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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Wat(t)ir, -er, n. Also: -yr, wattyre, -ar, -ere, wat(e)re, vattir, -er, -yr, vater(e, -yr, uattir, uater, waitter, waltir, -er, valtir, -er, warter, wather, vadder, wotter, voltir, wettr, wytter. Pl. also wattrys, vattris. [ME and e.m.E. wetere (c1175), water (a1200), waterr (Orm), wætere (Layamon), watur, watter (both Cursor M.), watyr (Manning), watre (Piers Plowman), watir (Chaucer), OE wæter, MLG water.]

I. 1. Water, as a substance having particular qualities, esp. as one of the four elements, together with fire, air and earth. Also proverb.a1400 Leg. S. Prol. 58.
He of watere mad the wyne
a1500 Henr. Fab. 1661.
The fyre, the air, the watter, and the ground
1531 Bell. Boece I xliii.
Gif thay [sc. small fish] be handillit, thay melt away like ane blob of watter
1549 Compl. 33/18.
This material varld that is maid of the four elementis, of the eird, the vattir, the ayr, ande the fyir
c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus Prol. 72.
He that hes of watter the natoure … Is daft and doyld
a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 127/17.
1568 Skeyne Descr. Pest 10.
Sic humoris corruptis in mannis bodie as may gener ane pest quhilkis ar melancholius infectit, be pestilentiall corruptioun of air or vater
a1585 Maitl. Q. 202/43.
As the drope of water weris the stone
1581 Hamilton Cath. Tr. in Cath. Tr. (STS) 87/14.
The fluddis of Egipt, quhilkis var changit in blude and thairefter the blude transubstantiat in the substance of valter
1581 Hamilton Cath. Tr. in Cath. Tr. (STS) 87/25.
Elisæus … causit the hauie irne by nature sueme aboue the valter
proverb. a1605 Montg. Misc. P. v 44.
All is not gold that gleitis … Nor water all that weitis

b. As a substance which quenches fire. Also proverb.c1420 Ratis R. 644.
Lycor … That sloknis syne as vattir fyre
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 327.
The suddartis … fyrit baith the syddis of the gait … for this caus wes ane proclamatioun maid that all thak houssis suld be tirrit … and ilk man … to haue his lumes full of watter in the nynt [= night]
1655 Edinb. B. Rec. VIII 392.
To buy fra him that ingyne or instrument for watter agains fyre
1656 Glasgow B. Rec. II 345.
Anent the macking of the ingyne for casting of watter on land that is in fyre
proverb. a1598 Ferg. Prov. No. 271.
Foule water slokens fire

c. As a source of danger, chiefly in collocation with fyre.c1490 Irland Asl. MS 5/22.
Perrell of deid … quhilis … cummis … be debait, perrill of watter or vther way
1533 Gau 96/29.
Deliuer vs fra fir and vater
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 1717.
Thocht fyre or walter it assalit, Contrare that dungeoun nocht aualit
1560 Rolland Seven S. 1996.
To keip thair babis … Fra fyre, watter, and all siclyke perrell
1617 Reg. Great S. 599/2.
Cum multuris [etc.] … et de omnibus granis ad burgenses et inhabitantes dicti burgi spectantibus thoilling fyre and watter within the same

d. As a necessity of life, in collocation with fyre.1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 44.
Na man suld releif him with meit or drink, that scho in maner forbad him the use of fyre and watter

e. As a mechanism of judgment or punishment. Also attrib.14.. Acts I 49/2.
Leffull it is to na man to take redempcioun for thyft eftir dome gevyn of wattir or of batal
1436–7 Ayr B. Ct. 3 Jan.
Thir women … to be with hyrne clekis put in the water
c1570 Chron. Fortirgall 144.
God set his bow in the air quhilk is lik vattyr and fyir quhilk is liknyt to tua domis, viz. wattyr and fyir. The doime of wattyr sall neuir be
c1575 Balfour Pract. 526.
It is forbidden … that in ony time heirefter thair be ony dome or maner of judgment, be water or pit, in the quhilk theives had wont to be drownit
1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Schireffe.
Siklike na barrone may hald court of battell, water or iron, except the schiref … be present to see justice done
1596–1600 Warrender P. (SHS) II 430.
He pat sum to death be walter and sum be sword
1620 Fraserburgh Kirk S. 105b (8 March).
He did cast the peicis off paper in watter thairby to try the thift suppo[s]ing that to be the giltie persone quhais name did sink
attrib. 1611 Crim. Trials III 184.
In the east, … nine ordeals are still in use, viz. the balance, the fire-ordeal, the water-ordeal [etc.]

2. a. In domestic use, for drinking, cooking, etc. Also pl. b. specif.In washing, also as part of a ritual, cf. sense 3. c. fig.a. 1375 Barb. ii 498.
[They] Eyte flesch and drank water
a1400 Leg. S. xxvii 795.
1456 Hay I 32/4. a1500 Henr. Fab. 272.
Thay drank the watter cleir In steid off wyne
1508 Treas. Acc. IV 125.
For … frech watir … to the schip
1538 Treas. Acc. VIII 160.
Fillyng and berying of xv ponchionis watter … for haiffin abord of it
1549 Compl. 145/11.
a1586 Maitland Ho. Seytoun 45.
Convoyit be conduitis sufficient waltir to serve the kitchin
1561–2 Edinb. Old Acc. I 380.
To the walter wyffis for walter … x s.
1562 Knox Ressoning 172.
Watter and meal made in maner of a drammock
1566 Canongate Kirk S. (ed.) 42.
Wardit the space of viii dayis, warter and bred
1571–2 Inverness Rec. I 211.
Quhilk horse hes … deit … in giffing of cauld draff and watter to him
1573 Sempill in Sat. P. xxxix 86.
Ane poysonit woll to drink … Infekit watter sowllit thame
1580 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 161.
It is fund that the lattin furth thairof [sc. the burgh loch] is the principall caus of the scarcenes of watter … in the drowth and somer seasoun
1598 Household Bks. Jas. VI and Anne I 30 June.
Flacconis to keip his majesties aill cauld in watter
1602-1731 Dundonald Par. Rec. 14.
The said Kaithrein hett ane pan full of watter
1633 Aberd. B. Rec. III 55, 56.
The great necessitie quhairin thair toune stoode throw want of pure and cleane watter and … that the watter whairwith the said toune was served came frome ane litle loche … whilk is so filthilie defyled … not onlie be gutteris … running in the loche but … by the letstaris who wash all their cloathes in the said loch [etc.] … so as the watter comeing therefra [etc.] … they concluded … that ane draught sould be drawin frome ane spring … by the quhilk the watter sould be drawin frome that spring to the said toune
pl. c1420 Wynt. iv 686.
Gyff ony wattrys ware, Off sic abowndans … That to thame all thare drynk mycht be
1456 Hay II 139/1.
Evill wateris … evill hewit and evill gustit
b. a1400 Leg. S. xviii 1424.
Ȝoȝomas … cane … gret, & with his teris wysche tham [sc. feet] sone, As quha with vattir suld tham don
?1438 Alex. ii 451.
The watter him gaif schir Floridas, And the touell schir Perdicas
c1450-2 Howlat 676 (A).
The merschale … Gart bring watter to wesche of a well cleire
1530 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 30.
Thar is diuers seruandis that hes thar masteris and hussis claithis to the walter, and … takis this womanis coller and that womanis curtche and wescheis thame [etc.]
1571 Misc. Bann. C. III 125.
I tuik the baithe … preparit with heit watter
1623 Crim. Trials II 537.
Scho … tuik watter frome thence … and … weusch the bairne. Eftir that, tuik the watter, with the bairneis sark … and kuist baith in the burne
pl. 1456 Hay II 134/35.
Bathing in evill or foull wateris
c. 1658 R. Moray Lett. 218.
You talk as if you had done a nack in holding me in hot water

3. Used as part of a religious or superstitious ritual. Some quots. in sense 4 might also be located here. b. Haly (hallowyt) watter, = Haly water n. c. fig.a1400 Leg. S. iv 240.
Sancte James gat A pot with vatter, and with that He baptisit Josyas
1490 Irland Mir. III 12/3.
In na vthir liquor may be ministerit this sacrament nouthir in wyne aill [etc.] … stellit watteris as rose watter or vtheris na ȝit in the yse snaw hailstanis quhil thai be turnyt in watter
1513 Doug. xii iii 15.
The harthis vp thai set … Sum otheris brocht the fontane watir fair, And sum the haly ingill [etc.]
1540 Maxwell Mem. 409.
Ane glassing lawwer that keippis walter to the mes
1562-3 Winȝet I 83/13.
The baptizit … to be thryis dippit in the wattir
1567 G. Ball. 14.
Our Baptisme … Quhen Goddis word with watter junit be Throw faith to gif vs lyfe eternallie
1558-66 Knox II 396.
The conjuring of thair accurssed watter
1586 St. A. Kirk S. 569.
He … hard Jhone Downy say to the barn, ‘Alexander, I baptize ye in the name of the Father, Sone and Holy Goist’ and saw na watter
1588 King Cat. 67.
In this maner we halloue the watter of baptisme
1623 Crim. Trials III 557.
Causing hir husband heit the coulter of his pleuch, and cule the samyn in watter brocht from Haly Well of Hillsyde; and thaireftir making certane coniurationes, croces, and signes vpone the watter
b. (1) a1400 Leg. S. xvii 64.
Haly vatyr
a1568 Bann. MS 114a/19.
To coniure the littill gaist ȝe mon … kast the grit haly watter With pater noster [etc.]
(2) 1513 Doug. iv viii 98.
Scho gan behald In blak adyll the hallowyt watir cald Changyt and altyr
c. 1551 Hamilton Cat. 177.
Watter of grace adournis and decoris our saulis
1581 Hamilton Cath. Tr. in Cath. Tr. (STS) 99/5.
Christ hes luifit his kirk … vesching hir vith the lauer of valter in the vord

4. With regard to its harmful or curative properties or effects on the body, esp. as medecine or in witchcraft. Also pl. Cf. also 13 below.a1400 Leg. S. xxvii 912.
Tuk wattir & blissit it … & thare-with all ennoyntit … the eyne of that blind man
1580 Skeyne Descr. Well Sig. A 3b.
This watter … cuiris distillatioun from the harnis
1590 Crim. Trials I ii 202.
Thre drinkis of walter furth of thre stanis, quhilkis sche had
1591 Crim. Trials I ii 252.
To haif poysonit Joseph Dowglas … be ane potioun of composit walter
1597 Crim. Trials II 28.
Scho … tuke vp nyne sopis of salt watter and put in a stolp
1603 Crim. Trials II 422.
The Devill … lernit him to tak southe-rynnand-watter to cuir the saidis diseissis
1607 Crim. Trials II 536.
For abuseing of the people with ane certane watter, brocht be him furth of the loch … and cureing of his awin bairne with the said loche watter
1608 Tailor's Acc. Bk. A 59.
For ane glas of watter to the ladyis eyn
1622 Dunferm. B. Rec. II 134.
Ane horible barbaritie in casting heat watter upon Jonet Sibbald's kow
1623 Crim. Trials III 557.
For cureing of … ky … be … casting of certane inchantit watter … athort the byre
1632 Justiciary Cases I 211.
Be taking the said diseas and panes thairof [sc. childbirth] af the said Issobell in causeing tak ane pan with het watter … be washeing of the said Issobell [etc.]
pl. 1580 Skeyne Descr. Well Sig. A 3.
This watter … being laxatiue, attenuatiue [etc.] … it must neidis be of het qualitie, for thir ar the properteis of het watteris
1622 Crim. Trials III 514.
Witchcraft can nocht be accomplischet … bot be characteris, signes, croces, poysonet watteris [etc.]

5. As used in manufacturing or industrial processes and the like. Also pl.See also Lade n.3 and Bak-water n.14.. Acts I 337/2.
Quhen thai gif it [sc. cloth] out, thai mak it donke and wete with watter … to gar it wey
1510 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 130.
In tyme of scant of watter [at the mill]
1531–2 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 112.
Punsionis … for keping of watter for making of morter
1555–6 Edinb. Old Acc. II 58.
For walter to the wark
1556 Peebles B. Rec. I 231.
Gif thai be nocht sufficient walter for thame baith at anes, to tak the haill walter fra the walk milne to the rude milne salang as thair is ony cornes to be ground
1557 Yester Wr. 192.
[To be held of us … reserving the] could ladewettr
1562 Edinb. Old Acc. I 368.
Walter to drak the lyme and sand with
1573-1600 Burne Disput. in Cath. Tr. 119/14.
The natural operation of the valter quhilk vas cassin on the lyme
1591 Edinb. B. Rec. V 340.
To caus thame [sc. geese] to appear to be fatt … be … setting of thame in hett watter
pl. 1466 Reg. Dunferm. 356.
I sall nocht thole … na man nor ȝeit woman … to draw na drauchtis of wateris throu my landis … for ony mylnis

6. Water viewed as flowing in rivers or streams or collected in lochs, seas, etc., freq. as it affects people, etc. Variously const. Also pl. Also in fig. context.There is some overlap with sense 2 and ambiguity with sense 10. Some examples may belong in sense 10.See also Clous n., Draucht n. 5, Fontane n. 1 and Flude-water n. for further examples.(1) 1375 Barb. ix 394.
The king … Schot in the dik … he it our-woud Bot till his throt the watyr stud
1375 Barb. xiv 356.
He … The ischow off a louch … leyt … owt … The water … with swilk a mycht … com doun That thai in perell war to droun
a1400 Leg. S. xii 54.
A cowyne Tha mad … & pykyt withovt That of wet it had na dowt & closit it sa wele that he Suld nocht for vattyr peryst be
c1400 Troy-bk. ii 2530, 2531.
I … with the wod se As deid was cassyn to the land Boldned with salt wattere lyand. Bot the watter … I devoded
1473 Reg. Cupar A. I 177.
Tharatour for the defens of the said land for the werying awa of watter alsfer as thar bundys rekys tha sal gif al possibil cure … til hald furth the watter with makyn of perys … and plantation of willeis
a1500 Henr. Fab. 2955.
The watter [Bann. waltir] is the warld, ay welterand, With mony wall of tribulatioun
1494 Loutfut MS 29a.
[The whale] castis furth the watter that scho suellis
1531 Bell. Boece II 243.
Sindry fowseis of watter and fail … was maid
1531–2 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 121.
That na man fra this yeir furtht schuyll ony muk in the ester pull, bot gef the vatter ane fre passaige
1542 Reg. Cupar A. II 185.
With halding vp sufficientlie the wattir of the dame
1567 G. Ball. 2.
Nor the similitude of ony thing that is in heuin above, … nor in the watter vnder the eirth
1574 Glasgow B. Rec. (MC) 12.
That the said Thomas stank … rys na hichtar nor the … seller flure quhairthrocht the … tenement … be nocht damnefeit be the watter
a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1825) 369.
The castell is … circuit with walter and strang fowseis
1628 Dundonald Par. Rec. 265.
Hew Reid … was challengit for drawing one gist out of the sea … confessit he sawe ane peice timber on the water [etc.]
1695 Fountainhall Decis. I 693.
The river of Clyde was their old march … and … there happened a mutatio alvei … which was only proven by one positive witness, that it was done by a sudden irruption and out-breaking of the water by a speat
pl. 1461 Liber Plusc. I 382.
Ger all the cloudis … habound And souk vp all thir watteris … Baith of salt sey, of burne, well and revere, Syn to discende in tygglande teris
a1578 Pitsc. I 236/27.
Thair come sic violence of storme of weit that raisit the watteris so gret that the armie … micht pas na fordar nor Tweid
(2) 1513 Doug. i iii 21.
Heich as a hill the iaw of watir brak
1560 Rolland Seven S. 3761.
Of watter sprang vp … A fresch spring wel
1588 Sc. N. & Q. I 37.
Mr. John Dolotha foresees grett speatts of vattir
1691 Lauder Jrnl. 307.
Thesse deceiving brooks wherin you shall not find ane drope of watter in the drougth of summer
pl. 1605 Melvill 574.
Evill wether and spaits of watteris
(3) c1420 Wynt. i 128.
A welle of wattyr clere
c1475 Wall. v 384.
Our Forth I swame … The cheyle wattir [etc.]
1508–9 Reg. Privy S. I 274/2.
The kingis fisching of all the water of Spey, baith in fresch water and salt
1513 Doug. vii Prol. 19.
Ryveris ran reid on spait with watir brovne
1533 Bell. Livy I 17/32.
Thai kest thame in the schald wattir
1549 Compl. 7/24.
He ran til ane reueire … brocht the palmis of his handis ful of that fresche vattir to the kyng for ane present
a1568 Scott xxii 21.
I seik the watter hett In vndir the cauld yce
(4) 1529 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 396.
To … uphald … the brig … als weill within wattar as abuf
1562 Descr. of a Pageant in Reeves Sc. Prose bef. 1600 79.
Item ane schip braulie with saillis … sailland on the calsay as it had bene in walter
1549 Compl. 40/21.
The ankyr vas halit vp abufe the vattir
1566-70 Buch. Comm. on Virgil Æn. i 164.
Ane covertour of the tries … quhilk makis ane glansing shaddow on the watter
1595 Skipper's Acc. (Morton) 8b.
For drink to the wark mene abone the water
1602 Conv. Burghs II 144.
The anker was lattin fall in the watter
(5) fig. 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 24.
Sum vtheris are practizit in … weare ciuile … and having anys gustit how gude fischeing it is in drumly watter thay can on na maner laif the craft
c1590 J. Stewart 23/290.
Quho that ar in vattir to the chin
c1620 Boyd Zion's Fl. 11.
Consider well before a leck begin, It seemes I heare the water wheesing in
c1620 Boyd Fl. Zion Exc. xviii/1.
If by lecks, the waters by and by, Flow in our boat

b. Water gathered in a mine.1588 Reg. Privy C. IV 298.
In using … his gaittis … to and fra his heuch of Badrig for convoying of the coillis and watter fra the same
1608 Hilderstoun Silver Mines I 7b.
Aucht coigis to leave the watter with
1641 Acts V 419/2 (see Wattirman n. 4). 1672 Sheriffhall Coal Accompt 21 Dec.
For letting aff the weist waitter
1680 Sheriffhall Coal Accompt 5 June.
16 scopes to leave watter
1680 Fawside Coal Compt 60.
Two dayes draweing of uater £2 8 s.

c. Rainwater or water accumulated on or in buildings due to rain.1387 Edinb. Chart. 35.
Betwene the chapellis guteryt with hewyn stane to cast the watir owte
1466 Old Dundee I 560.
The quhilk personis ar obillist at our Lady hous sal tak na venderwatter [?= wind or water] throw thaym
1555 Edinb. Old Acc. I 178.
The cutting and outlatting of the walter in the playfield
1574 Edinb. D. Guild Acc. 25a.
For laiffing furth of watter in the kirk
1590 Crail B. Ct. 6 Oct.
Red and grummell … quhairby the passage of valter in tyme off weit wedder is stopit
1631–2 Peebles B. Rec. I 417.
For laveing of the schoole quhilk wes full of water be the flood

d. Water as a motive power.1598 Acts IV 176/1.
Quhilkis ingynis sall ather gang with wind, water, hors or men for the drawing vp of the water in greit quantitie furth of mynes

7. The state of the sea or tide. See also Full adj. 2 and Law adj. 2 e for further examples. b. transf. The law watter, low water mark, the place on the shore reached by the tide at its lowest ebb.1552 Crail B. Ct. 31 Oct.
All … bottis … that passis noht instantly to the se be hayd furhyt of hawyne as sowne the vadder wyll them
b. 1554–5 Edinb. B. Rec. II 297.
To beir twa fyrn spars to the Newhevin … and to sett ane of thame at the full sey and the uther at the law watter
1603 Reg. Great S. 490/2.
Cum potestate colligendi lie wraik et wair fra the full sey to the low watter

8. = Wattir-mett n.1425 Acts II 10/2.
In ilk … toun quhare the gudis ar saulde ande mete be the watter that thare be … a lele man sworne to mete all gudis sellabil be the watter met als wele colis als vthir gudis
1574–5 Haddington Treas. Acc. 1a.
For carying of x furlettis to be met with walter
1639 Berw. Nat. C. XXI 106.]
[2 bushell is a bowle. A last, by water, is 16 bowles; by land, but 15 bowles

II. As a geographical entity.

9. In contrast to land or air.a1400 Leg. S. xxxiii 255.
The fel dragone … A-beowe the wattyre cane apere, & to the land fast cane stere
c1400 Troy-bk. i 460.
That it wald seme … That watter & hillis war of a hight
c1420 Ratis R. 1193.
Baith vind and wattir, erd & stanis
c1420 Wynt. viii 2432.
He thame heryd, sparand nane, Noucht levand behynd bot wattyr and stane
1449 Armstrong Hist. Liddesdale I 171.
As well bi lande as bi watir
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 142/66.
Dame Nature gaif ane inhibitioun … To fers Neptunus, and Eolus … Nocht to perturb the wattir nor the air, And that no schouris scharp nor blastis cawld [etc.]
1529 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 395.
Ane … brig … with … bulwark … necessar baith to watter and land

10. a. A body of water; a river, loch, stream, the sea, etc. Const. indef. and def. art. and without art. Also pl.Some examples may belong in sense 6 with which there is frequently ambiguity.(1) 1375 Barb. vi 56 (C).
He … vent hym doune till a marras, On a vattir that rynand was
a1400 Leg. S. iv 302.
A bryge … Our a wattyr
c1420 Wynt. i 1026.
A wattyre gret … Wytht bankys hey
a1500 K. Hart 75.
About the wall thair ran ane water void
1563 St. A. Kirk S. 182.
The said Dauid … hes … schawyn his deligence to drown hyr in to ane watter upon the nycht
1622 Yester Wr. 352.
I … belew me lord sall tyne the mylne for this last storme has brok in out one hall watter fre hie
1627 Banff Ann. II 212 n.
Discending thairfra … till it cum to ane low water
1647 Lanark Presb. 55.
His brother … died in a water, and was not found
(2) 1375 Barb. vi 75, 78.
Endlang the watter then ȝeid he … The watter holl throw slik rynnand & fand na furd
?1438 Alex. ii 11017.
The les Ynde … Thare cummis the watter fra parradyce
c1420 Wynt. vi 2204.
Malcolme … past … to Tay, Wp that wattyre the hey way
1450 Reg. Episc. Brechin. I 151.
Certane personis … ar cumin on the wattir [etc.]
a1500 Henr. Fab. 2786 (Bann.).
A paddok, on the wattir by, Put vp hir heid
1529 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 396.
Obseruand commond passage be the said brig owr the said wattar and reweir
1535 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 151.
The haill communite to rid the common in the norcht sid of the vatter
1542 Aberd. B. Rec. I 184.
Thai ordane the hawin to be chenȝit attour the watter … with irne chenȝys and maistis, lokit on euere syd of the watter
1559 Peebles B. Rec. I 254.
Peblis brig to be mendit … now quhill the watter is litill
a1578 Pitsc. II 278/13.
The boittis that passit to Stirviling or vp the narrow vatter
1584 Inverness Rec. I 295.
Wattirmen of the lang wattir of the Wattir of Nes
1598 (1600) Reg. Great S. 355/1.
The said burne rynnis north in the watter callit Dewquhilliegach
1667 Irvine Mun. II 218.
To dame the watter as occasion … requyres
1676 Inverness Rec. II 269 (see Wattirman n. 1). 1692 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds II 487.
[To give the mistress] the thrid part of the fishes goten in the watter
(b) 1375 Barb. iii 409, 420.
The king … To Lowchlomond the way has tane … Bot … na bait fand thai That mycht thaim our the water ber
1388 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 14.
West to the water of Eske and alssua in tyl thar toftis … as the water rynnys north betuene the tua toftis
14.. Burgh Laws c. 107 (B) (see (4) below). 1482 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 45.
Apon landin to Leith or within the watir [etc.]
1619 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 120.
Ressaving 3000 sklaitt … For the craigmaill and laiding of them to the water
1683 M. P. Brown Suppl. Decis. III 489.
The channel of the water was diverted
(c) 1492 Myll Spect. 289/10.
A trape … that was abone the walter
(3) 14… Statut. Sc. Ch. 6.
We curs … all thaim that strublis the fredome of Haly Kirk in wood, watir, or pastur
a1500 Adv. MS 25. 4. 15 fol. 95, 96.
And at ilk schiray … ger this statut be kepit in al watter
?1536–7 Bk. Carlaverock II 23.
To cum within ȝour realme … be sey, land, or fresche watter
1597 Reg. Great S. 211/2.
Enterand in the myre and discens of walter thair quhill it cum down to ane rasch busk
(4) pl. 1400 MacRae Early Sc. Texts No. 7.
In moris in marresse in wateris in stankis
c1420 Wynt. i 131.
Thir watterys is cald Ganges, Syne Tyger, Nyle, and Ewfrates
14.. Acts I 52/2.
This is the kingis assise of watiris … that the mid strem [Burgh Laws c. 107 (B), that the myddis of the watyr that is to say the streme] aw to be fre sa mekil as a swyn of iij ȝer elde wel fed is of lenth sua that nother the gronȝie na the tayl may wyn till ony side
14.. Acts I 109/2.
Al thai that hes cruffis or fyschingis or stankis … in watteris quhar the se cumis and gangis
1456 Hay II 138/30.
The wateris that cummys fra muris and myris and marrais
1461 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 362.
To be haldyn … the forsaide landys … in … rodis watterys reuirys medowys [etc.]
1488 Acts II 211/1.
Anent the cruffis in fresche wateris
1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 1246.
Ouir mony gudelie plane we raid … Ouir waters [L. watres] wan, throw worthie woddis grene
1509 Reg. Privy S. I 283/2.
Saffly … to cum within the realm be sey, freche watteris, or be land
1525 St. A. Formulare I 270.
Nyth, Esk, Euse and Annande and all utheris watteris quhare tha ryde gang or pas
a1568 Scott v 37.
Sum halkis the walteris, sum with houndis The hairis owtthrowch the forrestis cachis
a1578 Pitsc. II 278/17.
Ane schip … to keip the narrow vatteris fra thame of Blaknes
a1595 Descr. Isles 429.
Thair is na great waters nor rivers in this ile, but small schaule burnis
?1549 Monro W. Isles (1961) 47.
An loch callit Loch-Renasay with three or four small lochis [B., M. waters]
?1549 Monro W. Isles (1961) 68.
Thair is gude tak of salmond fische upon five principall wateris

b. (To go, be, etc.) be-ȝond, our (ovir), besowth the, etc. wattir, also to corse the wattir. Also specif. of the river Forth.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xvii 103.
It hapnyt hyre at Awynenovn Betwene the watyre & the tovne For to preche … It hapnyt that be-ȝond the vatere [etc.]
c1475 Wall. ii 320.
A woman syne of the Newtoun of Ayr … Our the wattyr on till hir hous him brocht
a1500 K. Hart 692.
I can nocht ryde out our thir water woude
1530 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 107.
a1578 Pitsc. II 233/18.
Captane Wemys come to the eist ferrie and passit ovir the watter to Brouchtie
1596 Dalr. I 21/9.
In passing a riuer al is lost; because thair the sent perisses, to wit in the watir … be mony turnes … thay dryue the pray now on this syd now on that syd of the riuer: and beȝonde the water [etc.]
1600–2 Montrose Treas. Acc.
For the fraucht theroff over the vater
1658 Holmains Baron Ct. 9 Nov.
For the tenants beyond the water, they are ordainit to bring their corn yearly to the milne
1675 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 20 Oct.
Robert Gordon boater is discharged in tyme cuming for forstalling the mercat of fish that comes over the water
(2) c1420 Wynt. viii 2453.
The schyrrawys off the land, And thai that castellis ware kepand, Be sowth that wattyr [C. the watir, W. Forth]
1473 Treas. Acc. I 43.
Gevin to Johnne of Pennycuke … passande oure the watter to Desart
1473 Treas. Acc. I 44.
To the botmen that brocht the king our the watter [sc. from Falkland]
1488 Treas. Acc. I 93.
The king past furth of Lythgow owre the water to Dunfermeling
1488 Treas. Acc. I 99.
The king wes beȝonde the water in Fyfe
1529 Edinb. B. Rec. II 20.
Ther is now ane fair to be hald on that vther syd of the walter, that is to say in Sanct Monanis
1553 Edinb. B. Rec. II 184.
For his awne expensis … in the ryding our the watter laitlie … to Dunde, Cowper and Sanctandrois
1573 Wemyss Corr. 70.
I send ovir the valtir immediatle thair eftir and [etc.] … M. James Vemes desyrit … that I sovld nocht send the sammyn to you befor he cam ovir the valter and he promisit to haif bene at me in Balmowto to that effect
1584 Kirkcaldy B. Rec. 84.
Ordainis the clerk to pas over the walter on the tounis expenssis
1591 Crim. Trials I ii 250.
Indytit … of the traffiking with Agnes Somervall … in Dunfermling … to quhome ye gaif twa … sarkis … to be careit owre the walter, to be inchantit be thame
1593 Reg. Morton I 182.
Seing we ar of deliberatioun to corse the water … we … desyreȝow … to accompany ws to the Queinesferrye

c. Doun the watter, down river, specif. relating to Glasgow. Cf. usage in the later dial.See Wattirman n. 3 for a further example.1597 Glasgow B. Rec. I 189.
That na maltman sell thair malt to be transportit downe the watter … except [etc.]
1610 Misc. Maitl. C. I 416.
Scho said her mother tuik hir doun the watter to a Heyland woman
1658 Glasgow Trades House 352.
The salt to be sellared downe the water

d. In sense a or b above: Contextually figuring in an act of punishment, cf. 1 e above.1567 Acts III 25/2.
For the thrid fault … to be taine to the deipest and foulest pule or watter of the towne … thair to be thryse dowkit

e. = Wattir-balȝe n.1454–5 Edinb. Chart. 80.
The balyies of the watter and al vther custumaris and officiaris of the toune

f. In an epither describing a person.1499–1500 Acta Conc. II 398.
[Action by Margaret Campbell against John Murthosone] on the watter [John Murthosone] on the burne [John Gilmoresone (etc.)]
1585 Inverness Rec. I 301.
The jugis … hes ordanit Christan Trent [etc.] … Jonat Neyn Innis Gormyll beyound the wattir, Jonat Neyn Aye McRobert, Effie Baxter to be banneist

11. possess.a. An area or stretch of river, sea, etc. in the possession of a particular person, town, etc. Also pl.1495 Reg. Paisley 405.
For the wrangwis fischeing and settyng of nettis in thar wattyr
?1533 Stirlings of Keir 351.
Prowest [etc.] … of Glasgw and Dunbertane … Our will is … that of the schipis … cuming in ȝour walter and boundis [etc.]
(b) 16.. Admir. Ct. Form 65.
Directions of the Herring draven at Dunbar … That no persone rydd by his nighbours wytter
pl. 1469 Perth Guildry 454.
The balies … has set the kingis vattris til thir personis vndervrityn
1533 Cart. S. Nich. Aberd. II 363.
The watteris of this guid toun
1547 Perth Hammermen 63.
The Dekyn … hes set ane of thair watteris to Johne Smatoun
1559–60 Misc. Spald. C. V 111.
The few meall of the tounis watteris and landis
1567 Banff Ann. II 383.
All and haill oure watteres and fischings in the watter of Doweron widelicet the Kingis watter, Wuerak, Skurre [etc.]
1572–3 Irvine Mun. II 17.
That thai thair haill communitie … merchandis seymen and marineris resortand to thair port and waltiris

b. The area of the sea, estuaries, etc. belonging to a particular country, territorial water(s).1484–5 Acta Conc. I *93/2.
Anent the complaint maid be Thomas Bowis Inglisman … apoun Johnne de Boys captan of a Franch schip … for the takin of William Awfurd Inglisman his schip … within our souueran lordis franchis & watter … the lordis assignis to the said Johnne de Boys … Thursda that nixt cummis to preif … that he tuke the said William … vtouth the ile of Maij
pl. 1550 Reg. Privy C. I 104.
The lordis of Secreit Counsale considerand the gret enormiteis dalie done to our soverane ladyis legis als wele within hir awin watteris and firthis as in uthair places be schippis of Holand [etc.] … hes thocht expedient to licence the weire schippis of this realme … for stanching thairof providing alwayis that … the maisters … sall pas na uthair way bot upoun the cost and throw the watteris of Scotland
1599 Maxwell Mem. II 45.
It was founde that seing we had peace with Spayne and the warres standing betweene Spayne and Englande, no eniury being done within our waters [etc.]
1610 Edinb. B. Rec. VI 343.
Als weill in forren seis as within his Maiesteis awin seis and walteris
1659 Conv. Burghs III 487.
Who … went aboard of tuo Dutch wessellis lying near Inchkeyth, being within our watteris

12. Identified by name as a particular river or stream. Also in place-names. a. The river, etc. as such, once, with reference to punishment by drowning, cf. l e above.12… Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 37.
Magistro Waltero de Blacwater
1342 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 43.
De terra del Watirtoun prope Ellon
1590 Conv. Burghs I 351.
The toun of Campheir or … Ile of Watter
1649 Acts VI ii 534/2.
The myns of Wattirheid belong[ing] to Sir James Hope
a. (1) 14… Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 247.
To begyn … at the burn … as it descendis in watir of Dee
1423 (1429–30) Reg. Great S. 30/2.
Our fyssching of the vater of Anand in al placis and be the see sid
1459 Aberd. B. Rec. I 22.
The biggyne of the brigg on the vater of Dee
1469 Acta Aud. 9/2.
Bying of certane wyne … out of his schip in the water of Clide
1494 Reg. Cupar A. I 243.
To wyn a schot in the wattir of Tay for salmond
1495 Acta Conc. I 420/2.
The wranguise demmyng … of the watter of Lochirbrig apoun the landis of Amisfeild
1503 Treas. Acc. II 376.
To the man … feryit the king … our the water of Tay
1519–20 Stirling B. Rec. I 2.
The watter of Forcht was set to Alexander Murra
1531 Bell. Boece I xxx.
The watter of Clyde, eftir that it hes roun lang towart the north [etc.]
1551 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 182.
Ane half nettis fyschyng … upone the vattir of Dee
1570 Leslie 163.
Spoilye takin … at the ourganging of the walter of Tweide
a1578 Pitsc. II 66/23.
Quhen I was sailling vpone the watter of Ryne
1596 Dalr. II 430/21.
To the watter of Forth neir Leith this nauie thair stak still
1601 Crim. Trials II 409.
[They] chaissit him to ane cok-boit, quhilk he wes compellit to tak, and enter in the watter of Tay
1607 Aberd. B. Rec. II 295.
Dumbartane … is liklie to be wrakit be the inundatioun of the watter of Clyde
c1475 Wall. i 369.
Till Erewyn wattir fysche to tak he went
1535–6 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 162.
Jedward and Jedward Forest and Vatter Roull
1622-6 Bisset II 152/30.
Carron wattir
pl. 1641 Acts V 484/1.
The wateres of Spey, Findorne and Nairne and branches thairof
(2) 1596–7 Misc. Spald. C. II 134.
[Doomed] to be taken to the water of Lossye and thair to be drownit quhill he be deid

b. The river, etc. as a location, esp. in use as a limit or boundary.1375 Barb. xiii 335.
A full gret party Fled to the water of Forth & thar The mast part off thaim drownyt war
1375 Barb. xix 330.
Thai wer To Weris water cummyn
1384 Acts I 349/1.
This endenture made at the water of Eske … betwix … Henry Percy … and Archibald of Douglas
1529 Edinb. B. Statutes 23 Nov.
Ony maner of person duelland be ȝond the walter of Fortht
1529 Red Bk. Grandtully I 70.
The said landis … fra the wattyr of Tay to [etc.]
1528–9 Reg. Privy S. I 593/1.
His landis and lordschip of Galloway beneith and abone the watter of Cre
1533 Boece 52a.
The boundis thareof … to the mowth of the watter of Louchte ar extendit
1533 Boece 433a.
Betuix the depe river and the awfull wattir of Forth he was inclusit
1532–3 Acta Conc. & Sess. (St. S.) 19.
Fra the midstreme of the Watter of Cree west to the Ireland see
1572 Haddington B. Rec. (Robb) 22 March.
That he sall never lit ony blew wow betuix the watter of Fortht and Tueid
pl. 1542 Reg. Cupar A. II 193.
Summa totalis vnder the officiar aboun the vatteris of Arycht
1686 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds II 225.
[Witnesses William Thomsone] betuixt the waters of Kirkgunȝean, [and John Wright there]

c. With reference to the immediate environs of a river, etc. Const. vpon (of, in) the river, etc.1460 Hay Alex. 3106.
His oist was lugit vpoun the watter of Lyse
1496 Treas. Acc. I 291.
Giffin to Hobbe Forno, the smyth of the watir of Leith
1499–1500 Acta Conc. II 358.
For the selling of the sammyn within the fredome of the sade burowis in the watter of Clyd
1533 Boece 52a.
In this cuntre apoun the watter of Nes standis the Wyngit Castell … and now has Vrquhart to name
1533 Boece 55b.
Cruthne Camelon … beildit ane ciete … apoun the watter of Caron
1556 Edinb. B. Rec. II 249.
To big ane myln vpoun the watter of Leyth
1577 Digest Justiciary Proc. I 72.
The teind schewis of the walter of Spey
1596 Dalr. I 33/28.
In a verie delectable place is it situat vpon the watir of Tai
1664 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 209.
Earle of Marr and certaine wther noblemen and freeholders wpon the watter of Done

d. specif.With reference to the land or country north or south of the river Forth. See also South-half n. a, b for further examples.There is some ambiguity with b above.(a) 1441–2 Foulis Chart. (Reg. H.) 18 Jan.
Sir Alexander of Ila … Justice of the north half of the watter of Forth
1518 Edinb. B. Rec. I 179.
Merchand to the maist part of all the woll on this syde the watter of Fortht
1520 Reg. Privy S. I 482/1.
The landis … liand on the south syde the watter of Forth
1566–7 Reg. Privy S. V ii 263/1.
Dunkeld on the north side of the watter of Forth
1595 Aberd. Council Lett. I 63.
Androw Moresone chalmerlane to his Maiestie in the north syde of the watter of Forth
(b) 1636 Justiciary Cases I 281.
The pannell to be confynet upone this syde of the wotter of Forth

III. A liquid similar to and containing water.

13. A liquid similar to water, a decoction, infusion, distillation, etc., of some sort with water, used medicinally, cosmetically, as a flavouring, etc. Also pl. Some examples may belong in c below.See also Beif n. 3, Cannel(l n. 2, Dames n. 3, Lax n. b, Painting vbl. n. 1 b and Ros(e)-water n.1507 Treas. Acc. IV 92.
Payit to William Foular, potingair, for potingary to the king and quene, distillatioun of wateris aqua vite [etc.]
1513 Treas. Acc. IV 527.
To Robert McCllane, the man that makis the watter in Striveling to the quintessence … vij li.
1546 Treas. Acc. VIII 457.
Turssing … glassis witht watteris furth of Edinburght to Lynlythqw
1568 Skeyne Descr. Pest 34.
Ane epitheme for the hart of vater of rosis
1602 Dundonald Par. Rec. 10.
The said Kaithrein brocht of the wattir that scho makis … quhen thai had seik ky … and hailled thame
1621 Maxwell Mem. 331.
For ane wattir to ȝour hals … i s. ix d.
1633 Misc. Abbotsf. C. 151.
Marrione … made ane watter, quhilk scho callis ane remeddie for forspeaking
1623 Crim. Trials III 555.
Distilled watteris
1659 Nicolson Diurnals 29 April.
Anneit seid watter

b. Waste water; sewage.1611 Glasgow Merchants House 108.
Swa that the wattir and jawingis cuming furth of the said jawhoill may discend [etc.]
1669 Edinb. B. Rec. X 55.
James Arbuckells haveing strucken out ane jawholl in his wall … he therby cast watter and filth into my hous
1674 Edinb. B. Rec. X 210.
Ane uther pyp at the top of the cisterne for convoyeing the excrescence water doun the West Bow

c. (Hot) water(s, alcoholic drink(s. See also Hote adj. (2) and strang walter(is (Strang adj. 11 a).1645 Nicolson Diurnals 26 June.
For 6 pynts … of watter is 7 li. 13 s.
1649 Dumfries Kirk S. 1 Jan.
Marion Broune for habituall drinking of hot waters to be summoned
1652 Hawick Arch. Soc. (1917) 26.
For payment to him of of £6 10 s. worth of hott waters, and aucht merkis worth of poulder, and aucht merkis worth of quhyt sugar … quilk he brak, drounct and lossit be the way
1654 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 965.
Fourtie aucht merkis for the pryce of hott wateris bocht and ressavit be the said John
1659 Nicolson Diurnals 25 April.
Hot water
1659 Nicolson Diurnals 27 April.
For some waters & some tobacco
1666 Jurid. Rev. XXIV 22.
Ane mutckin of hot waters
1668 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds I 145.
On gill of waters is £1 19 s.

14. Bodily fluids. a. Urine, freq. to ma(k wattir, to urinate. b. Tears. c. A watery discharge. d. Sap from a plant.a. 1375 Barb. xiii 603 (C).
He leit thame nocht haf sic laseir As anys wattir for to ma
a1500 Seven S. 658, 661.
This mediciner … said … gif ȝe desyre that I Heile this child … To gar me se it war na scaith Ȝour watter and the kingis … Scho … Gart baith thair watteris till him bring … He kest thaim in his vrinale [etc.]
1540 Lynd. Sat. 4013.
For Goddis saik man latt me mak watter … It is schame to pische in a widdy
1608 Crim. Trials III 11.
The deponer past to the windo to haif maid watter
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i 142.
Gif any man pisches, or makes water within the porte of the gildhouse … sall pay to the gild foure pennies
1623 Perth Kirk S. MS 14 May.
It wes the rippillis quhilk he hed as scho knew be his watter thik and quhyte
1665 Dunkeld Presb. II 62.
[For a sore knee] boyl halfe ane lippie of salt with thrie choppins of his own water [etc.]
b. 1375 Barb. iii 525.
Pete May ger men sua amowyt be That water fra the hart will rys
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 1131.
The watter wet his chekis
a1500 Sir Eger 776.
The water rushed out of his een
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 10/100.
Soir Contritioun, bathit in teiris, My visage all in watter drownit
c. c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 10/92.
Thay … did His precious body ryff, Quhill blude and watter did furth glyde
a1605 Montg. Flyt. 341 (T).
The tarrie vncame Ay ryvand of ane reif of venymeous water
d. 1580-92 James VI Lusus Reg. 45.
His [sc. burning grass's] uattir crakkis into his knottis

IV. attrib. and comb.See also Milk-and-watter.

15. a. With containers or vessels. Cf. also some terms in b below.See also Can n.1, Crowat n., Lagallo(u)n n., Lavar n. 1, Pichar n., Sa n., Wattir pott n., Wattirstand n. a and ? c.Also in a place-name.1542 Reg. Cupar A. II 19.
Alexander Jaksone in the watre buttis
1563–4 Edinb. Old Acc. I 463.
For ane daill to mend the walter ark of Drynis heichtt myln
1538 Treas. Acc. VII 34.
For ane … watter buye
1543 Inv. Wardrobe 111.
Ane grit watter bowie of silver
1585 Prot. Bk. G. Fyiff 39a.
Ane vater bukket
1608 Hilderstoun Silver Mines I 83a.
Watter buckattis and kebillis
1556–7 Edinb. Old Acc. I 212.
Ane small watter coig
1688 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. XIII 247.
You … diped your fingers in the water coog
1609 Garden Garden 4.
One did for oblation bring A water coup
1645 Edinb. Test. LXI 135.
Ane water cupe buckit & spouts
a1400 Leg. S. xxxiv 122.
The dow he … put … in a wattir fat
1542 Soc. Ant. III 163.
Tua wattir fattis weill hewin to the said kirk and queir
1543 Inv. Wardrobe 112.
Ane halie watter fatt of silver
1573 Reg. Privy C. II 270.
Ane mekill brasin watter fat, price x li.
1612 Bk. Rates (Halyb.) 309.
Watter glasses the dozen, xl s.
1672 Haigs of Bemersyde 475.
On wather glase [£1]
1575 Edinb. Test. III 318a.
A watter pig with aqua boraginis price iii s.
1560 Rolland Seven S. 8406.
Ȝe my father … The water plait … sall hald to me … quhill I wesche my handis in the plait
1557 Edinb. Old Acc. I 212.
Item for ij walter seyis and dowbill girthing of thame and ane bukkat xi s. vi d.
1616 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 9.
For tua watter skuippis to the new frie querell
1490 Treas. Acc. I 175.
A water stop of siluer
1552–3 Edinb. B. Rec. II 337.
Ane lok and ane pype to the watter stop
1623 Edinb. Test. LII 72b.
Ane dussin watter stopes pryce xx iiij s.
1641-8 Skipper's Acc. (Smettone) 8.
For mendin the watter trie
1508 Treas. Acc. IV 140.
Ane watir trouch for the smyddye
1557 Edinb. Old Acc. I 210.
For twa mekle bukkattis with ane small walter tube

b. With terms concerned with the chiefly large-scale use and management of water, including water mynd ? = Mine n. 2 or 4, for removing water from the working areas of a mine ? = water holl. Cf. also some terms in a above and d below.See also Cast n.1 7, Clous n., Draucht n. 5 and Pot(t n.2 2 b, Wattirgang n., Wattir gate n. 2, Wattir milne n., Wattir passage n., Wattirstand n. b, Wattir wark n.1596 Oldcambus Acc. 4a.
For castin ane watter cast in the medow
1563–4 Edinb. Old Acc. I 465.
Yrne bands to the walter clous
1538 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 195.
Ane vater condute to the myll
1596 Dalr. I 42/30.
Thay lay in the furdes and waterdames
1641 Reg. Great S. 371/1.
Lie multurehous ejusdem, cum astrictis multuris, lie watter-damis
c1230 Liber Dryburgh 115.
Usque ad fossatum quod vocatur wattir-dike
1519 Reg. Episc. Morav. 391.
The landis of Auchquortheis to haue … possession of pastoring faill and dowate casting, gethis making, wattir dracht
1569 Reg. Privy S. VI 156/2.
[The lands of Ennerallaquhy] with the castell … loch, myln, watter draucht
1588 Prot. Bk. J. Robertsone 45b.
Alexander Cullan … past to the serwandis of Alexander Paip be ane cast and ane mylne laid or watter drawcht
1589 Exch. R. XXII 514.
Cum molendino … cum multuris et lie wattir draucht
1598 Warrender P. (SHS) II 435.
Certen honest men … thoght expedient to have a watter draught of thar awin and brewing howssis
1647 C. G. Macdowall Chanonry of Ross (1963) 133.
[The springs and the] water-draughts thereof
1675 Edinb. B. Rec. X 236.
In making water draughts and layeing of lead pyps therin for convayeing the water … to his own hous
1589 Glasgow B. Rec. I 137.
[They] fand the said myln to be ane sufficient gangand myln … with ane watter dure [etc.]
1696 Argyll Justic. Rec. 156.
Duncan entered into the said miln and the said pannell at the water door thereof received the foresaid cloath
1590 Edinb. B. Rec. V 32.
That the kirk ruif … to be haldin watter ticht without ane greitt beitment in tymmer, sclaitts, and watter gutters
1673 Dunferm. Coal Acc. 17b.
For laying the flaging at the water head
1646 Tulliallan Coal Wks. 240b.
For making off ane spout and water holl
1480 Acta Conc. I 60/1.
The drawin of a water lade & mylne dam throw the landis of Aymisfeld
1641 Reg. Great S. 371/2.
Lie watter-leidis &c.
1659 Retours I Inq. Spec. Aberdeen (350).
With the loch and fishings therof, and watter lead of the said loch, with the wrack and wair
1572 Haddington B. Rec. (Robb) 28 March.
To mak water mynds for preservatioun of the saidis coill pot & coills therof
1562 Edinb. B. Deeds 65b.
Nyne riggis of land … liand eist and west in the watter pannes
1563 Dumfries B. Ct. 217b.
[He] affirmis … that he var ane prenteis with Birkmyr & vas on the feild quhen the voltir pots now in the mos vas brokin & defunct
1632 Stirling's Royal Lett. II 600.
A water pound for the use of our court of Halyrudhous, whereof he ondertuik the building
1581 Lanark B. Rec. 84.
James Lokart … anentis the lecens quhilk hie gaf the toun to tak in thair new myln dam of his syd of walter … for favour … hie … beiris towartis the toun gaf the said lecens and walter roum to the said myln … fre
1563–4 Edinb. Old Acc. I 464.
Ane hundreth singill garrow naill to the walter scheitt of Cowtis myln
1579–80 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 144.
George Mak to remove the watter spoutt biggit be him
1599 Paisley B. Rec. 226.
Waltir spout and passage
1616 Haddington B. Rec. (Robb) 8 Nov.
James Vallance to be dischargit of his water spout … falling in the wynd fornent the croce … except spoutis of tymer be set therto, to saif the falling of the dirt & watter put out therat
1646 Tulliallan Coal Wks. 197b.
For ane watir spout biging
1473 Reg. Cupar A. I 189.
He sal put the sade orchardis til al possibil polici … with castyn of water-stankis about of sic depnes that … [etc.]
1637 Lithgow Siege Breda 5.
Hemb'd in upon the brink of the water-stank with a strong double hedge of thornes
1562 Edinb. Old Acc. I 370.
Stulis, quheills, walter wallis, asiltreis, ark and syndre utheris necessars [of a mill]
1574 (1581–2) Reg. Great S. 105/2.
Edificando lie walterwall cum aist[l]erstanis dicti molendini
1589–90 Crail B. Ct. 31 Jan.
For ane hundereth naillis for mending off the valter vall and trowis vj s. viij d.
1609 Hilderstoun Silver Mines I 209b.
Ane pair of irone bandis to the clowse of the watter wall
1665 Melrose Reg. Rec. II 130.
[Those who] doeth dilapidat and demolishe the said water wall

c. With natural or geographical features, including watyr bank, a shore and wattir fall, the line or inclination of descent of water (on a hill), wattirheid (the land around) the source of a stream.See also Wat(t)ir syde n.a1400 Leg. S. xxvii 773.
Besyd a watyr bank, that rane In-to the se
14.. Acts I 335/2.
Thai sell thair fysche at the wattir banke and nocht at the marcate
1566–7 (1572) Reg. Great S. 522/1.
To big schelis uponn the wattir bankis of the landis of Setoun
a1578 Pitsc. I 76/4.
Wtheris … war cruellie slaine wpoun the watter bankis
1513 Doug. iii vi 70.
Endlang a watir bra
1596 Dalr. I 7/22.
To hunte … in the sandes and water brayes the brok
1661 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. I 103.
[English soldiers … ]did cast out ane great quantitie of malt upon the highway and over the watter brae
1513 Doug. Comm. i iii 54.
The watyr inclusyt ondyr the erth is oft tymys caus of erdqwkyng … as we se by experiens in watyrbrekis
1513 Doug. ii vi 15.
Quhen the burn on spait hurlys down the bank Owder throu a watir brek, or spait of flude
a1585 Maitl. Q. 225/72.
With wofull hairt then did I seik the bray Abone the water brok
1681 Stair Inst. (1681) i xvii § 12, 345.
Without such a servitude, water may not be altered or diverted from its course, as was found, where the water-course was the march betwixt the heretors, that the one could not change its old channel … without consent of the other
1563 Echt-Forbes Chart. 98.
The blind watter ee of Bragacht quhair the watter discendis under the eird
1522 Exch. R. XV 601.
Le watterfaw
1536 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 168.
Evin up the vatterfall of the hill callit Lamelaw
1543 Edinb. Guild Ct. 19 July.
The said William sal mak the gutter discens & watterfal to pas within his boundis
1590 Reg. Great S. 611/2.
The saidis landis of Schoirthoip streikand south as the hill or wattir fall thairof gais to the landis of Dalgleis
1665 Peebles B. Rec. II 64.
From the Cram sykes and Fouladge syke … to … the water-fall and water-shed of the hill
1621-40 Melville Commonpl. Bk. 59.
The brevitie of mans lyff … lyke swift course of watter flow
1513 Doug. viii i 105.
This ilk god of the flude Vnder the deip can dowk … And socht onto the watir grond
1567 6th Rep. Hist. MSS 642/2.
Ane new gift … of all and haill the four merk land and the half of the wattir heid
1509 Reg. Paisley 431.
Et sic ascendendo a Wattyrholme wp per dictam aquam de Celdyr
1513 Doug. vii Prol. 73.
The watir lynnys rowtis
1600 Glasgow Prot. X 79.
[The water of Clyde or shore … thereof, called] the wattir merk thairof
1632 Reg. Great S. 652/2.
Cum signis fluvialibus lie water markis intra aquas de Done et Loquhell
1573 Reg. Privy S. VI 367/1.
Stopping of thair watter mouth and brig to be overblawin, dryit and fillit up
1580 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 174.
In the sey forganis the wattir mouth of Done
1587 Irvine Mun. I 74.
To visie … the watter mouth, heavin, port and herborie … and sie gif the said herbrie … may be helpit
1598 (1600) Reg. Great S. 347/1.
Aquam oris (vulgo watermouth) de Irwing
1606 Ayr Chart. 117.
The haill cobill salmont fischeingis in the watter mouthe of Dwne
c1650 Spalding I 83.
Ane … grite bed of sand wes wrocht wp and cassin athuart the water mouth of Die
1690 Shields Grievances and Sufferings 36.
[He] brought him forth to the water-sands, and … shot him dead
1665 Peebles B. Rec. II 64 (see above).
1553 Prot. Bk. R. Lumsdane 15a.
Ane watter synk betuix Slewindurry of Gellan and the quhit hillokis of Bogginron
1613 Frasers of Philorth 274.
Beginand at the water sink … and therfra wast [etc.]
c1547 Stirling Ant. IV 218.
[The] watterslap [at the town burn]
c1575 Balfour Pract. 544 marg.
The water streme, and quantitie thairof
1596 Dalr. II 118/9.
As … the water strype rinis to the fontane
1601 Reg. Great S. 418/2.
Ane watter strype quhilk rynnis at the north syde of the said mure
1636 Orkney Bp. Ct. MS 99a.
The landis of Forswall and Burwick are devydit be the watter way running throw the midow

d. With objects and implements that function in some fashion with water, specif. that depend on water as part of a process, supply or carry water or remove or wipe up water, including watter bridill, chingȝie, a bridle, headcollar or leading rein used in taking a horse to water, = wattering bridill (Wattiring vbl. n. 2), a chain used as part of such a bridle; wattir cloth, a cloth or towel for wiping up water. See also Wattir tabill n.1529 Treas. Acc. V 366.
Ane quhite brydill … twa heltaris to the grete hors … twa watter bridillis
1593 Edinb. D. Guild Acc. 494a.
For walter bussumis to the kirk
1607 Argyll Acc. 16 Nov.
For ane waltir chingȝie to ane braydill bitte
1454 Old Dundee I 558.
A wattir clath to hing befor the hie altare
1591 Edinb. Test. XXIII 209a.
Of weschine walter claythtis … sewit with chenȝie hem
1592 Edinb. Test. XXV 29b.
I leif to my sister tua pair of heidscheit scheittis, with the tua best watter claythtis
1593 Edinb. D. Guild Acc. 504a.
For ane watter clayth for the baptisme xxij s.
1596 Fraser P. 230.
Ten lynning watterclaithis
1607 Misc. Maitl. C. I 176.
Thrie coffer claithis, and thrie watter claithis, and ane dwssoun of serueitis
1608 Edinb. Test. XLIV 6a.
Ane sewit watter claytht with quhyt werk price vj s. viij d.
1635 Haddington Corr. 304.
Ane long drinking towll, two lining drinking cloths, fyftene lining watercloths
1642 Edinb. Test. LX 90a.
Ane dossane serviottis with burdcloith and watter cloith and ane mouth cloith
1687 Lorimer St. Cuthbert's facing 81.
Six new water cloathes
1690 Logie Par. Hist. 144.
The bason for baptism and the two water cloaths
1687 Edinb. B. Rec. XI 203.
The town thesaurer to give ane accompt of the number of buckets the town has and what condition the water ingyne is in … order to the extinguishing of fire
1687 Edinb. B. Rec. XI 213.
The councell appoynts the two water ingynes belonging to the good town to be delivered to John Meikle late deacon of the hammermen to be helped
1645 Tulliallan Coal Wks. 109b.
For skearbands to the vater quhill
1677 Sheriffhall Coal Accompt 20 Jan.
For spiceing the water rop
1497–8 Treas. Acc. I 377.
For water spowngis to the king, iij s. iiij d.
c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 437 (see Wattir v. 4). 1612 Bk. Rates (Halyb.) 292.
Watter spounges for chirurgeans
1608 Mining Rec. 142.
Thay enterit the personis efter following to the watter windes for drawing of watter

e. Designating a measure. See also Wattir missour n. and Wattir mett n. Cf. also Land-measour n.1471–2 Aberd. Acc. 3a.
The said Recherd sall mak cownt for the smaw custum & the wattir bow
1582 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 172.
Tuentie waltir bolls salt
1665 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. II 54.
Tuelve pounds Scotts to be payed … be the importer of each watter boll of forraigne salt
1503–4 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 98.
The half watter bol of quheit and ry contenis xlviij pynttis sua cummis the watter chalder of homyll corne to xviij bollis
1582–3 Ayr B. Acc. 37.
For irn to mak the wattir firlott
1655 Conv. Burghs III 402.
The wattir firlot for bear and oattis thertie fyve pyntis [etc.]

f. In legal or quasi-legal usage.See also Wattir mail(l n. and watters taibill (Tabil(l n. 7 d).1482 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 47.
Within the saide burgh Leyth and watir according to the commone law within thare watir courtis
1507–8 Misc. Spald. C. II 214.
Courts pertaining to us our burrow court sherif court or water court
1603 Reg. Great S. 517/1.
Watter courtis
1562 Aberd. B. Rec. I 342.
We bind and obleis ws … to gif the said Thomas the nixt vattertak or land tak that hapnis to vaik
1658 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 174.
Tymber treeis fewall or uther watter wrak of that kynd

g. With persons, etc. or offices, including waterlapper, one who drinks water by lapping as in Judges vii 5-7, one chosen for a particular task.See also Wattir-balȝe n., Wattir bailyery n., Wattir baillieship n., Wattirman n.1580 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 161.
Wemen watter bereris … drawin the watter furth of the commoun wellis
1584 St. A. Baxter Bks. 37.
The sheitt man vi d. and ilk vattir boy ii d.
Urquhart Jewel 278.
No less miraculous acts were expected and promised … then those of Gideon with his water-lappers
c1680 W. Row Blair 163.
Captain Ellis' company, who were all … water lappers, Judges vii 5-7, and bible bearers
1605 Glasgow B. Rec. I 237.
The said wattir serjand to mak arreistmentis bot not to lows bot be command of ane of the baillies
1646 Glasgow B. Rec. II 91.
The office of water sergandschip now vacand
1640 Misc. Abbotsf. C. 165.
A water-spirit
1590 Edinb. B. Rec. V 26.
The watter wemen
1587 Edinb. D. Guild Acc. 291a.
To the water wyif for water xij d.

h. With animals, including water dog, a dog used for hunting in wetlands, rivers, etc.1504–5 Treas. Acc. II 475.
For ane corsbow and ane water dog to the king
a1447 Bower Chron. II 376.
Als sikir for to hald as a watir seil [etc.]

i. In the names of plants which grow in or near water.1684 Sibbald Scot. Illustr. ii 14.
Calamintha arvensis verticillata, … water calamint
1500-1699 Herbarius Latinus Annot. xcvi (Bot.).
Nasturcium aquaticum, vattir cers
1549 Compl. 67/7 (see Gomoria n.).
Vattir lille
1500-1699 Herbarius Latinus Annot. xcviii (Bot.).
Nenufar, vatir lillie
a1606 Dioscoridis Annot. 156b.
Panaces, Anglice, the vater lillie
a1606 Dioscoridis Annot. 187.
Watter lilie or rose yelowe & white
a1606 Dioscoridis Annot. 16. 191b.
Althæa, Anglice, vater mallow, Scotiæ concessa
1633 (1711) Sibbald's Orkn. & Shetl. 77.
Scurvie … for remedie of which they abound with such plants, as cure it … water-purpie or beca-bunga [etc.]

j. Designating something made, mixed or diluted with water, including watter caill, broth made without meat.a1500 Henr. Fab. 321.
I had leuer … fast With watter caill and to gnaw benis or peis Than all ȝour feist [etc.]
a1500 Henr. Fab. 2755.
To leue vpon dry breid and watter caill
1540 Lynd. Sat. 2570.
Thair winning will nocht find them water kaill
a1570-86 Maitland in Maitl. F. 302/30.
Thai that had flesche gud breid and aile Now ar sa wrakit … Fane to be stakit with watir caile
1572 Sat. P. xxxiii 262.
Glaid to get peis breid and watter caill
1665 Inv. Pictures in Clerk of Penicuik MSS (Reg. H.) 3 (1 Jan.).
This is not in oyll cullor it is painted in water cullors without any oyll
1683 Reid Sc. Gard'ner (1907) 172.
Leaving the dreg behind (the which may go among the pressings for water-cyder)

k. Watter clok, ? a heavy cloak for use in wet weather.1504 Banks Sc. Cal. Customs III 192.
That all personis … address thame to rid one Sanct Nicholace day … in thar best abiliament convenient for the said raid in watter clokkis thar vinast wedis siclike as has been usit afor tymes
1522 Mill Mediæv. Plays 141.
All the ȝong able men … honestlie horsit with thair watter clokis to ryd on Sanct Nicholace day

l. Watter corne, an impost for the upkeep of the dams and waterways of a mill.1600 Reg. Great S. 354/2.
2 nonas partes molendini … cum multuris, sequelis, lie knaifschippis, lie watter coirnes, &c.
1629 Monteith Stewartry Ct. 7 May.
Payment of multure beir and vatter corne
1695 Retours I Inq. Spec. Kincardine (166).
2 nonis partibus molendini de Innerbervie … cum multuris, sequelis, lie Watercornes &c.

m. Water-bell, a bubble.1609 Garden Garden 18.
As water-bell's with little blasts are blowen, So with lesse breaths they are againe ou'r-throwen

n. Water-sand, river or fresh water sand.1683 Reid Sc. Gard'ner (1988) 29.
If you are forced to use sea or water-sand

o. With non-material nouns describing an action to do with water, including water careage and watter keping, activities relating to waterways (see 10 above).1616 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 22.
The quharfadge and water careage
1686 Sheriffhall Coal Accompt 29 July.
For a water check in the night
1584 Sempill in Sat. P. xlv 503.
What clocked knaverie he convoyes, His wattir drincking, his seiknes feinyeit [etc.]
1552–3 Edinb. B. Rec. II 337.
For watter drawing
1684 Fawside Coal Compt 124.
For water draweing
1420–1 (1429–30) Reg. Great S. 30/1.
The forsaid lord has grantit to … Michel the office of watter keping and the office of chamerlanry of Ananderdale
1423 (1429–30) Reg. Great S. 30/2.
The feis of the custumys langand to the watter keping
1683 Fawside Coal Compt 116.
For uater leving
1685 Sheriffhall Coal Accompt 15 Aug.
For water levine

