A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
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Sper(e, Speir(e, v. Also: speyr, spear(e, speer(e, spier. P.t. and p.p. also speirt, etc. sperd(e, speird, etc.; sperret, -it, speirat, spyryt, spirit, sparyt, spaired, also spred. [ME (chiefly north.) and e.m.E. sper, spir (both Cursor M.), spire (Manning), spyre (c1400), spere (c1430), spear (1615), OE spyrian. Cf. ON spyrja, MDu. spören.]
I. intr.
1. To make inquiries, ask, put a question or questions, orally or in writing.The quots. in (2) may be tr. uses.(1) 1375 Barb. iii 486.
On sic maner spyryt he, That he knew that it wes the king a1400 Leg. S. xxi 856.
Traiane … thar-of sic tale cane heyre That he ane erle send fore to spere c1420 Wynt. i 591.
Than he speryd [E. sperit, W. askit] and herd wele telle That [etc.] c1460 Consail Vys Man 326.
The law sais in Latin, Quhai vndirstandis nocht sper may syne a1500 Rauf C. 51.
Sen thow speiris, I thé tell All the suith hale c1475 Wall. i 282.
Quha sperd, scho said to Sanct Margret thai socht 1494 Loutfut MS 43a.
The quhilkis gif the heraldis knawis thaim nocht thai suld demand & spere in tym & place 1545 St. P. Henry VIII V 425.
Ȝour grace may be swir, on my honewr, as I kan speir it was sa far swtit be ȝowr magestes warden on the Erl of Angws, that he behowit to feicht, or tak gret schaim 1549 Lamb Resonyng 3/5.
Quhat be ȝou that speris? Be ȝow ane Scott? 1563 Reg. Privy C. I 240.
He … sall accept upoun him the office of Deputrie of the keping of Liddisdale … and sall help to speir and fyle billis alsweill of Ingland as Scotland 1563 Armstrong Hist. Liddesdale 19 n. 3.
[Every warden] when ony complaint is referred unto him, to speir, fyill, and deliver upone his honour, he shall searche, enquire, and redrese the samin at his uttirmost power 1595 Duncan App. Etym.
Percontor, to speire 1595 Duncan App. Etym.
Quaero, to seek, to speir 1600 Misc. Bann. C. I 156.
I must speir heir becaus sum sayis quhill we sie him die on the scaffald for it, we will neuer beleif it 1633 Rutherford Christ's Napkin 7.
As if one speared at John who is he that sits upon the throne? He would have answered What needs you spear? 1686 G. Stuart Joco-Ser. Disc. 14.
It was in mowes that I did speerproverb. a1598 Ferg. Prov. No. 863.
They are as wise that speir not(2) a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 274.
A! lord, sparis of sic speche, quhill ye speir moreproverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1496.
They that speirs meikle will get wit of pairt
b. transf. With death as subject: To ask, demand, with reference to a person's dying.a1568 Bann. MS 50a/15.
Thay that war baith wardly wyis and deir Ar went away … And sa mon we quhat tyme that deid will speir
2. To inquire as to the whereabouts of, to make one's way to or towart (a person or place).a1500 Seven S. 477.
Towart the credill … can he speire And fand his ȝoung sone haile and feire 1513 Doug. ii vi 52.
To quhilk other fortres sall we speir? 1513 Doug. vii iv 113.
Appollo chargit ws to sper [Sm. speyr, Ruddim. speide] bedene To Tybyr 15.. Clar. i 533.
To Great Britane pas ȝe sall … Syn to the fairest lady in the land ȝe speir 1566-70 Buch. Comm. on Virgil Æn. vi 366.
Portusque require Velinos: (seik, speir to Velia) a1570-86 Maitl. F. 335/8.
To ane grit courtman I did speir That I trowit my freind had bene … To him my mater I did meneproverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 530.
Few folk speirs to the fair wifes house bot rather to the gude
II. tr.
3. To ask (something that one desires to know), to find out (a fact or facts) by inquiry, to make inquiries concerning (a matter, state of affairs, the cause, etc. (of, etc. something)). Also const. about (a matter), at or of (= about) (a person); cf. 9 and 12 below.(1) pres. a1400 Leg. S. xxi 225.
Thane the cause cane Petir spere That hyre caw[s]it to ma sic bere a1400 Leg. S. xxvii 1135.
Full gret foly it is To sper that manis wit excedis 1460 Hay Alex. 1257.
Syne send thai furth thair spyis … To speir the nummer of thair cheueleris, Thair gouernance, and quhow lugit thai weris, And quhow [etc.] a1500 Henr. Orph. 123.
Scho said, … ȝour quene, Is with the fary tane … This noble king, … Speris the maner, and the maid said thus [etc.] c1475 Wall. v 337.
He … bade thaim … tithingis for to sper, Giff [etc.] 1490 Irland Mir. I 88/1.
Thi hienes may spere & in this mater desyre to wyt the caus, quharfor [etc.] 1498 Treas. Acc. I 389.
To ane bote the king send to speir tithingis xv s. ij d. 1513 Doug. vi ix 73.
Radamanthus … Chastiand folkis, speris thar offence expres; By turment thame compellis thar cryme confes 1523 Carnwath Baron Ct. (SHS) 3.
The inqueist dolais this mater quhil thai be ferder avyssit & speir the maner 1543 Corr. M. Lorraine 15.
Forder as your lordship advertesis me I sall do and sall spere all thythingis that I can heyr 1570 Sat. P. x 38.
Be not offendit that I speir ȝour name, How thay call ȝow 1596 Melvill 375.
An sa affectionat to his frind that he meines never to speir his quarrell 1635 Dickson Wr. 6. 1661–5 W. Guthrie Serm. in Sel. Biog. II 77.
Do ye mind the sufferings God's work and people are under? Yes … but it's only when ye spear news. Alace! that is no true token of sympathiep.t. 1375 Barb. v 301.
He speryt the conwyne off the land a1400 Leg. S. xxxix 87.
Firste thare names speryt he, Quhyne thai ware, & of quhat cunctre a1400 Leg. S. l 245.
The emperoure thaim hailist … swyth … Thane sperit thai thar enchesone Quhy he gert thaim cum it that towne c1400 Troy-bk. ii 159.
The cause they spered besely Of thar gret noyse [etc.] c1400 Troy-bk. ii 1015.
Gregeois the cause besely Frome the bischope Calchas … Spered of that impedyment 1456 Hay I 207/21.
For quhat occasioun he sperit the resouns 1535 Stewart 59654.
King Henrie … than sperit he The cours and kynd of his infirmitie 1584 Sempill in Sat. P. xlv 794.
For a pair of schone he ast. Bot or he sperit the price to pay them [etc.]p.p. 1375 Barb. xvii 905 (E).
Quhen the king had speryt [C. sperit] tithand How thai had farne in Ingland, And thai had tauld him [etc.] 14.. Acts I 333/2.
Thai deny the price quhhen it is speritproverb. a1598 Ferg. Prov. No. 88.
A man may speir [MS spear] the gate to Rome a1598 Ferg. Prov. No. 635.
Monie man speirs the gate he knowes full well 1682 Peden Lords Trumpet (1782) 21.
There is manie a man spears the gate they ken full well 1686 G. Stuart Joco-Ser. Disc. 14.
Quo she again, my friend I feel, Ye speer the gate ye kenn right weel(2) 1375 Barb. v 143.
He … speryt tythandis off the queyne And off his freyndis 1375 Barb. xix 599.
Ilkane at othir sperit tithing, Bot … of hym thai herd no thing a1500 Henr. Deth & Man 17.
My name, at me … sen that thow speirs, Tha call me Deid c1475 Wall. iv 424.
Thai war all in feyr; Mony tithingis at him thai wald nocht speyr c1490 Irland Asl. MS 20/10.
He suld speir at ilk man the synnis thit he trastis mast that he … has committit as at … baronis & men of weir anentis reif murthour [etc.] … kirk men of symony, evill governance and negligence anentis the pepill [etc.] 1549 Compl. 15/22.
Gyf ony persone vald speir at me the maneir of the gouernyng of ane battel, I vait nocht quhat ansuere to mak a1578 Pitsc. I 259/13.
They might haue speirit forder tydingis at him bot … he wanischit away betuix them and was no more sen 1629 Dundonald Par. Rec. 284.
Margaret Housoune confessit she baked bread and rosted flesh to the Egyptian woman. Patrik Hunter is reported to haue spearit fortunes at her 1637 Peebles Gleanings 212.
To William Melros, for going to Selkirk to speir news about the plague 30 s. 1638 Baillie I 27.
Forseeing I would be speared at my reasons of my dislyke of our book, I [etc.] 1661 Black Sc. Witches 33.
Helen Clarke, Agnes Barr [etc.] … to give their oathes and depositions anent ther knowledge of the respective mallifices to be speired at them, comitted be the sd. Cristiane Wilsone
b. To ask (a question). c. Const. at (of) (a person). Cf. 9 and 12 b below. d. To ask a person (a question).b. 1456 Hay I 199/14.
Here speris he ane othir questioun; quhethir [etc.] a1500 Seven S. 510.
He askit quhy [etc.] … Sche said I merwell quhy ȝe speire The questioun ȝe knawe full wele [etc.] 1549 Compl. 143/2.
The preist of Peblis speris ane questione in ane beuk that he conpilit, quhy that [etc.] 1560 St. A. Kirk S. 44.
Andro Howburne … accused for … sperand vayn questiones, scornfull aganst the majestie of the Trinitie 1597 James VI Dæmonol. (STS) 46/1.
The next question that I would speere, [etc.] 1587-99 Hume 80/22.
Quhair God speakes, neuer speire onie farder question, because he knawes that quhilk thou knawes not 1676 Welsh Gospel Summonds (1710) 7.
It may be ye will speir the question, wherefore was it that all that wasc. 1513 Doug. i xi 112 (see e (3) below). c1520-c1535 Nisbet I 11.
They sperit at Christ anne questioun and he askit them anne nother 1540 Lynd. Sat. 2023.
Schir, I wald speir at ȝow ane questioun a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 130/26. 1596 Crim. Trials I ii 396.
The law inhibitis expreslie all judges, to speir ony questiounis att sic persounes as confessis the crymis thame selffis, quhilk may preiudge onye thryd persoune 1632 Fugitive Poetry II viii 6.
Eccho a question I would of thee speare a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 265.
If the wittnesses depon falslie upon any question that is speired at them 1681 Hay Fleming Six Saints II 43.
Why does the minister speir such a question at usd. 1551 Hamilton Cat. 27.
That ilkane of yow may the better leir and remember … this instructioun, we think maist expedient to procede be short questionis, and plaine ansueris to the same, to that effeck, that quhen ony of yow is sperit ony questioun necessary for yow to ken … concernyng the law and commandis of God, or any article of your faith, the same persone sa sperit, may ansuer in forme and maner as is here expremit
e. With the object expressed by an indeterminate noun, chiefly thing, or a pronoun. Also const. at or of a person; cf. 9 and 12 b below. Also, with double object and with omission of object.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xxvii 1138.
Lewe forthir to spere The thing that ȝe ma neuir nicht nere c1400 Troy-bk. i 313.
For no thing that men mytht spere Mytht no-man witt quhat thai were [etc.] a1500 Seven S. 2166.
This ȝoung child heire Sall declar all that ȝe speire c1520-c1535 Nisbet 1 Cor. x 25.
Al thing that is sald in the bucherie, ete ye, sperand nathing for conscience 15.. Clar. ii 250.
Be they had speirit all it waxit lait 1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 42.
There rests yit … twa thinges to be speered 1597 James VI Dæmonol. (STS) 36/29.
I would speere one worde further yet, concerning [etc.](2) a1400 Leg. S. iii 483.
Thu sal me tell … The knawlage of it that I sper a1487 Gud Wyf & D. 26.
Be nocht lefull tratlyngis till heir, Na till rehers, quha vald thaim speir 1513 Doug. i vi 114.
‘Quhat be ȝhe … Or of quhat cuntre cummyn?' … Sche sperand this, Eneas sichand sair … Said [etc.] 1551 Hamilton Cat. 85.
Quhy sais he, quhasa is angry at his brother? It is weil sperit, for it is nocht all ane thing to be crabit at thi brother c1568 Lauder Minor P. i 289.
Now may it heir be sperit and demandit(3) 1480 Acta Conc. I 80/1.
That the witnes … be summond … to bere witnes in it that salbe sperit at thaim 1498 Acta Conc. II 219.
Til verefy the sammyn [supra assedacione] in the thingis that salbe sperit at thame 1513 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 22.
[They] sall … schaw to the said inquest be thair gret athis quhat sall be sperit at thaim to caus the verite be knawn 1513 Doug. i xi 112.
Full mony demand of Priam speir scho wald And questionys seir twichyng Hector alswa 1532 Dunferm. Reg. Ct. 65.
And all to be sperit at hym in the premisses and contenit in the said precept c1552 Lynd. Mon. 5256.
One thyng at ȝow wald I speir. Quhen sall that dreidfull day appeir Quhilk ȝe call Jugement Generall? 1598 James VI Basil. Doron 46/11.
Gif any thing be speired at you that ye thinke not meit to reueill c1610 Melville Mem. 94.
The Electour assured hym that I wald schaw him the treuth of all sic thingis as I knew that he wald speir at me 1616 Orkney Witch Trial in Misc. Maitl. C. II 189.
He haid taucht hir to tell quhatsoever sould be speirit at hir be [etc.] 1646 Carnock Kirk S. in Row xxxiii.
I think meitt … that the elder of that quarter cum in himself, with thoise persons, to informe of thingis that I sall speir at him 1683 Wodrow MS 4to XXXVII No. 6.
That they should tell all he speared at thaim(4) 1632 Fugitive Poetry II viii 169.
These after lynes I did the Echo speare who doth this matter mightely defend(5) a1400 Leg. S. iii 508.
Bot gyf thu will hertly trow, Thu vittis nocht thu speris now
4. To ask for or inquire about, seek, trace (lost or stolen property); to ask for (something). Cf. 11 below.Quot. Melrose Reg. Rec. I 255 may be a further example of 7 below.1598 Reg. Privy C. V 469.
[The complainer having challenged him he had] maist schamefullie and avowedlie [denied the crime] afferming, giff the said complener could speir thame on him, albeit it coist him ane hundreth pundis of saw silver, that he sould pay to him the valour of the saidis guidis and saw silver. [Since then] the said complener hes speirit the same on him, and hes thairupoun debursit ane hundreth pundis of saw silver 1606 Reg. Privy C. VII 721.
It is thought goode that the Commissionaris haiff power … to … mak redres to the compliner of his guidis … for be this doing men wilbe cairfull to speir thair geir 1633 Maxwell Mem. II 248.
I sall mak his maring so vnwordie, that it sall not be speirit for 1659 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 255.
They having than wanting and raiked or stollin a yeir befor twa horses and heiring that they wanted, the Laird of Hunthill … askitt at him who they wer that wanted the horse and he wald speir them; … the defenders promittit incais the persewar could speir the horse to give him twa rex dollors 1659 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 256.
He naither speiret the horse nor went … with them
5. To ask for, seek (a person's opinion, advice, agreement, etc.).1513 Doug. iii ii 155.
My fader exortis ws … Apolloys answer speir, Besekyng hym of [etc.] a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 806 (W).
He culd not luck, as he alledgit, That all opinions speirit [Wr. spearde] c1610 Melville Mem. 27.
The Duc of Guise … said that he wald … obtean the kingis command before he wald charge vpon the ennemy. Bot Monsr de Lorge … allegit that ther was na tym to speir consaill 1622 Canongate Hammermen in Bk. Old Edinb. C. XX 98.
The wrang being delaited to the haill brithering and everie ane of thair consentis being speired thairanent 1643 Baillie II 90.
The mind of the most part wes speared … everie man, as he was by the Moderator named, did expresse his sense as he was able 1677 Stirlings of Keir 512.
I never had so much witt or discretion that it wes in the least necessar to consult me, or once spear my advice in such a matter
b. To speir the voittis or voice, to ask members of an official body to cast their votes on an issue. Also const. of.1622-6 Bisset I 148/12.
Quhen ony cause is sufficientlie ressonit, that they speir the voittis of the lordis a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 27.
That the chancellar … quhen any caus is sufficientlie verified, that he speir the votts 1639 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 252.
The Commissioner answered … I am commanded to give my consent to the Act of this Assembly against it; and therefore my voice must be speired last 1650 Elgin Rec. I 287.
That day being woited in counsell quhidder thair sould goe ane commissioner to the present parliament the woites being speired and equall till the provest be his woite it wes fund necessar thair sould ane goe 1667 Inverness Rec. II 233.
Hawing speired the voice … it was caried be comon consent of the counsell conveined that [etc.] 1683 Inverness Rec. II 313.
The provest having speired the votes of the counsell anent [etc.]
6. a. To seek out, search for (a (particular sort of) person); cf. 11 below.a1400 Leg. S. vi 10.
[He] has send his proveste here … bisily fore to spere A man, that sic palace can make 1513 Doug. v vii 27.
Ane othir mache to hym was socht and speryt 1533 Boece 82.
Evene … institute inquisitouris and ceirsaris in euery regioun to dant and spere lymmaris awating lele men be the way 1566 Reg. Privy C. I 492.
He behuvit to speir the faltouris quhilkis lang syne hes redressit the gudis
b. To seek to know, learn, discover (one's own nature, the truth, etc.). Also absol.c1420 Ratis R. 858.
Fyrst is misterfull to thee To sper and knaw thi qualyte c1552 Lynd. Mon. 3134.
The Kyng … wes rycht afferit, Tyll he the veritie had sperit 1553 Armstrong Hist. Liddesdale 18 n. 1.
[The warden, on receipt of the bills of complaint … should do his utmost to] speire, search, and enquire the truth and verity of the attempts [contained in the same]absol. 1566 Waus Corr. 37.
Sche offris to me the sam power in hir landis in Fyiff, becaus that thair is not ane penny nor boll of victale, sa fer as I can speir, to tak up thair
c. To inquire into, examine closely (a statute or point of law) so that it is applied or understood correctly.1493 Acts II 234/2.
Becaus thair is mony diuers statutis, quhilkis hes in the end of thame the pane of dittay, and hes nocht bene in tyme bigane cleirlie speirit, at the inditmentis taking as thay sould haue bene, throw the quhilk diuers persounis that hes brokin the said statutis, hes nocht bene punyst 1511 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 108.
Thair is douttis of law to be sperit in Edinburgh for iniuris and breking of restis be the tenandis a1538 Abell 15a.
Heir lordis and nobillis hes a document to speir the law of God to excers study and knawlege of storys [etc.]
7. To question or interrogate (a person). Also, to ask (a person) of (= about) (a subject).c1500 Harl. MS 4700 283b.
And speir the witnes weil at thai be lele & vnsuspect men a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 404.
Off His discipillis … Annas sperit [at] him richt deligent
8. With clause object: To inquire or ask, orally or in writing ((of) a person, group, deity, etc.), chiefly const. gif, how, quhy, quhene, etc.; cf. 12 below. Also immediately preceded or followed by direct speech. Also, once, with conjunction in ellipt. use as the object.(1) pres. 1375 Barb. iv 553.
I will send a man in Carrik To spy and sper our kynrik How it is led [C. how the kynrik is led] a1400 Leg. S. ii 234.
Nero send twa knychttis to spere, Gywe ȝet wes sa slane Sanct Paule c1400 Troy-bk. ii 2461.
He gart two secre spyes come … And to Thesaly thaim send To Assandrus … To speire how all thingis stud thare 1456 Hay I 1/20
In the first chapiter he speris quhat thing is bataill 1490 Irland Mir. III 31/30.
Men may dout & speir quhow that the body of Jhesu may be contenit and haue real presens in hevin, and in sa mony placis to giddir, and at anys c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 52.
Ȝe speir had I fre chois gif I wald cheis bettir 1533 Gau 32/16.
Man ma se and reid and speir quhou mekil the gentils knew of God a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 130/30.
Than vill I speir quharbe he knawis that he hes ane immortal saull a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 129/31.
Spere 1558-66 Knox I 241.
‘What sayis thow of the Messe?’ spearis the Erle of Huntley 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 124.
The officiar … sould speir, and inquire openly, gif any person will alledge, and sweir, that the samine gudes perteines to him 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 167.
Rouse up, therefore, your soul, and speer how Christ and your soul met togetherp.t. 1375 Barb. iv 467.
The king … speryt [C. sperit] syne specially, Gyff ony man couth tell tithand Off ony strang men in that land a1400 Leg. S. vii 595, etc.
Speryte c1420 Wynt. viii 2106, etc.
The Schyrrawe all agast, ‘Quha is that?’ than speryd fast 1460 Hay Alex. 973.
Than speirit the king quhan com the bachelare; He said, ‘Fra Pers I com, [etc.]’ c1475 Wall. v 243.
Till him he raid; quhar at he maid his mayne Or loude he sperde; ‘Quhat art thow walkis that gait?’ a1500 Seven S. 1082.
At the dure scho knokit And as he wist nocht quha was thare He spak and sperit quhay it ware a1500 Seven S. 1600.
The empriour … sperit quhy scho grat sa saire 1559 Inverness Rec. I 33.
The said Robert Merschell met him and sperrit hyme, Quhat haue ye done? 1567 Anderson Collect. Mary II 187.
Spirit 1581 in Bann. Memor. 320.
He spereit, for what ressone a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 604 (Wr.).
Spear'de 1596 Dalr. II 147/7.
The Inglismen in this battel war sa vanquist, that the neist winter tha neuer send to speir how we do c1650 Spalding I 135.
Southesk speirit be what auchtoritie thay war thus stenting the Kinges leiges 1686 G. Stuart Joco-Ser. Disc. 13.
Speer'd 16.. Maidment New Bk. Old Ballads 13.
Fan he tid pekin to woo She speert fa tid begett himp.p. 1549 Compl. 143/4.
He mycht hef sperit as veil, quhy that [etc.] 1559–60 St. A. Kirk S. 23.
Sche beand speret quhat sche kend of Williame Rantownes wyfe, the deponar testifies that [etc.] 1593 Cochran-Patrick Coinage I 264.
Itt may be speiritt gif [etc.] a1599 Rollock Wks. I 320.
Bot heir it may be speirit, Ar all thir three of the nature of the life to come? 1665–7 Lauder Jrnl. 147.
If I be spaired what sort of folks the French are, we may reply they are folk with noses on their faces(2) 15.. Clar. i 573.
Thay speirit of Clariodus, Gif any wist of sik ane knicht antrus 1560 Rolland Seven S. 4187.
Scho speirit of me gif ȝe war in glaidnes(3) c1616 Hume Orthog. 18.
My antagonist … began that I was becum an heretik, and the doctour spering how, ansuered that I denyed quho to be spelled with a w, but with qu
III. With prepositions.
9. To spere at, to ask, inquire of, to put a question or questions to (a person, etc.).Freq. in a formal context, chiefly, in the phrase in so far as thai, etc. (ken), (ken or) knaw or (and) sall (should) be sperit at thame, etc., in so far as they, etc. know or shall be questioned. Also with clause complement; cf. 8 above.The 1684 quot. in (1) may belong in 3 d above.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xiii Prol. 26.
[They] speryt at thame that ay had bene With Jhesu … & had harde al his prechinge a1500 Henr. Fab. 1051.
Than Lowrence said, ‘My lord speir not at me, This new-maid doctour off diuinitie … can tell ȝow weill aneuch' 1490 Irland Mir. III 107/36.
Gif thou speris at me … quhat is law, I say [etc.] c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 13/33.
Se that thi confessour be wys and discreit, … Gif thou can not schaw furth thi synnes … And he be blinde and can not at thé speir, Thow ma … consydder That ane blynde man is led furth be ane uther 1527–8 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 93.
We ordand the ple … to stand in the affec and forme quhill this xv day that we may speir at James Helme, quhilk hard the condiciones 1560 Rolland Seven S. 3367.
At my nichtbours I haue speirit all about Euin as ȝe say ilk ane thay say but dout 1569 Kirkcaldy B. Rec. 321.
James Muresoun, custumiar, and the fremen … to compeir befoir the consall thair to ansser as thai salbe spirit at 1595 Creswell Royal Coll. Surgeons Edinb. 22.
[The deacon and masters request none of the brethren to speak any] proude words … [when they be] speirt at in their voittings [or in giving their opinions in their affairs] 1596 Conv. Burghs I 474.
That [nane] presume to speik quhill he be speirit att be the moderatour 1597 James VI Dæmonol. (STS) 1/5.
In what I can, that ye like to speir at me, I will willinglie and freelie tell my opinion 1609 Kinghorn Kirk S. 16.
Margaret Key … was ordanit (for hir contemptuous behauiour ussit to her pastour … and bidding him spear at assis and nocht at hir) to compeir [etc.] 1619 A. Simsone Life of P. Simsone in Sel. Biog. I 100. 1662 J. Livingstone Discourse in Sel. Biog. I 208.
You spoke, as they say, when none speired at you 1684 Erskine Diary 51.
After a witness said he had no more to say there was no more to be speared at him(2) 1498 Acta Conc. II 193.
Til bere lele and suthfast witnessing betue the sadis partiis in sa fer as thai knaw or salbe sperit at thame, under the pane of rebellione 1507–8 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I 55. 1563 Dumfries B. Ct. fol. 192.
To declair the weritie safar as scho kennis or knawis and salbe sperit at hir 1591–2 St. A. B. Ct. 22 Feb.
To beir leil and sothfast witnessing to the veretie in swa far as they ken or salbe sperit at thame 1656 Dumbarton B. Rec. 70. 1679 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 288 (5 March).
To give ther oathes of verity in sua far as they knew, or should be speired at them, anent the ryot 1691 Argyll Justic. Rec. 131.(3) pres. a1400 Leg. S. i 618, etc.
Petir than at Hym can spere: ‘Quhare gais thu, Lord, now?’ c1400 Elgin Rec. I 15.
Sanct Niniane … cane at hyme spere Gif he in wil wes to fulfil The awou he mad hyme til 1456 Hay I 78/17.
Tharfore now spere I at the redare … gif man suld have this rebellioun and contrarietee ane agaynis ane othir a1500 Sir Eger 2269.
Speer ?a1500 Steel Roy Robert (1700) 5.
Speir 1574 Calderwood III 318.
Speare c1590 Fowler I 181/10.
Then att the aeks and allers … My plaints I speire, quhat way will they me feid 1662 Soc. Ant. XXII 229.
Spierp.t. 1375 Barb. iii 547.
The king then at thaim speryt ȝarne, How thai, sen the thaim [saw] had farne c1420 Wynt. v 2035. 1425–6 Aberd. B. Rec. (SHS) cxxxv n.3.
Alexander Hepburne ane of the … ballis sperit at the sayde assyse gife thai war accordyt a1500 Henr. Fab. 988 (Bann.).
Speirit c1475 Wall. vii 253.
He sparyt at hir, quhat hapnyt in the ayr 1567 Calderwood II 350.
Speired 1579 Perth Kirk S. in Spottiswoode Misc. II 238.
He came to Andrew Brownhill's house and … speered at the servants where the gudewife was 1585 James VI Ess. 48.
Speared c1593 Lett. Jas. VI to Bruce 285.
Speirid 1594 Elgin Rec. II 39.
Scho … speirat at hir gif scho culd helpe the seik barne 1633 Rutherford Christ's Napkin 7 (see 1 (1) above).p.p. 1490 Irland Mir. I 87/4, etc.
It may be sperit at me, quhat kind of syn was this, that Adam … falȝeit in 1517 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 41. 1592 Cochran-Patrick Coinage I 260.
b. To spere at (a person) anent (of) (a matter) or eftir (another person), to inquire of (a person) about (a matter or another person). Cf. 10 and 12 below.(a) 1375 Barb. xix 611.
Thai … speryt at him of his abaid a1400 Leg. S. xxix 594.
Thane cane thai at hym hertly spere Eftir a man, wes thame dere … Gyf he wist quhare he was c1490 Irland Asl. MS 20/10 (see 3 (2) above).(b) 1460 Hay Alex. 15373.
And of thi moder that thow spred at me Trest wele [etc.]
c. To spere at (a person) to (do something), to ask (a person) to (do something).1545 Acts II 596/2.
The act abounwrittin … wes planely and opinly red quhilk beand done my lord cardinale chancellare sperit at [euery] man thar present to declare thar mynd tharintill
d. To spere (the Catechism) at (a person).1615 Brechin Kirk S. Acts & Ordinances.
That ane scholar everie Saboth day answer to the catechisme the readder speiring at him at morning prayers
10. To spere eftir, to inquire about, to make inquiries about (a person, thing, etc.). b. To seek after, pursue (a right or possession). Cf. 9 b above. c. To ask about, question (an action).1375 Barb. iv 494.
I saw the men That yhe sper [C. speir] efter mak logyng a1400 Leg. S. xviii 338.
‘Dere modyre, thru God prayere Thai far al wele ȝe eftyre sper' 1460 Hay Alex. 962.
Efter the ȝoung king he was sperand a1500 Bernardus 164.
Ane aulde woman that is Licherus and wyl not lef hir mys … Nan othir hewyne scho walde neuer eftyr sper a1500 Seven S. 1361.
Efter hir lord [she] sperit hastely Thai answerd with houndis in wenary 1515 Treas. Acc. V 49.
To pas … to the west ferre to spere efter lettrez at Francheman come thairb. 1575–6 Waus Corr. 115.
Geif I be nocht satisfeit, I man speir efter the thing that I haif rycht toc. ?1669 Jervise Memor. Angus & Mearns I 74.
[He swore that he would] ware tuo of his best sones in the quarrell [adding … ] who would or durst speir after it
11. To spere for, to inquire or ask about (a person, thing, etc.), to seek information, knowledge, possession of (something); to seek out (a person). Cf. 4 above.a1400 Leg. S. xxxvi 1072.
Herod … fel in[-to a] hard seknes, … Than come diuerse medicinaris … For wynninge of his stat to spere 1560 Rolland Seven S. 7078.
Gif that the kingis grace Speirit for the ring … Scho suld [etc.] a1578 Pitsc. I 258/20.
He … come … cryand and speirand for the king, sayand he desyrit to speik witht him 1581-1623 James VI Poems II 111/36.
Where can she [sc. Justice] be … Alike in water for to wagg a wande As speare for her 1638 Dickson in Sel. Biog. II 25.
The caus that we are about the day, kings shall speir for it, and shall be forced to heare it in due tyme 1642 Scots Scouts Discovered 3.
I speerd for him, and some said he was … at White-hall a1661 Rutherford Cry from the Dead (1775) 7.
Christ in the garden on the cross, in the grave under the pursuing of his Father's wrath and anger, he spirid ay for his beloved, his Kirk c1650 Spalding II 367.
The Marquess … speiris for ane ailhouss, callis for ane drink, and sendis for [gap] Gordon of Syddra 1655 Hibbert P. No. 16.
The Duchmen … ar not speiring for no buter as ȝeit 1683 Edinb. City Archives Letters II (20).
Glenfarquer is speren for my lord Basnses bond 1685 Hay Fleming Six Saints I 111.
It is easy for Christ to be holden busy in dividing the fulness of his Father's house to his poor friends; … he's the easiest merchant ever the people of God yoked with; … he'll sell good cheap, that ye may speir for his shop again 16… Sempill P. 74/40.
Gin ye should come to Anster Fair, Spier ye for Maggie Lauder
12. To spere of, to ask, make inquiries about (a person, subject, etc.). Cf. 3, 8 and 9 b above.1375 Barb. xvi 21.
He resauit hym gladsumly, And sperit of his brotheris fair [etc] a1400 Leg. S. xxvii 1125.
Rycht gret foly is To ȝou to spere or tret of this ?1438 Alex. ii 508.
The douchters of Antigonus, That of amouris and of droury Can speke and spere richt merely c1420 Wynt. ii 687.
Than speryt he thraly off that land, Quha sulde be in tyll it duelland 1456 Hay II 91/3.
And of all thing that he spere never of dishonest thingis, na that he ansuere undiscretely na ungudely, bot honourably a1500 Henr. Fab. 2969.
Gif that ony speiris Of this fabill sa schortlie I conclude Say thow I left the laif vnto the freiris, To mak a sample or similitude c1475 Wall. v 1078.
My selff will pas in feyr, And ane with me, off herbre for to speyr c1490 Irland Asl. MS 20/1.
The prest herand confessionis may mak interrogacionis to knaw the conscience and the stait of the synnere … sperand in generall of the artiklis of the faith … of the vij dedly synnis and vther that are vsit, bot of synnis that ar nocht gretly vsit he suld nocht speire mekle … for … he may … teche the synnar ways to syn 1507 Treas. Acc. III 415.
To ane man to pas to Abirdene to speir of the Kingis incummyng, iiij s. 15.. Clar. iii 318.
He speirit of the tounis beseiging And syne of thame within and thair defence And of the Cainis he magnificence
b. To spere of (a person) anent (something), to ask or inquire of (a person) anent (something).1566 Bk. Dunvegan I 33.
He sperit and requirit of the said Huchoun anent [etc.]
13. To spere out. a. To seek out, search for, find (a person, commodity, etc.) by inquiry. b. To find out (information) by inquiry, to ascertain.The Cal. Sc. P. quot. may be a further example of 1 above.a. 1585 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 420.
Appoynts … Henry Nesbet, William Naper [etc.] … to agrie with thame for fyve pund, monethlie, ilk persoun for thair wedges and gif thai will nocht be content heirwith to speir owt vthers to serue in thair rowme 1589–90 Cal. Sc. P. X 845.
Because I have spered and found out some sundry particular offenders [etc.] 1589–90 Edinb. B. Rec. V 16.
It wes thocht expedient [gap] that ane commodious schip be hyret [sc. to bring the king home] … [Commission to certain of council] to speir owt the schip, speik the awners and skipper and to agrie gif scho may be resonably had 1610 Reg. Privy C. IX 52. 1623 Crim. Trials III 547.
Haifing maid some inquierie and having tane panes and travell to speir out and try the [stolen] goodis … he [etc.] 1623 in Law Memor. 157 n.
William Buchanane … gets some of the stollen goods spiered out 1629 Linlithgow B. Rec. 26 June.
The baillies to speir out ane sufficient man to be ane officer quhill Michelmas 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 348.
Oh that people would speer out Christ, and never rest whill they find Him 1666 Peebles B. Rec. II 73.
The proveist and baillie Horsbruik to goe to Edinburgh to spear out ane scoolmaister, and in particular Mr. John Whytlaw 1667 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. 3 Ser. I 150.
If ye can get a boll of great blak corne to mixe the lay cause Wm. Johnstone or ane uther speir it out 1675 Lanark B. Rec. 199.
The baillies and counsell … ordaines tuo thousand four hundreth merks to be borroued for makeing up the first termes payment of 3000 merks, and ordaines the counselloures to speir out the same, for quhich the baillies and counsell wer to give bond 1693 Lett. (Annandale Papers, R. C. Reid transcript) 15 Aug.
I have written to Mistress Simson to fie a gardener for I desire yow to try and speir out on and let them know in caice you and they both fieb. 1582 Kirkcaldy B. Rec. 70.
Anent the stenting of our mure that the order of Cowper of Fyff be sperit out and fulfillit according tharto
14. To spere to, to ask or inquire concerning (something).1549 Lamb Resonyng 47/3.
To this fourt caus of weir I speir: quhen diuers opinionis occurris betuix twa parteis vpone the validitie and inualiditie of ane evident, quha suld juge thairupone?
IV. With adverb.
15. To spere about, to make discreet inquiries here and there, to ask around.1535 Stewart 2542.
Exploratouris than haif tha [sc. the Britons] send … That war expert, to speir about and spy Gif ony Scot apperit on the plane