sum maikis bot a boynd of thare wife

13. To make one thing of (also be) another.As by converting the other thing etc. to a new form or function.(1) a1400 Leg. S. Prol. 58.
Til he of watere mad the wyne
Ib. . 944. c1420 Wynt. vii. 2587.
Thai off thame [sc. the men] made na hurde Bot in the se kest thame oure burde
?1438 Alex. ii. 1229.
Of his speir he maid trounschoun
Ib. 4520.
Of handis and heidis … He maid ane lardnare
c1450-2 Howlat 72.
Nature … That thus has maid … ane monstour of me
c1460 Thewis Wysmen 156.
Thai luf nocht to mak of blak quhyt, Mak gud man ill, na ill man quyt
1477 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 408.
A fat made of a malvasy bote
1531 Bell. Boece I. 200.
Sapore maid ane stule of his bak
a1568 Bann MS. 162 b/4.
Can ȝe nocht mak a heilandman of this hors tourd?
1600-1610 Melvill 275.
Greidie and neidie … wating to mak his prey of the soumes of contraventioun
?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. III. 252.
They fell to macke havocke of all the fruict trees
(2) c1450-2 Howlat 970 (B).
Now mek [A. mark] ȝour mirrour be me, all maner of man

b. To make anything of, to turn to account, to find a use for. c. To maik sens(e out of. 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1671) 136.
If Christ can make anything of my naughtie … love to him
1666 Laing MSS. I. 354.
To maik sens out of my skriblen

d. To mak penny (also, silver) of (something), to sell it and convert it into cash, to realise it as cash: see Penny n., Silver n.

14. a. To earn, gain, realise (money, profit). b. To obtain (one's livelihood).Const. by, of the means.a. 1543 Corr. M. Lorraine 46.
That we suld haif maid money of our penny worthis
c1590 Fowler I. 67/6.
By thair losses & thair harmes this proffeit did I mak
1596 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 65.
And I had send gair in Scotland to mak money to satisfie yow
b. a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. cx. 5.
The commownis … Can na thing keip in thair possessioun Quhairof that thai may mak ane lyfe
1678 Rec. Old Aberd. I. 132.
Some mack a lyveliehoode … by setting … pairtes of the said mos

c. To win, take (a trick) at cards. 1558-66 Knox I. 262.
Ha, ha, the four kinges and all maid

15. To mak (mekill etc.) of: to have a (high etc.) opinion of, to value highly; to treat with (great etc.) favour; and in indirect passive.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xxx. 350.
Hyme that mykil of hyre mad
Ib. xxxv. 35.
[He] let hyre wit he gold hade & scho the fare mare of hym made
c1420 Wynt. iii. 1044.
This kyng mony sonnys had, Off ane off tha yhit mast he made
a1598 Ferg. Prov. (1641) ii.
Of proud persons, … He makes meikle of his painted sheits
1649 Rec. Old Aberd. II. 36.
[She] claped the calfe and maid meikell of it
(2) c1515 Asl. MS. I. 239/10.
He was thar with the King of Yngland lang tyme and was mekle maid of
1572 Sat. P. xxxiii. 340.
With ȝour wyfis thir two so muche maid of

b. intr. To mak of (something or someone): to esteem or value highly; to treat with favour. c1460 Consail Vys Man 100.
Serve thi maister weil … And … mak of al thing that he mais
c1460 Wisd. Sol. (S.T.S.) 446.
The pert fulys wenis that na man suld be maid of bot fulys with grete men
c 1580 Mary in 12th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. viii. 9.
That they war neuer med off bot to serve vthe[r] folkes tournes
a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xlii. 17.
Wald ȝe be made of, ȝe man mak it nyce

16. To draw (a distinction), to differentiate. To entertain (a scruple), to raise (a difficulty). To mak conscience of, to be conscientious about.(1) 1567 G. Ball. 6.
He makis na difference of the Lordis body and blude
(2) 1599 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I. 322.
The quhilk [drinksilver] I meid difficultie to allow quhill [etc.]
1630 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 323.
Lipining that your ladyship will mak no furder scrupule
c1679 Kirkton Hist. 66.
Though many of them were bare enough, they made no bones to give 15 of the 100 of exchange
(3) 1650 Rothiemay Kirk S. in J. Gordon's Hist. I. App. lvi.
[A fast because] little conscience made of solemne oaths and vowes
16.. Wodrow Hist. IV. 316.
That he made conscience of lifting his bonnet
1677 Dunblane Synod 117.
Ministers to … mak conscience in observing punctuallie the appointed dyets

17. To recognise in classification (a certain number of kinds). 1562-3 Winȝet I. 12/19.
The wickit dum pastour, of the quhilk we mak thre kyndis

18. To be the material or components of, togo to form. c1420 Wynt. v. 5057.
Thare suld lytill leve behynd Off warpe, or weffte, to mak hyre clath
Bute MS. fol. 171 in 14.. Acts I. 305/2.
A hundreth pund of threde to mak kellis
1503 Treas. Acc. II. 206.
To mak ane croune for the quene, xxxvij leois [etc.]
1555 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 299.
For cords to bynd and mak ane lang ledder to James Wod quha wes hedit, xij d.
1566-70 Buch. Comm. on Virgil Æn. ii. 23.
Making ane baye
1595 Edinb. D. Guild Acc. MS. 565.
Ane skyn off broune ledder to mak latchettis to the thre grene claythis

b. To amount to, add up to.(1) a1500 Henr. Orph. 236 (Asl.).
This makis five of thre multiplicat
1515 Treas. Acc. V. 27.
xxiiij hors makand vj cartill
1567 Crail B. Ct. 10 Nov.
Tua bollis … vith the cheritye and tua peckis makand in the haill nyn firlaithis
1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Serplaith.
Ten hides makis ane daiker
a1598 Ferg. Prov. MS. No. 1071.
Many litles makis a meikle
1654 Ellon Par. Rec. 143.
Three windows … quhilk in all maks 38 foote
(2) 1669 Lamont Diary 212.
5 of them meade a coram

c. Of a quality: To be sufficient to constitute. a1570-86 Maitl. F. lx. 36.
Treuth … and iustice, Thir four maikis ane nobill king

d. To mak it, ? to be enough, to suffice, to ‘do’. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 644.
Hutie cuittie a boue of beir will mak it

19. a. To amount to, signify, matter (much, not, etc.).Quhat makis that? What does that matter? 1456 Hay I. 283/8.
Suppos sum ignoraunt men wald say gold is metall and na coloure, that makis nocht
a1500 Seven S. 2108.
Quhat makis it avale?
1535 Stewart 31668.
Quhat makis that to thé?
1562-3 Winȝet II. 50/26.
To persuade the erroure the authoritie of Origine mot appere to mak mekle
1568 Lyndesay Pref. 4.
He answers, Schir, that makis na mater
1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 74.
It maid noght gif they contented them with they words
a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 973.
It maks not of the fead, quhair the freindschip dow not

b. Of evidence or an argument or admission: intr. To avail, be effective, ‘tell’, for or against (one side or the other). c. Of a judgement: To make with, ? to go against.b. c1420 Wynt. viii. 751.
The lawys imperialle … Makys for the Brows Robert And noucht for Jhon the Ballyollis part
1561 Reg. Privy C. I. 182; 1565 St. A. Kirk S. 252; 1572 Canongate Ct. Bk. 388.
Acceptand the sext exceptioun in so fer as it makis for us
1573 Davidson Sat. P. xlii. 606.
That exampill … Aganis my purpois makis nathing
1597 Maxwell Mem. II. 187.
It apeiris thay haif revin out sum instrumentis that makis aganis thame
1633 Kirkcaldy Presb. 53.
Quhair he ansers it [an admission] maks for the sesioun
c. 1622-6 Bisset I. 286/9.
Gif the dome makis with the pairtie be resson of ane peremptoure exceptioun, the haill action makis with him

d. intr. To contribute, add. 1562-3 Winȝet II. 29/4.
Quhais prophane vane clattir makis mekle to vngodlines
1596 Dalr. II. 375/9.
Quhilk … makes mekle to the credit of the hail historie

e. tr. To signify, imply, ‘mean’ (that something is the case). a1585 Maitl. Q. xxxv. 194.
That dois nawayis maik That wemen wicked bein

20. To mak faith, to possess credence, to be valid or trustworthy. 1554 Misc. Bann. C. III. 70.
[To] furth seik scriptouris, autentike cronikis and approbat quhilk makis fayth
1562 Reg. Privy C. I. 227.
That nochtwithstanding of the admissioun of the saidis witnes … thair depositionis mak na faith
1569 Prot. Bk. J. Scott MS. 86.
That the instrument … mak nae fayth heirefter
1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 71.
Ye know ony evident will mak faith suppose it want a seal
1622-6 Bisset II. 68/11. 1629 Justiciary Cases I. 114.

21. reflex. To prepare or set oneself, to make ready or to exert oneself to (till) do something or for (to) some action, to set about doing it. Also intr.(1) 1456 Hay I. 233/28.
Gif a blynd man makis him to be a helpare [etc.]
1460 Ayr Charters 34.
Ye mak you till excerse and oysse the kepyng of the … fayr with wrangwis customis
c1475 Wall. i. 68.
The King was wrath, and maid hym to ramuff
c1515 Asl. MS. I. 197/9. 1531 Bell. Boece (1821) I. 181. 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 24. 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 74. a1578 Pitsc. I. 30/21.
Neuertheles sum men meid thame nevir to amend thair lyffis bot rather became daylie wors
1630 Rutherford Lett. (1862) I. 64.intr. c1500-c1512 Dunb. lxiv. 14.
I wald mak to plant his rute agane
1560 Rolland Seven S. 2060.
Quhen maist he makis him self for to distroy
1596 Dalr. II. 271/29.
The gouernour makes to resist his forse
(2) c1475 Wall. vii. 847.
The Irland folk than maid thaim for the flicht
c1500-c1512 Dunb. liii. 45 (M).
Of his band he maid a bred And to the danceing soin he him med
1558-66 Knox I. 175.
Whill the portar maid him for defence, his head was brokin
1599 Rollock Wks. I. 411.
He quha wald be ane minister suld mak him for warfair, mak him for paine and labour
1600-1610 Melvill 28.
We lerned the buikis … teachit be our awin Regent and maid us for our Vicces and Blakstens
1623 Crim. Trials II. 537.
The said Issobell Haldane … desyreit hir to mak hir for deith
intr. 1600-1610 Melvill 227.
We maid for the jorney hame ower

b. To prepare (oneself) to go, to set out or to proceed (in the direction etc. stated by an adverb or adv. phrase of motion or direction). Also c. intr.b. c1420 Wynt. viii. 7078.
Thai of Paris maid thame then … For thare kingis delyverance
c1460 Alex. (Taym.) 3124.
He … Armit his oist and maid him for the toun
c1475 Wall. x. 532.
No wattir he tuk, bot maid him to the meit
Ib. xi. 613.
Thir v thus maid thaim to Wallace
1560 Rolland Seven S. 2332.
Makand hir hame his awin wife he saw
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 484.
He maid him in to the place
1591 R. Bruce Serm. 242.
Ye that mak you for the city that hath the foundations
1632 Lithgow Trav. 261.c. 1496–7 Acta Conc. II. 63.
That the saidis chapellanis mak na wayis to the court of Rome
1533 Boece i. viii. 54.
Gif ony persoun … ran to hiddillis quhen vther maid to were
15.. Wyf Awcht. 114.
The gudman maid to the dur
1558-66 Knox II. 422.
Grit men maid in courte unto him [sc. Rizzio] and thair sutes wer the better heard
1570 Sempill Sat. P. xii. 174.
Mak of the towne
1573 Davidson Ib. xlii. 985.
Thay vnto Sanctandrois maid
a1578 Pitsc. I. 288/19.
The Inglischemen knawing of his coming maid foir him
1586 Soc. Ant. IV. 423. 1628 Colquhoun Chart. II. 198.
I … hawing ordour … to mack for the Ile of Wicht
a1661 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 28.
Desire him to make home-ouer

d. tr. To prepare, make ready (another) (for something, etc.). 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1891) 275.
Make you and them for your proper owner, Christ
1638 Henderson Serm. 497.
He gives them … a second blast to make them for the battle

e. intr. To maik for (something), to arrange for, see to. 1548–9 Corr. M. Lorraine 292.
Caus … maik for suir advertisment in tha parttis, that tha be nocht stoun on

22. tr. To prepare, make ready, in various idiomatic uses.a. To cure and pack (herring). b. To prepare, make up (a bed). c. To set (sail).a. 1503 Halyb. 276.
Send to Horne for a man to mak heryn
1507 Treas. Acc. III. 279. 1580 Crail B. Ct. MS. 20 Aug.
All persones … quha hes maid saltit and pakit ony herring
1590 Ib. 1 Sept.
Heiring … fu llie pakit weill maid
1611 Conv. Burghs II. 535. 1675 Glasgow B. Rec. III. 205.
Since … no straingers … have libertie to barrell or mak fisch
b. a1540 Freiris Berw. 112.
Scho maid thair bed and syn went doun away
c. 1513 Doug. iii. i. 19.
Anchises … Bad ws mak saill and follow destany
Ib. viii. 28. c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 213.
Thay weyit thair ankeris and maid saill
1562–3 Reg. Privy C. I. 230.
Makand saill and viage fordwart furth of the port … of Nantis
1566-70 Buch. Comm. on Virgil Æn. iv. 594.
Date tela, facite vela, mak saill
1589 Douglas Chart. 296. 1629 Brechin Test. IV. 358 b.
Befoir he maid saill tharfra to Cayndia
1665 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. II. 2.

d. To prepare (ground) for sowing, complete the tilling of. 1630 Linlithgow B. Rec. 14 May.
In respect of the laitnes of making the beirland

e. To influence or persuade (a person) ? in advance, ? to ‘prime’. 1600-1610 Melvill 368.
Divers of the ministerie war wraitten for to that conventioun, bot sic as the King knew he could mak
Ib. 374.
The ministerie of the northe haillelie be fear and flatterie [being] maid for the purpose

23. To cause to be, to render. a. With adj. compl. Also absol.For certain common collocations and set phrases, as to mak (oneself, another, a thing) bla and bludy, boun, certane, clene, clere, evin, fast, furthcummand, hale, manifest, moy, quite, redy, schort, sikker, subject, sure, wele, welecum, to mak the heichest stane the laichest, to mak mirry, see the adjectives.(1) (a) a1400 Leg. S. ii. 231.
Thai sall baptis ȝow and mak Habile Cristis kinrik to tak
1397 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 34.
Ovre lord the Kyng … sall mak fre … the sexteyn ponde of anwell
1461 Liber Plusc. I. 387.
To mak ws till oure makare detestabile
1478 Binns P. MS. No. 17.
As to the brekin of the said myln … the said Henry to … mak hir als gud … as scho was
a1500 K. Hart 622.
Mak answer now, … Ȝour self excuse and mak ȝow foule or clene
1560 Edinb. B. Rec. III. 89.
Vnto [the tyme] they cum and mak thame self gyld
1627 Misc. Hist. Soc. I. 91.
I … will not mak tham wyse that the writtis ar come till [etc.]
1667 Laing MSS. I. 357.
They ar sutch as will mack us rid off the trouble of that gang
(b) c1550-c1580 Art of Music 20 b.
It is the pwnt quhilk makkis the long perfyt in muid
a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1661.
Work for nothing maks men deid sweir
1646 Aberd. Council Lett. III. 26.
Becaus quartermaisters tackis money and mackis frie whom thai plais
(c) 1461 Liber Plusc. 396.
Justice makis riche … Bath king and knaif
1513 Doug. iv. Prol. 43.
Thou makist febill wight
c1530-40 Stewart Bann. MS. 96 a/9.
Quhais fructous fatis … Makis thair fame perpetuall
Ib. 135 b/66.
Grit lawbor and cure Makis a man auld
(b) 1375 Barb. viii. 409.
The king buskit and maid him ȝar
a1400 Leg. S. vii. 686.
Syke ȝunge men … Of al hyre gud mad hyr so bare That [etc.]
Ib. xlvii. 181.
God thai bestis mad sa mek That [etc.]
1431 Reg. Great S. 45/1.
We made our lyffyng les in our tyme for lestand profyt to thaim
c1475 Wall. viii. 778.
Gaddys off irne maid mony goym agast
1567 G. Ball. 35.
Ane derth quhilk maid the vittel scant
1586 Edinb. D. Guild Acc. 263.
Ane litill kettill … quhilk he spilt in battering of it oure mekle, and maid it feble
1661–2 Carstairs Lett. 80.
I causit give Lochnell, … ane schairg of horning … bot he had a protectione in his pockit, which mead it ineffectual
(c) a1400 Leg. S. xxi. 689.
Bath def & blynd is he mad
c1420 Wynt. i. 74.
All oure kynde … Lyk made to God and schapyne wes In … hys lyklynes
Ib. iv. 257.
That wattyr … sa schalde sulde be made that [etc.]
1650 Lamont Diary 18.
The gallows … was madde hyger … then the ordinary gybbetts
(b) 1456 Hay I. 29/9.
The quhilkis has maid trouble that was clere undistroublit
1510 Reg. Privy C. I. 306/2.
We … hes maid him lauchfull … to excers all lauchfull dedis
1565 St. A. Kirk S. 253.
And tharfor … he suld be mayd fre of hyr
1570 Leslie 171.
And maid lesum to every man to haif his bible in Inglis
a1578 Pitsc. II. 251/9.
Edinburgh was all maid strenthie within
1586 Reg. Privy C. IV. 79. 1648 Edinb. B. Rec. VIII. 184.
The second storie of jeastholles to be maid in all sydes all alonges and maid good againe
1662 Highland P. III. 29.
The first yeire that Jonet Stewart … was mayed big with child
(c) c1590 J. Stewart II. 60/132.
I mycht … meed ȝour courage les
(d) c 1630 Highland P. II. 269.
This was the first stap mead easie for the McKenȝies
(e) a1585 Maitl. Q. lxvi. 72.
The hardest hairt … With sueit meiknes it may be makin soft
(2) absol. c1420 Ratis R. (S.T.S.) 568.
Hop[e] … Can weill mak blyth
1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 369.
Sum maikand glaid, and vther sum rycht sorie
1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 143.
For to mak schort, this beirer will tell ȝow the rest

b. To mak (it) moy, nice, teuch, to behave demurely, coyly, display reluctance, make difficulties, etc.: see the adjs. Hence to mak it sua. a1500 Peblis to Play 75.
Quhat neidis ȝow to maik it sua?

c. With the compl. a p.p. of a verb of knowledge or recognition, as to mak kend, knawin, kid: see Ken v. 22 b (2) and 23, Knaw v.1 19, Kyth(e v. 16. c1450-2 Howlat 940.
[To] mak the catif of kynd till him self knawin
1580 Skeyne Descr. Well 3.
To mak the qualiteis and profeit thairof acknawledgeit
1586 Cal. Sc. P. IX. 147.
That he had med yow forssein wyt it

d. With a phrase as compl. c1420 Wynt. i. 1304.
Troy wes Made as ane hors in lyklynes
1535 Stewart II. 81 heading.
How all the guidis betwix Tyne and Tueid was maid for the men of weir
1562-3 Winȝet I. 78/23.
Mekand the semple … membris of Christis body as ane gesting-stok
1567 G. Ball. 36.
As ane of thy seruandis thow me mak
Ib. 172.
Christ now hes maid me at one With God the Father
1588 King Cat. fol. 30.
Mak me … that by thé I may loue na pleasure

24. With noun complement: To cause (a. a person, or, rarely, b. a thing) to become (what is denoted by the complement).a. a1400 Leg. S. xxxiv. 53.
Sum men ware slane, sum begare made
1456 Hay I. 92/28.
[To] mak presonaris thair persouns
a1487 Gud Wyf & D. 4.
[The qualities] Quhilk … makis pouer women princes peir
a1500 Henr. Fab. 564 (Bass.).
Say that I and ye Freindis ar maid and fellowis for ane yeir
1533 Gau 86/12. c1590 Fowler I. 30/110.
[Love is] made a god of pepill indiscreit
c1610 Melville Mem. 43.
That he … mycht with tim mak him self maister of the haill
a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 229.
Ane uncouth face maks all the leave strangers
b. (1) 1596 Dalr. I. 45/18.
This loch … is now maid glare and myre
1624 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 232.
All merchand schippes … salbe maid pryis
(2) c 1666 Laing MSS. 350.
I hop dier Rothes … and you will mek it your ernest disayr to the King that hee wold [etc.]

c. To appoint (a person) to the office of, to raise to the dignity of, to designate, nominate or create.Also reflex., to promote or appoint oneself. 1375 Barb. xiv. ii.
Of Irland for to mak hym king
Ib. xix. 375*.
Schir Williame of Erskyn that was Newlyngis makyn knycht that day
a1400 Leg. S. xxi. 632, xxv. 502. 1406 Slater Early Sc. Texts. No. 63.
Forthy that we hafe made ordanit and stablisit our lufit squyer … our substitute
c1420 Wynt. vi. 1826.
A nwn mad be professyown
1456 Peebles B. Rec. I. iii.
That ilk day was mayd al tasterys Rob Mvrray [etc.]
1457 Ib. 119.
The sayd Wil Mowat mayd his wyf … lachful towtor tyl hys ar
a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 459.
Inwy thai mak schereff
c1500-c1512 Dunb. xlviii. 103.
The king of beistis mak I thé
Id. l. 43.
He wald have maid him Curris knaiff
1526 Reg. Privy S. I. 512.
Makand him directour of the chancellary … with power … to make deputis, clerkis, wrytaris
1551 Hamilton Cat. 190. 1556 Inverness Rec. I. 3. 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 13. 1597–8 Misc. Spald. C. I. 121.
[The elf-queen] mackis any kyng quhom scho pleisis
c1610 Melville Mem. 328.
Therfore Dauison enterit hamely with him and was maid his gossup
1633 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 383.
We … maikis constitutes and ordanes oure weel-beloved [three names] … oure commissionares
1667 Bamff Chart. 312.
The said Sir Gilbert maks … his sone his cessioner and assignay
reflex. 1607 Dalyell Darker Superst. 661.
Ministeris … mead thame jugeis of [etc.]

25. a. reflex. To make (oneself) out to be, to pretend to be, behave as. Also intr. 1449 Acts II. 36/1.
Gif thar be ony that makis thaim fulis that ar nocht

b. reflex. To make as if, pretend, to do something. c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 939.
Scho … maid hir to take furth ane boxe, Bot that was not hir erand thair
a1578 Pitsc. I. 92/28.
[James II] maid him to forȝett all faultis … done be the erle of Douglas
1600 Acts IV. 204/1.
Thomas Cranstoun answerit … quhilk the erle of Gowrie maid him nocht to heir
1613 Fraserburgh Kirk S. 24 (13 Oct.).
And scho makand hir to be a sleip

c. intr. To make as (one would do something), to make as if, pretend (to do it or be about to do it). 1558-66 Knox II. 12.
The said Andro … streicking saill and making as thai wald cast anker hard besyde thame, burded thame both

d. tr. To make (another) out or cause to appear (to be), to represent (as). 1570 Sempill Sat. P. xii. 127.
Haue lyounis lukis and than mak me ane lear
1581 Hamilton Cath. Tr. 38.
Sua thai mak Christ to be ane iuglar and dissauier of the varld
1591 St. A. Kirk S. 714.
Thai vareis … in thair depositionis and makis utheris leyaris
1667 Laing MSS. I. 363.
If you judg it fit, meack it as my humbell desayr to him

e. To play (the fool). 1529 Lynd. Complaynt 236.
Sum to crak and sum to clatter, Sum maid the fule and sum did flatter

26. To regard (a person or thing) as being (what is denoted by the compl.); to view, treat or take as; to declare to be. c1500-c1512 Dunb. xi. 46.
Thy ransonner, with woundis fyve, Mak thy plycht anker
1548 Knox III. 20.
Who maked workes a part of their owne justification
a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xliii. 18.
Thy leiving no man laks Bot thé immortall maks
1616 Misc. Hist. Soc. II. 199.
He intendis to mak thame al alyk guiltie … witheout … consideration of the intents … of anie of thame
1666 Forbes Baron Ct. 267.
The haill assys … in the mouth of the choncelar convictis and mackis the said Wialliam Norey guiltie

27. a. To manufacture or fashion (one thing) in(to) (something else). b. To convert (goods) in(to) money.a. 1584 Sempill Sat. P. xlv. 568.
His blew clock beand worne so bair, He causit an talyeour turne it and mak it Into wich maill
1673 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS. 26 Feb.
Decerns Thomas Robsoun elder to mak in malt … aughtein pecks beir
b. 1628 Brechin Test. IV. 336 b.
That the insicht of the hous be roupit and maid in money

28. To provide, make over, make good (land or money) to a person. 1405 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 201.
Thai sal mak the saide Erle of Mar alsmekil land or annuale rent in conuenable place
1433–4 14th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. iii. 12.
We oblice us … to mac to the saide Andro … tene pondis worth of land yerely … quhilis that [etc.]
1446 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 405.
[If the lands were lawfully won from Malcolm] the said Alexander sal mak hym als mykil lande in til cunnable place quhil the forsaide soum be … payit
1552 Grant Chart. 107.
Providing quhowsone that he relevis onye landis in Duffous that is wedsett, he sall giff the samyn to the said Jonet quhill he mak hir the haell tua hundreth merkis within Duffous
1594 Ib. 185.
Sy ȝowr moyane to maik me fyeff hondreth markis by then

29. With infin. verb as complement: To cause, also, to compel, (someone or something) (to) do something or (something) (to) be done.Also b. const. noun clause.(1) 1375 Barb. xix. 424.
Thai suld thaim mak For till repent thame
1456 Hay I. 122/35.
He sall nocht mak it to be done with mare difficultee or to mak it inpossible to be done
Ib. II. 49/30.
For our grete doute makis knychtis to have lache curage
c1475 Wall. x. 475.
Thow wald me mak at Eduuardis will to be
c1500-c1512 Dunb. xxxv. 17. 1513 Doug. ix. ii. 81.
Imagynand … on quhat wys … He mycht … Mak thame to ische in patent batale place
a1568 Bann. MS. 28 b/29.
Making a maid of our pure kin For to be callit Mater Christi
1573 Cal. Sc. P. IV. 663.
[As soon as I shall come home I shall] maik [your lordship to be paid]
1585 James VI Ess. 59.
I doubt not bot ȝour eare makkis ȝou easilie to persaue that the first lyne flowis [etc.]
1619 Tayler Fam. Urquhart 32.
Quho maikis me to beleiff [etc.]
1638 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 131.
a1699 Skene Agric. MS.
To mak a kow to yssen
p.t. and p.p. 1461 Liber Plusc. I. 385.
1478 Acta Aud. 81/1. c1475 Wall. i. 14. a1500 K. Hart 104. 1513 Doug. iii. v. 80. c1500-c1512 Dunb. lxxxv. 15.
Thy dyng ofspring maid ws to syng
1531 Bell. Boece I. 240.
He maid thaim that war … woundit to be curit with maist crafty surrigianis
1535 Stewart 4761. 1597 Crim. Trials II. 25.
That scho … maid Gothray and his wyffe to beleif it was witchecraft layd in be ane vther
1600-1610 Melvill 315.
Quhilk maid me … to be graitlie suspected be the King
1623 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 203.
As bypast experience hes maid us to feel the smart
1674 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 206 (23 June).
What the judge maid him to pay he sould pay it
(2) 1473 Treas. Acc. I. 44.
Lettres to mak him cum incontinent to Edinburgh
1474 Ib. 52.
Gevin to a currour passand to the Bischope of Dunkeldyn to mak his innys be abelȝet for the ambaxatouris
1508 Reg. Privy S. I. 234/1.
Gevand him power … soytis to mak be callit
1513 Doug. iv. Prol. 153.
A brutale appetyte makis ȝong fulis forvay
1563 Cal. Sc. P. II. 25.
The Father of all mercies mack you feall the sueat odour of his grace
c1568 Lauder Minor P. i. 473. c 1571 Sat. P. xxix. 8.
That mokis the wordle tourne top our taill
1635 Lundie Poems 11. 1657 Wemyss Corr. 102.
I am uirie with hacking, which meacks me rest this day
1695 Douglas Corr. 285.
That which meks it stik the more
p.t. and p.p. a1400 Leg. S. xxxi. 136.
Sen vsurpyt pouiste Has mad me ȝoure lady be
c1450-2 Howlat 532.
Thai maid it [the heart] hame be restord
1513 Doug. vii. Prol. 59.
The wynd maid waif the red wed on the dyke
1520 Fife Sheriff Ct. 176.
I … maid him be sworne … that he sould be leile & trew [etc.]
c1590 J. Stewart II. 18/135.
Quhilks meid the vattir … Souche softlie sueit from euerie springing spout
b. Arundel MS. 240/72.
Mak me that be thi luife … I be iunit to thy moder

c. With ellipsis of the object,= passive infin. c1575 Balfour Pract. 511.
Gif ony persoun fallis in the handis of reiveris, and is thairefter deliverit thairfra, he sall in all possibill haist mak shout fra ane town or village unto ane uther
1591 Thanes of Cawdor 206.
Giffin to Angus Liche to mak by sic thingis necessar for Collin to tak his disais away

30. With nouns of action as object: To perform, do, carry out, accomplish.Cf. also 6.In many instances the phrases with nouns of action or verbal nouns are approx. equivalent in sense to etym. cognate or other verbs, when standing alone to an intr. or absol. verb, or, when followed by of (also to, in etc.), to a trans. verb.Const. variously with article or possess. or in plur. and without article: for the usages (freq. but not invariably all of these) in particular cases, see the various nouns.

a. To perform or make (a physical act, gesture or movement).Also, to mak a bekin, a braid, a compas, a croce, ane douncome, gekkis, a gird, a lans, siching, a sign, sterage. a1400 Leg. S. xl. 298.
He … on his hede … mad The takine of the croice
15.. Sym & Bruder 118.
He maid a peteous panting
a1500 Seven S. 376.
He … salusyng to the empriour maide
1669 Lauderdale P. II. 192.
He made a leg & exit with his traine

b. To display (feelings etc.).As, to mak blis, care, (gude, evill, etc.) chere, dule, gle, harmis, joy, lamentacioun, mane, mirth, murning, sorrow.

c. To make (a mock) of (at, with) (someone or something).See Hething n., Jape n. 2, Knak n. 1 (2), Mok n., Scorn n.

d. To deliver orally (a speech, sermon, etc.), to recite (a prayer), to utter (words).Also, to mak ane (one's) harang, invocatioun, oracioun, prayer, speking, etc. a1400 Leg. S. xxxvi. 137.
Magnificat than Mary made In lowing of God
c1420 Bute MS. 161 b.
Gyf ony man mak speche thar of eftyrwart
1531 Bell. Boece I. 100.
Plaucius, for his purgation, maid few wordis
1562 St. A. Kirk S. 171.
The last sermone he maid in this kyrk

e. To mak the exercise: see Exercise n. 2 (2). Hence absol. 1613 Cramond Ch. Aberdour 11.
The said day Mr John Howieson maid the exercise. … Maister George Clark is ordained to mak next
1616 Deer Presb. in Buchan Cl. IV. 196. 1631 Kirkcaldy Presb. 26.
Mr Robert Cranstown should have exercised bot … is appoynted to mak the nixt day
1640 Perth Presb. in Ross Pastoral Work 79.
Mr. And. Plaifair appointed to mak, Mr. And. Donaldson to add

f. To utter (a statement, declaration, complaint, threat, etc.), make (a vow, confession, request, offer), give (a promise, an answer), tell (a lie), put, pose (a question, doubt); etc.As, to mak (ane) (one's) accusing, adoratioun, advertisement, amonesting, appellacioun, athe, bost, cavillatioun, chalange, clame, complaint, confessioun, difference, excuse, explanatioun, faith, grant, gruching, hecht, instance, intercessioun, intimatioun, invocatioun, knawlege, lesing, ley, liquidatioun, mane, manassing, narratioun, offer, plaint, prayer, proclamatioun, promise, protestatioun, questioun, rehers, relatioun, report, request, revocatioun, ruse, spere, supplicatioun, vant, vow, warning. 1390 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 21.
The qwylk bischap mad hym rycht resonabil demaundes
1551 Reg. Privy C. I. 117.
Mackand mentioun of the apownttment laitlie maid
1559–60 Soc. Ant. XI. 521.
The pretendit depositioun and allegiance … maid be Dame Jane
a 1570 Misc. Spald. C. II. xxviii.
The cheild med answer yit to the bird
1624 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 222.
That he will no meakke an answer your letter
1658 Aberdeen B. Rec. IV. 177.
To mack applicatione to the throne of grace for obtaineing ane blissing
c 1672 Wemyss Corr. 118.
Meack my apoladgie to my dear lord

g. To render, give (account); to make (one's will): see Compt n., Testament n., Will n., etc.Cf. sense 4.

h. To execute (a legal deed) in favour of (to) a beneficiary.Cf. sense 4. 1397 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 34.
All giftys … & condysyovnys mad or for to be made … to the sayde Jorge
1456 Hay I. 179/6.
That the sauf condyt suld be understandin at the intencioun of him that it is maid till and nocht be his entencioun that makis it
1457 Wemyss Chart. 81.
And nane of the saide partis sal renew nor mak na lynthe na new takkis of the said landis
1476 Acta Aud. 43/2.
Landis … perteining to him be resone of assedatioun maid to him be Patrik bischop of Saintandres
1509 Rec. Earld. Orkney 82.
His chartturis and his seillis meyd to the said Jhone Irwyngis fadyr and mother
1511 Reg. Privy S. I. 343/1.
A lettre maid to Thomas Symsoun makand him hede mare within the boundis
1610 Conv. Burghs II. 305.
Thair is ane obligatione maid be Patrik Makgie … to James Winrahame … of the soum of [etc.]

i. To enter into, conclude (a bond, covenant, contract, etc.).Also, to mak (ane) accordance, aning, band, contract, cunnand, lig, mariage, pece, etc.: see the various nouns.Cf. sense 4. 1391 14th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. iii. 13.
This endentoure mayd [1391]
1563 Peebles B. Rec. I. 293.
In compleining to outlandis men to maik pairty aganis thair aldermen

j. To mak (an) end, fine: see End n. 3 b, 4 c, and 7 a, Fine n. 5.(1) c1420 Bute MS. 158 b.
Ilk stalangear sal mak end [Acts I. 27/2, mak fine] wyth the bailes
1561 Edinb. B. Rec. III. 122.
To … mak end and aggre with thame for thair cop burddis
(2) a1500 Henr. Fab. 1096 (Bass.).
Thus he maid his end
1625 Garden Kings 15.
A bloodie end this … monarch macks
(3) 1633 Sc. Ant. I. 94.
Uich med an end of the monnies I had restin

k. To render, give (payment, recompense, homage, obedience, respect, support, etc.).As, to mak (ane) adoratioun, amendis, assith(ment, compensatioun, dower, fewte, help, homage, manrent, mendis, obedience, obeising, observance, offerand, payment, profit, recompense, redres, reverence, satisfactioun, securitie, service, succour, supple, support, surety, tribute.

l. To lay out (expenditure), incur (expenses), defray (costs).See also Cost n.1 1 c and 2, Dispens n. 1 and Expens n. 2 for many (including earlier) additional examples. 1473 Treas. Acc. I. 46.
Gevin to Wil Oliphant … to mak his expensis xx li.
Ib. 74. 1500 Acta Conc. II. 346. 1514 Acta Conc. MS. XXVI. 81.
I man now … mak fer largear cost upone the keping of the said hous
1550 Corr. M. Lorraine 321.
I man mayk thair expensis
1574 Reg. Privy C. II. 388, 9.
The said Robert oblist him to mak the said Williames reasonable expenssis, and … [William] maid and debursit certane expenssis extending to … lxxvii li.
1611 Glasgow B. Rec. II. 561. 1622-6 Bisset I. 166/5.

m. To exert (effort), find (means).Also, to mak besines, diligence, labour, main, mene, moyan, pain, travail etc.

n. To commit (a fault, offence, etc.).Also, to mak a brek, inlaik, slydis, see the nouns. 1456 Hay I. 205/12. Ib. 236/6.
A man … that maid na caus of evill
1459 Peebles Chart. 133. c1490 Irland Asl. MS. I. 16/30.
The offencis maid to God
1515 Edgerston Writs.
Tenentis quhilk happins to mak falttes
1535 Stewart 21483. 1544 Corr. M. Lorraine 74.
That I haiff maid na faill
1579 St. A. Kirk S. 441.
To … confes his offence maed aganis the said Jonett

o. To mak a practice, trade or use of (something), see the nouns.

p. To mak merchandise, mercat, traffic, to trade, traffic: see the nouns.

q. To mak bank, to set up or carry on business as a banker. 1560 Waus Corr. 21.
[Inform me] gyff Timotheo … intendis to pas in Scotland and mak bank in the auld maner

r. To travel (a certain way), perform (a certain journey, etc.); hence, to make (one's way), to proceed, advance.Also fig., to mak sic wayis, to make such progress, accomplish so much. ?1438 Alex. i. 1367.
Emynedvs his cours maid weill That fele of Gaderis may feill His sword schare in thair nakit hyde
c1490 Irland Asl. MS. I. 49/16.
The angell novmeris the gait and passage that he makis
1560 Rolland Seven S. 879.
Thay … lap on hors, and fordwart maid the gait To Romes toun
Ib. 10132.
King Alexander thay say is cumming heir … And wald ȝour grace be sa gude to mak gait Him for to meit, [etc.]
1573 Davidson Sat. P. xlii. 1.
Vnto Dundie as I maid way
1622-6 Bisset I. 52/12.
They maid sic wayis be extreme diligence of thair freindis that [etc.]

s. To make (haste). a1585 Maitl. Q. lxxiii. 55.
Vnto him maik haist with all thy micht
1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. 378.
He mad hast towards him

t. To perform or carry out (innumerable other acts, activities or operations).As to mak (ane, one's) abade, biding, dwelling, habitatioun, hanting, herbry, luging, etc.; to mak (ane) bargane, buschment, conquest, debate, hereschip, infall, ische, jornay, onset, were etc.; to mak (ane) deray, disport, distribulans, fare, fray, game, gamin, strife, tulȝe etc.; to mak (one's) achet, deling, kavelling, livery, sale, vent; to mak (ane) hinder, impediment, interruptioun, lat, molestatioun, persecutioun, stop, etc.; to mak (ane) alienatioun, arrestment, assignatioun, infeftment, inhibitioun, recognitioun, etc.; and to mak (ane) (one's) ado, alteratioun, changing, chose, collectioun, deliverans, deputatioun, discens, divisioun, egging, entre, examinatioun, insinuatioun, licence, lippinin, lykewake, ministratioun, minting, passage, pley, persute, procuratioun, punissing, rebellioun, recours, rekning, restauratioun, return, ruin, sacrifice, schot, slauchter, solempnyte, spulȝe, tathing, voyage. 1401 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 380.
Til mak sic pundyng
c1420 Wynt. vii. 1612.
Rogere … mad that coronatyown Agayne all lawch
c1460 Alex. (Taym.) 1498.
Antigone … Gart his futmen ga mak the first assailȝe
1479 Acta Conc. I. 38/2.
The deforsment made on Robin Inglis schiref depute of Berwic [etc.]
c1475 Wall. ix. 795.
Message to mak, our pouer for to get
a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 53.
In Inglis toung I think to mak remembrance How God maid man
Dunb. vii. 30 (Ch. & M.); 1533 Haddington Rec. in Soc. Ant. II. 397.
Withe us … to maik recidence
1528 Lynd. Dreme 129.
This fals wardlis instabilytie Unto that sey makkand comparisoun
1530 Id. Test. Pap. 410.
That few or none may makyng resistance
a1540 Freiris Berw. 324.
Ȝour demys that harbry cowd ws maik
1549 Compl. 6/17.
His diligent vailȝeantnes that he maid contrar the iminent dangeir
c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 1280.
The squyer … Amang his fa-men maid sic hand That [etc.]
1574 Glasg. B. Rec. I. 10.
For vphalding of ane tenement … conforme to the sichting thairof maid be the lyneris of the towne
1570 Leslie 161.
To maik weare
a1578 Pitsc. I. 192/8.
He meid litill defence to his landin
1646 Baillie II. 347.
The Queen … makes a great deale of show to lift ane army in France
1650 Rec. Kirk. Scotl. 617.
Robert Maitlande meadde his repentance
1652 Lamont Diary 50.
The English souldierie did meake search for armes throughe … the borowe towns

31. a. To cast (anchor), have an anchorage. 1400 Aberd. B. Rec. (S.H.S.) 151.
Ther air thai the quilk is ordanit to mak hankaris in the hawyn for commune profyt

b. To mak the quarter, provide quarters: see Quarter n.

B. With adverbs in specialised uses.

32. To mak away. intr., to depart, go away. a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xlviii. 275.
My fellouis comes nou; I mon mak auay
1632 Sutherland Corr. 155.
I mak away to Iyrland … on Monnonday nixt

33. To mak furth. tr. a. To complete, finish, see through. b. To complete the making or equipping of. c. To provide, ‘find’.a. a1400 Leg. S. vi. 213.
Thar-fore as thu dewisise now, Mak furth myn wark
c1420 Wynt. i. 766.
Than wyll he wyth the tothir mak Hys bargane furth, and wyth tha twa Hys fycht he oysis for till ma
1622-6 Bisset II. 250/24.
Ilk ane of theme respective ar haldin to mak furth the said weyiage
b. 1496 Treas. Acc. I. 261.
Gevin … to maik furth this coit, iij ellis of vellous
1497 Ib. 339.
Giffin to Thom … and Johne … to pas to Home to mak furth the artailȝery thare
c. a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 120.
I rede ye mak furth ane man, mekar of mude
Ib. 540. 1628 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 294.
These moneys salbe … mad furthe as your proper donatioun

34. To mak off. intr., ? to make an end, give up, quit.To mak ather off or on, to take action one way or another. a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 826 (W).
Say sone now, haue done now, Mak ather off or one

35. To mak on. a. tr. To build and kindle (a fire): cf. sense 1. b. ? To gather (corn) or ? to put it up into sheaves or stooks. c. intr. To go forward, proceed.a. 1375 Barb. v. 52, 54.
‘Tratour, quhy maid thou on the fyre.’ ‘A! schir … That fyre wes neuir maid on for me.’
c1420 Wynt. iii. 775.
He … gert be maid on a bale fyre Off gret schyddys byrnand schyre
1560 Rolland Seven S. 4249.
That was the caus I gart this fire on mak, Onlie for ȝow, and for nane vthers saik
1634 Rutherford Lett. (1891) 94.b. 1595 Orkney & Shetl. Rec. I. 220.
Anent fyw scheiffis of corne … sett upone Georg Cloustouns rige be the said Georges man quhilk was making on his corne

c. (See sense 34).

36. To mak out. tr. a. = 33 a. b. ? To provide, ‘find’ (soldiers) (cf. 33 c), or ? To equip (soldiers) (cf. 33 b).a. 1678 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 263.
Decernes to mak out the service or to pay the fie
b. 1569 Reg. Privy C. II. 20.
[The] Erll of Glencarne sall … employ the suddartis maid out and furneist be the townis of Glasgow, Air, and Irwing

c. To make up, complete (a total); also, to amount to, to add up to (= 18 b).(1) 1571–2 Reg. Privy C. II. 112.
Makand out in the haill vm merkis
1610 Brechin Test. III. 47 b.
Sua mekill … as will mak out with hir awin part … the sovme off tua thousand markis
1621 Maxwell Mem. I. 329.
Ȝour mastership gaiff sax pens and I gaif more to mak it out
1622 Kinghorn Kirk S. 21.(2) 1644 Lochwinnoch Par. 169.
Thomas Watt, 22s. 6d. land, and Robert Thomsone, 7s. 6d. land, qlk maks out 30s. land

d. To confirm or prove (an assertion or claim) by evidence, to substantiate. 1658 Rothesay B. Rec. 215.
Donald M'Kinley … tuik instruments … that … Robert Beithe callit him perjuired … and promeist to mak it out
?1661-5 M. Bruce Soul-Confirm. (1709) 19. 1667 Kelso Baillie Ct. 42 b.
[That they] shall not heireftir speak agains ony of the stent maisters or alledge on them bot what they may be able to mak out
1671 Forbes Baron Ct. 284. 1680 Dunlop P. III. 7.
That my husband was guelty of tresoan and he would macke it out on him

37. To mak ower. tr., To remake, refashion, (to a certain standard). 1582 Edinb. B. Rec. IV. 236.
Fyndis the watter mettis and land mettis … to be awld, worn, and decayet, … to caus renew and mak ower the same to the awld just mesour of the realme

38. To mak to, to set (oneself) to work, to set to. intr. and refl.intr. 1562-3 Winȝet II. 4/5.
Quhilkis being done, fra he had obtenit ony tolerance and opportunitie, makis he to without delay
1570 Sempill Sat. P. xii. 91.
First on the feildis mak schortly to
Ib. 158. 1571 Ib. xxvi. 101. 1603 Philotus 575. 1638 Henderson Serm. 329.
A man who is shipbroken, if he haue any confidence to be safe, presently he makes to and works … als fast as he can
reflex. 1572 Sat. P. xxxi. 12.
I maid me to fra hand To send this sedull

39. To mak up. tr. a. To build, erect. b. To build up (a wall etc.) where it has fallen away; to repair (any structure or object) by mending holes or making good gaps or deficiencies.a. 1529 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I. 395.
Hes gart big and mak wpe ane substantious brig
1658 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 174.
Permissioun … to mack vp, build and erect tuo or mor chops
1667 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds I. 210. 1669 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 254. 1675 Inverness Rec. II. 262.
Sewerall inhabitants quho haue mad wp to themselves monuments and tombs … within the chappel yeard
b. c1420 Wynt. viii. 3996.
He gert hym off his costage Mak wp Dunbare
1468 Peebles B. Rec. I. 158.
Mychell of Forest sall mak wp hys syd dyk … wythin viij dayis
1489 Treas. Acc. I. 123. 1602 Shetland Sheriff Ct. 23 b.
Ane boit of his quhilk wes lent … is to be maid vp als guid as scho wes
1649 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 96.
To renew and mack wp the cushin that lyes befoir the provost
1664 Ib. 208.
The deane of gild to cause make wp the mercat croce … according to the stanse and forme of the mercat croce of … Edinburgh

c. To make good, compensate for (a loss); to make good the losses of, recompense (a person). 1653 Binning Wks. 368.
The reproach … shall be made up with the more shining of his glory
1680 Cloud of Witnesses 51.
There was never one that trusted in him that came to loss. He made them ay up
1687 Ayr & W. Coll. IV. 175.
Quhill the skaith be made upe … to the pairtie damnified

d. To go towards, contribute to; also, to complete (a total) (cf. 36 c). 1649 Misc. Spald. C. V. 379.
The exceyis … most be collected as formerlie and accresse to mak wpe a pairt of the monies ye ar resting
c1650 Spalding I. 284.
To furneish out fyve fute soldiouris to help to mak wp Monrois regiment
1670 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds I. 290.
[As] many horse as will maik wp ane plewghe

e. To gather together. 1677 Inverness Presb. 79.
To be styled faithfull servants by Christ in the day quhairin he will mak up his juells

f. ? To concoct, invent, fabricate, or ? to promote (a slander). c1650 Spalding II. 202.
Declairing [that] these wemen … war persuadit and intysit to mak wp this sclander

g. To compile, draw up (a list or account). 1668 Rothesay B. Rec. 162.
[They] ar appointit to mak up the said rentall within a fourtnicht efter the rectificatioune
1674 Glasgow B. Rec. III. 189. 1675 Elgin Rec. II. 311. 1695 Douglas Corr. 286.
To understand how accounts may be med up

h. To raise (a person) in rank or wealth; to elevate, promote, enrich. 1531 Bell. Boece I. 177.
Disherising the nobillis of the realme to maik up his mischevous limmaris
1531 T. Davidson in Ib. ii.
Sum ar at vndir and sum maid vp of nocht
a1538 Abell 124 b.
Lang before he expellit his lady … quham be he wes maid wp
a1578 Pitsc. I. 62/33.
Sen they sawe the Earle of Douglas so covatus to make wpe his freindis and so inordinatlie to promove his freindis to landis and lordschipis
1629 Black Orkn. & Shetl. Folklore 77.
Ye wald giff her ane guid sheip luck as ye haid given to sundreis … quhom ye had maid up

i. ? To pull up (a tent peg), also intr. for passive. Of a ship, to make up hir towes, ? to drag her anchors. 1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 221.
A tent … leaneth only to certain pinnes … by the lightest blast of every wind they are made up and when the pinnes make up the tent falleth
1659 Lamont Diary 117.
Ther was a great tempest of wynde all that day … ane English vessell … being laden with great salt, meade vp hir towes in Leith rode and came downe and perished at the harbour of the Ellie

j. intr. To make up with or of (anything), ? to bargain with, derive financial gain from, benefit from. 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1891) 487.
Many are misled and seduced, and make up with their faith, and sell their birthrights
a 1700 Haigs of Bemersyde 477.
If any should alidge that the lairds of Coldenknows did fish or make any ways up of the loch, first, he was a nightbour [and specially priviledged]

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