A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1990 (DOST Vol. VII).
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Refus(e, -fuis(e, v. Also: ref-, ra- and -fws(e, -fuss; -fwis(e, -fuys(e; -foys(e, -fois(e; -fose;; -foos(e; -fyus(e, -fiuse, -fyous; -feus, -feis. [ME and e.m.E. refuse(n (1357), reffuse (Caxton), also refusy (Piers Plowman) and refoyse (north., c 1450), F. refuser (1155 in Wartburg), pop. L. *refūsāre, f. refūser (1155 in Wartburg), pop. L. *refūsāre, f. refūs-, p.p. stem of refundere Refound v.1]
1. tr. To decline to accept (something offered or made available); to reject the offer of (a material or non-material thing).(1) a1400 Leg. S. xlvi 145.
& the pouere thu hichtis me, … I refuse ?1438 Alex. ii 2244.
I refuse nocht ȝour droury Ib. 6596.
Gif peax may fall, refuse it nocht 1520 Fife Sheriff Ct. 189.
James offerit … Alexander … lawborgh for him … the quhilk the said schiref refusyt 1548 Corr. M. Lorraine 229.
Quhilk he wald say that he refwsit 1568 Sempill Sat. P. xlvii 34. a
Gif ȝe beleif nocht Betoun be his word, In hir defens it can nocht be reffusit 1600-1610 Melvill 8.
When bathe town and paroche haid refusit the blok [etc.](b) c1420 Wynt. ii 338 (C).
Bot he refoysitt that curtassy, For the worschep of his larde Ib. iv 1379 (R).
Refoysyd(c) 1513 Doug. xiii vi 183.
This spowsage Italian … Ne will I not refuys on nakyn wys c1520-c1535 Nisbet I 97 marg.
Refuyse 1610 Peebles B. Rec. I 360.
That thai refuis na maner of work(d) 1514 Rec. Earld. Orkney 88.
And he rafusit it all tymes(2) 1482–3 Acta Conc. II cxvii.
The some [tendered] … refusit be the said Lard Luss because it was blak mone 1522–3 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 209.
Gif the stuf be nocht sufficient, that the myllaris … refus it 1545 Reg. Privy C. I 2.
That nane of our soverane ladyis liegis tak upon hand to refuise the said money 1550 Elgin Rec. I 103.
Rafuse a1585 Maitl. Q. 111/82.
This poure propyne refuis not I ȝow pray 1558-66 Knox II 288.
When the Bible was presented … for schame she could not refuise it 1582 Perth Guildry MS 450.
Ane letter … subscryuit be the … Abbot of Dunfarmelan quhilkis refussit be the duke a1585 Polwart Flyt. 752 (T).
Thy … puir paremeonis but skill … Quhair evrie minnym aucht to be refuisit 1588 Prot. Bk. J. Inglis 11 April.
Walter Bard refusit the said siluer 1629 Justiciary Cases I 133.
Tuentie sevin pund was offerit be hir for the said kow quhilk was refuisit
2. To decline to accept something inflicted or imposed; to refuse to undergo (hardship or danger), or to submit to (an order, regulation, doctrine, condition, circumstance, etc.).Also, once, const. clause obj.(1) 1375 Barb. xii 528.
I trow thai sall no payne refus, Na perell, quhill thar fais be Set in-till herd perplexite Ib. 205. ?1438 Alex. ii 3469.
Nane sall for ȝow refusit be Trauell 1533 Boece 90.
He suld refuse na laubouris nor travell in hoisting 1558-66 Knox II 112.
Yf men … pretend to forge unto us new articles of faith, … then utterlie we mone refuise the same(2) 1456 Hay I 111/16.
The said pape … chargit agayn him the gude King of Fraunce the quhilk king … refusit nocht the were agayne the Emperour 1533 Bell. Livy II 181/25.
The small pepill refusit this distributioun [of land] 1549 Lamb Resonyng 37/13.
Seand his partie refuis battale, he postponit … his purpois to a bettir tym and … place c1552 Lynd. Mon. 972.
That Goddis commandiment refusit, Throuch thy wyffis perswasioun a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 126/15.
Quhat blindnes … mowis them to refuise the godlye doctrine of the kirke of God 1562-3 Winȝet I 136 marg.
Fy on the apostate that refuiseis this conditioun! 1564 Sc. Ant. XVI 80.
Thair wes na persoun … that durst … refuys his chairgis … for feir of thair lyvis 1570 Lanark B. Rec. 49.
The haill craft rafuisis the brekin of ony of thair muir 1616 Misc. Spald. C. II 159.
I will refuse no burding that my mene habilitie is habill to accomplish 1685 Black Bk. Kincardineshire 11.
And mannie of them refused his majestie's authoritie(b) 1601 Dundee Shipping P. 74.
The mene seing that he was sa wolfoll that he refosit resone(3) 1626 Aberd. Council Lett. I 250.
Ye ar expreslie to refuis for your vote that … ȝour burgh … undertak sic a charge
3. To reject (a person); to decline to admit to an order or office.a1400 Leg. S. xxi 500.
Quhat aylis ȝou Me to refuse & wary now, & I ȝowre fadyre ?1438 Alex. ii 1558.
Gif we na do, we sall be shamed And als salbe refused and blamed 1456 Hay I 137/29.
The king … gevis na fors of his help, bot refusis him in all maner of wis c1460 Wisd. Sol. (S.T.S.) 345.
And vthir-sum he dispisis and rafusis for thar … foleis a1500 Henr. Fab. 2673 (H).
I will refuis [Bann. cheris] nane of his successioun 1513 Doug. i Prol. 464.
Virgyn moder … That nevir ȝit na synfull lyst refus 1540 Lynd. Sat. 507. 1576 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 49.
Allegeand the said Fischerris name to be in thair craft buke, and thairfor aucht nocht to be refusit a1585 Maitl. Q. 241/71.
Refuis me not, Thow art my God for ay 1596 Dalr. I 134/32.
Bot the people refuset Ferleg 1600-1610 Melvill 720.
Refuissing synodall, unchosine, constant moderators 16.. Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. III 80.
If the bishop refuse a person, who is qualified [etc.]
b. To reject as a lover or mate.a1400 Leg. S. xxxi 358.
Scho … prayt hym for to ly … into bed hyr by … quhen scho … wes sa Refusit, scho can sorou ma Ib. iii 172. a1568 Bann. MS 267a/3.
To luve I may complene That to haif luvit and be refusit —a1568 Scott xxxiv 109.
Rycht swa the meir refusis The cursour for ane awer
c. To renounce (Christ).1559 Knox VI 15.
England hath refused me; but … before, it did refuse Christ Jesus a1568 Weddirburne Bann. MS 297a/22.
Sanct Petir did thryis refuse and deny Chryst
4. To reject (a person or thing) in making a choice or selection; to reject as untrue; to refuse to acknowledge, deny the validity of.(1) a1400 Leg. S. l 814.
Ches thé ane of twa; Sacrifice … To my goddis, & liff in blis, Or, gyf that thu refoysis this, To … perise sone? 1537 Lynd. Depl. Magd. 10.
Thow chesit deith, and lesting lyfe refusit 1559 Knox VI 15 (see 3 c above). c1568 Lauder Minor P. i 185.
To tell quho ar eleckit or refusit, I can nocht saye a1585 Maitl. Q. 245/22.
Tak blak … But cullouris mo sie thou refuis a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 563 (L).
And owther thame or ws refuis(2) a1400 Leg. S. iii 15.
Bot thai refusit his preching c1552 Lynd. Mon. 2616.
Thocht I agane ydolatrye indyte, Or thame dispyte that wyl nocht ȝit refus it a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 139/4.
The opinione of Arrius … to be refusit and repellit … and the doctrine of … Calvyne to be resauit as true 1562-3 Winȝet II 60/3.
For ony part of the Catholik doctrine being refusit, and schot away … than as of a consuetude, and as of a lesum maner sal be schote away c1568 Lauder Minor P. i 82.
Tha that dois, for pleasure of thair prence, Refuse Gods wourd(3) 1549 Compl. 142/29.
Sum … refusis the genoligie of there fathere and mothere and alse refusis there surname and clamis to be of the blude of nobilis ande gentil men
5. To renounce (a way of life, custom or community), to resign (what is good or pleasant); to give up (what is evil).a1400 Leg. S. iii 920.
Fore manis falowschipe haf I Refoysit euir-mare halely Ib. xliii 342.
It war lyk thai ware wod That refusis bath joy & gud 14.. Acts I 56/2.
Na Galowa man aw to haf visnet bot gif he refus the law of Galowa c1500 Crying of Play 125.
Irland for evir I haue refusit c1500-c1512 Dunb. (O.U.P.) 165/5.
Reffus the warld for thow mon be a freir c1552 Lynd. Mon. 4610.
Gyf he [sc. the Pope] had lernit at that lore, He had refusit sic vaine glore 1559 St. A. Kirk S. 12.
Alls I renunce and refus all maner of idolatrie, superstitioun [etc.] 1567 G. Ball. 133.
My gylt, gude Lord, I will refuse, And the wickit lyfe that I did vse a1585 Maitland Maitl. Q. 63/9.
All plesour vaine I will refuise
b. transf., reflex. Of a person: To deny oneself, reject what is bad in oneself.1558 Knox IV 531.
Of the prince doth God require, that he refuse hymselfe and that he folow Christ Jesus
c. With a thing as subject: To refuse to remain with; to desert.c1500-c1512 Dunb. (O.U.P.) 188/6.
Gif it be thyne thy self it usis, Gif it be nocht thé it refusis a1605 Montg. Misc. P. x 36.
Vhat better ar they nor a beist, Fra tym that reson thame refuisis?
6. To deny (a charge or allegation).Const. also clause or vbl. n. obj.(1) 1582 Cal. Sc. P. VI 146.
To refwise all menor of thinges that the qwynes grese of Ingland will laye to your lordship's charge 1667 Lamont Diary 196.
He … began to challenge the man for cutting his horse tayle … which the man refused(2) 1556–7 Dundee B. Ct. III fol. 102 (10 Feb.).
The said Jhonkyn sworn reffusit that he wes nother caucioun nor debtur 1587–8 Aberd. Council Lett. I 17.
The said Jonet … refusit that she was than with bairn 1643 Orkney Rentals App. 56.
Robert Tullo … refused that he offered any violence to the kirk-officer 1665 Justiciary Ct. Rec. I 132.
The pannell refuses he did so depone(3) 1652 Inverness Presb. 237.
Quho confessed to call [his minister] … a lyare ȝit refuses the calling of him a kneve
7. To decline (to do something); to make explicit a determination (not to do something).Also, once, with a person as direct obj.Also, transf., of things.Common in legal contexts.(1) a1400 Leg. S. i 311.
He … gerte thame … refuse the entremetinge Forthir till have with Agrippyn 1409 Exch. R. IV ccxi.
In tha causis that he refusis to submit him apon 1424 Acts II 8/2.
Gif the juge refusis to do the law evinly c1475 Wall. viii 659.
That Wallace mycht, … Thocht he refusyt it lestandly to ber, Resawe the croun 1496–7 Acta Conc. II 43.
Gif the saidis arbitouris refusis to tak the decisione hereof apone thame … that than [etc.] 1513 Doug. iv viii 39.
Quhy doith he reffus my … prayeris To lat entir in his … eris? 1542 Acts II 416/1.
Committit the cryme of tresoune … refusand to fulfill his hienes command 1560 Rolland Seven S. 2174. 1564 Peebles B. Rec. I 296.
James Robesoun … reffuset to be on the counsaill in tymes cumin c1575 Annandale Corr. 274.
Gyf that ye reffws to do thes, we [etc.] 1587 Warrender P. (S.H.S.) II 35.
The chancellar refussit to see them befoir thai had been with the king 1623 Aberd. Council Lett. I 214.
Unlawing such as refuss to obey the ordinance of burrowes 1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. ii xii 4 (1678) 415.
The sheriff cannot condemn him … though he refuse to depon(b) 14.. Burgh Laws c. 37 (B).
Gyfe the aldirman refoysis to gyfe lauch of thaim [etc.] 1463 Aberd. B. Rec. I 26.
The quhilk the saide Thomas reffoysit to do 1471 Acta Aud. 20/1.
The quhilk he refoisit to do(c) 1523–4 Mill Mediæv. Plays 122.
Rafusit(d) 1536 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 76.
Ilk flescheour sall pay yeirlie … xl s. … and gyf thai refuis till tak thame on the price foirsaid [etc.] 1548 Ib. 140.
All sic persouns that ar wairnit to … inqueists … and refuissis to cum, that [etc.] 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 285.
And slew thrie that refuissit to be tane 1615 Edinb. B. Rec. VI 132. 1623 Laing MSS I 159.
Quhilk Callenderyne perceaving refuissed to answer it 1629 Justiciary Cases I 139.
His lordship refuiset to interpone his authoritie thairto 1633 Orkney Witch Trial in Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. V 553.
Bot the said Helein refuisit to drink it 1633 Orkney Bp. Ct. 89.
Ȝe refuisit to come not withstanding ȝe was hir doore neighboure 1640 Aberd. B. Rec. III 201.
Refuise(e) 1588–9 Burntisland B. Ct. 28 Feb.
The said William refeisis and postponis to mak … payment off the … dewtie(f) 1638 Hamilton P. (Camden Soc.) 3.
And refyusis … to pay that deutie which they ooght(g) 1640 Anal. Scot. I 383.
The general and committie sent two letteris, desyring a frie passadge, which … wer refoosit to be ressavit ?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. I 17.
Ministers … silenced … for refoosing to reade the leiturgye(2) 1607 Urie Baron Ct. 11.
In kais that oney of the beyttis keippeyche refwis the skeipper to gayng with hym to the sie salbe punddit(3) 1634 Reid Auchterarder 203.
Oxen beset wi seiknes, quhilk maid thame refuis to tak any meat(4) a1500 Henr. Orph. 285.
Ane apill … fled as it refusit hym to fede 1611-57 Mure Misc. P. ii 65.
Quhill death I wish'd, lyf then refuised to liue me(5) 1661 6th Rep. Hist. MSS 696.
It was neuer refoosed … to lead probation for cliering his innocencie
8. To refuse or deny (a person) opportunity, permission, or consent to do something.Also without infin. compl.1456 Hay I 93/30.
Gif a prince may lefully refus ane othir prince to pas his voyage throu his contre but scathe 1492 Myll Spect. 275/26.
Wemen mycht be tane at sic tymes that thai mycht nocht refus men to haif daill with thame 1513 Doug. iv xii 69.
Quhy hes thou sa far dyspysyt me As to reffus thi systir with thé to wend? —1638 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 130.
His majesties commissioner having craved ane paper … to be red publictlie, being refuised, did … take instruments
9. To deny (something asked or desired) (to a person); to decline to give or grant.(1) 1533 Boece 589b.
Edward … began to exerce new tyranny apone all refussing assistance to the Inglis party 1540 Lynd. Sat. 3422 (Ch.).
Quhat was the caus ȝe refusit harbrie To this … ladie? 1569 Canongate Ct. Bk. 65.
That … the said Thomas Kincaid refuisis and on na wayis will find to thame sufficient cautionaris 1651 Laing MSS I 268.
I desyre him not to refiuse a sight of my papers … to any of the Assembly(2) 1524–5 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 220.
Gif the … baxteris … can preif that thai requirit [fermoraris] to grynd thair … corne … and that the saidis fermoraris refusit the samyn [etc.] 1558-66 Knox I 441.
Sche … refuissed the most humill requeist of the borne counsallouris of the realm a1578 Pitsc. I 79/6. 1596 Dalr. I 209/11.
Quhen thay sie thayr askeng refuset [etc.] 1623 Perth Kirk S. MS 14 May.
The said Margaret maid ane errand com in to seik draff, quhilk wes refuseit 1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. 196.
Seiking redresse for the slaughter … and that some of the principall authors … might be punished. This the Earle of Catteynes doth refuis c1650 Spalding II 208.
He gat no bon-acord drunkin to him in wyne; whidder if it wer refuisit or not offerit, I can not weill tell —1629 Conv. Burghs III 291.
Thair … ships … wer refuised of kettell fisch … for sustentatioun of thair cumpanie
b. With double obj.: To refuse or deny (a person) (something asked or desired); to decline to give. Also, with personal object only, and passive.(1) c1552 Lynd. Mon. 5979.
Quhen saw we thé in presoun ly, Or thé refusit herbery? a1570-86 Maitl. F. 60/174.
He sall thé na gude thing refuis 1638 Spalding I 109.
If the presbitrie refuse thame process, that thay protest aganist there refusearis 1663 Lauderdale P. I 200.
Ther insolensies hes bin great so as to reffyous the minester lodgieng 1674 Laing MSS I 397.
Your Grace … signified your displeasur with me by refuiseing me your hand(2) 1535 Stewart 57802.
This ilk Donald … wald him nocht refuis c1552 Lynd. Mon. 5982, 5986.
Quhen ȝe refusit the puris … Refusand thame, ȝe me refusit 1568 Anderson Collect. Mary IV i 123.
And not to rafuise us or cast away this our reassonaybill and gentle petitioning 1586-7 Rait & Cameron King James's Secret 91.
Adwarteise me … quhat his mageste thinkis to do inkeice he be reffoist in his suit 1600-1610 Melvill 638.
The commissiouneris … desired to be hard but wer refusseit 1612 Orkney & Shetl. Ct. Bk. (ed.) 19.
Beggeris … that … sornis thruch the cuntrey … begging woll [etc.] … and will not be refuissed
10. intr., or absol., in various of the above senses: To make refusal.(a) a1500 Colk. Sow i 334.
Sum futit and sum refusit 1513 Doug. ii x 164.
Plat he reffusys 1522 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 208.
Robert … ansuirit and refusit and said thai wald nocht analie the said land na maner of way 1533 Boece 474b. 1549 Corr. M. Lorraine 317.
I will newyr refws quhill I may lest c1554 Ib. 379.
And thai rafus and gang nocht [etc.] a1578 Pitsc. I 227/25.
Refussed 1596 Dalr. I 339/19.
Thay … obeyet nocht, bot stiflie refuiset and denyet 1603 Rec. Old Aberd. I 33.
Gif thai refuse thai sall pey thairfore fourtie s. of vnlaw 1627 Justiciary Cases I 72.
Admoneished to abstene … and ȝit contempnandlie refuiseand 1629 Hossack Kirkwall 257.
Haveing askit almiss of hir and she refusand 1649 Fam. Seton MS 231.
If the delayer shift or refuis, that they put the letters … to execution against him 1671 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 8 April.
Gif he refuss ordaines the officers to bring him to prissoun(b) 1569 Reg. Privy C. II 11.
The partie grevit sall … desire … amendis; and gif he refeussis sall nocht … seik satisfactioun be his awin … power
11. intr. To refuse aganis, to offer resistance to (the blows of a mallet or mace) by being unmalleable.1494 Loutfut MS 38b.
Mayllets ar maid … to strik and foundre hard thingis ande mordrisis thingis that reffusis aganis thaim